Feed additive for pigs: overview, composition, application, result

Feed additive for pigs: overview, composition, application, result
Feed additive for pigs: overview, composition, application, result

It is possible to get high profits from a pig farm only by providing good conditions for animals. The owners of such a farm should not only equip comfortable, ventilated and clean barns for piglets, but also develop a balanced diet for them.

Pigs bred on the farm, of course, must first of all receive sufficient quality juicy, concentrated and roughage. This applies to both small piglets and animals for fattening or producers. However, in addition to the main food, it is imperative to include various vitamin and mineral feed supplements in the diet of piglets. For pigs, this product is used by both homeowners and farmers.

Modern BMVD
Modern BMVD

What are they used for

Such products are called premixes, they can be used for:

  • improving pig he alth;
  • faster weight gain;
  • feed savings.

In its pure form, protein-mineral-vitamin supplements (PMVD) are rarely given to piglets. ATIn most cases, premixes are mixed in certain amounts with pigs in food. It is recommended to add BMVD to chilled feed for piglets. At high temperatures, the compositions of this variety may lose some of their qualities.

Types of feed additives

Premixes can be used for fattening pigs:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

It can be enzyme preparations or phosphatides, which have stabilizing and anti-inflammatory properties. All feed additives for pigs currently on the market that stimulate the growth of animals are classified into three large groups:

  • contributing to the rapid breakdown of food and its digestion;
  • affecting protein synthesis directly in the tissues of the body of piglets, as well as contributing to a rapid set of muscle mass;
  • enhancing and accelerating the absorption of nutrients in the intestines of animals.

Of course, the additives used by farmers when fattening pigs should not be mutagenic. Also feature of BMVD is that they do not contain chemical components. Some types of such additives not only reduce the fattening period, but also improve the palatability of pig meat.

Most Popular Brands

Premixes for pigs today are produced by many manufacturers. The most popular brands of such a product in our country at the moment are:

  • Porcon;
  • "Purina";
  • Feedlife;
  • "Borka";
  • "Force of Nature".

Later in the article and consider in general terms what each of these supplements are, what composition it has, how it is used, what results can be obtained when using it.

Premix in feed for pigs
Premix in feed for pigs

Product "Porcon": composition and application

BMVD of this brand are produced in the Netherlands. Some farmers refer to this pig feed supplement as "Parkon". However, the correct brand name for this premix is still "Porcon". This quality concentrate can be used for piglets of absolutely any breed groups.

This supplement can be especially useful for fattening pigs. The manufacturer also recommends using it for weaned piglets. The input rates of "Porkon", according to the instructions, should be equal to 10% of the total amount of food offered to piglets.

The composition of the feed additive for pigs of this brand is approximately the following:

  • crude protein - 40%;
  • fiber - 3%;
  • fat - 4%.

Among other things, Porcon BMVD contains such substances useful for the body of pigs as methionine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan. Of course, this product contains both micro and macro elements: calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, as well as vitamins A, E, K.

What can be achieved

Farmers who have ever used "Porcon" for pigs speak of it pretty well. This supplement is recommended by many experienced farm owners to be used without fail, for example, for piglets under the age offive months, including those grown for sale.

Those pigs, which are fed with 10% of this premix, grow and develop much better, do not get sick. The constitution of piglets fed using such a BMVD is strong and gains weight very quickly.

he althy piglet
he althy piglet

What is the composition of the Purina supplement when it is used

This tool is able to fully meet the need of piglets in minerals and vitamins. According to the instructions, the Purina feed additive for pigs is used only if they have already reached the age of 81 days. This BMVD, among other things, includes products such as:

  • vegetable oil;
  • fishmeal;
  • soya and sunflower processed products;
  • limestone flour;
  • antioxidants, etc.

Contains BMW of this brand:

  • protein - 170 g/kg;
  • fat - 30 g/kg;
  • fiber - 40 g/kg.

This pig feed supplement also contains: calcium, lysine, phosphorus, methionine. Contains "Purina", of course, and vitamins of groups A, D3, E.

Results of application

According to farmers, when using this supplement, piglets weighing up to 110-115 kg can be grown in 6 months. Judging by the reviews, the use of BMVD "Purina" contributes to a better assimilation of the proposed food by animals. Accordingly, the farmer has to spend less feed to achieve the same result.

The advantages of this additive, many pig farmers include the fact that itdoes not contain hormones. That is, all piglets receiving it gain quickly, and at the same time their meat is distinguished by high palatability and does not harm the human body.

Useful premixes
Useful premixes

Composition of feed additives for pigs "Feedlife"

BMVD of this brand is produced by the Ukrainian company of the same name. The Feedlife company currently supplies the market with two main types of BMVD for pigs. For example, farmers can purchase an additive of this brand "Start". This BMVD is intended for small piglets weighing from 10 to 25 kg.

Also on sale today are Feedlife Standard supplements designed specifically for pregnant pigs. To get the effect, this BMVD is mixed into the food of animals in an amount of 12%.

The composition of the feed additive for pigs of this brand includes all types of vegetable proteins, mineral components, dairy components. Also, this BMVD contains just a huge amount of vitamins A, E, K, B2, C.

Feedback from farmers

Pig breeders also have a very good opinion about this supplement. The advantages of BMVD Feedlife Standard, of course, are attributed by farmers, first of all, to the fact that the pigs receiving it bring he althy and strong offspring. Additive "Start" allows you to grow large piglets in a short time, and save on feed. Pig breeders also refer to the advantages of this BMVD as its relatively low cost.

What is Borka additive

This BMVD is produced by the domestic company Agrovit. At the moment, Borka is one of the mostpig supplements popular with farmers. It is allowed to give this premix to piglets of any breed weighing from 20 kg. Most often this product is used by farmers for pigs aged 2 months. Of course, you can give this premix to both fattening piglets and producers. Depending on the age of the animal, different dosages of this remedy are simply used.

Premix "Borka"
Premix "Borka"

The Borka feed additive for pigs includes, for example, minerals such as zinc, manganese, copper, and iodine. This premix also contains vitamins A, B, D, E. This supplement is made without the use of hormones and artificial growth stimulants.

Feed benefits

Judging by the feedback from farmers, the proven "Borka" tool actually allows you to shorten the fattening period, increases the average daily weight gain. Also, as the pig breeders note, this supplement just perfectly protects piglets from such common diseases as anemia, rickets, dyspepsia, parakeratosis. Many farmers, among other things, have noticed that this BMVD is able to improve the reproductive functions of boars. For 6 months on this additive, pigs, as consumers note, can be fattened to a weight of 100 kg.

Composition and use of additives "Force of Nature"

These additives are produced by one of the largest Ukrainian companies O. L. KAR. This product is just perfect for feeding piglets for growing. It can be used for animals weighing from 10 kg. Usually, pig producers start giving it to piglets at the age of 4 months. Also, some farmers use"Force of nature" and for spraying the nipples of queens after farrowing. This allows you to strengthen the immunity of the born offspring and reduce the lunge.

This BMVD, among other things, includes such substances useful for the animal organism as s alts of humic acids, fulvic acids, carboxylic and amino acids. Also, feed additives for pigs "Force of Nature" contain calcium, phosphorus, manganese, a large amount of vitamins.

Spraying the nipples
Spraying the nipples

What can be achieved

As farmers say, using this BMVD can significantly save on feed. Pig breeders also attribute the advantages of the “Forces of Nature” to the fact that, among other things, it is able to improve the taste of piglet meat.

Supplemented pigs and boars increase reproduction rates. Also, this product allows, judging by the reviews, to get he althy, well-developed offspring. The advantage of this premix is, of course, its relatively low cost. To date, this is one of the most inexpensive BMVD used by pig breeders in the post-Soviet space.

Pig feeding
Pig feeding

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, there are BMW and other brands on the market today. For example, bio-feed additives for pigs Fidolux, Tecro, Khryusha, etc., deserved very good reviews from farmers. But the premixes discussed above are the most popular among farmers. All these additives have the composition that is most saturated with substances useful for piglets, are relatively inexpensive andvary in availability. Using such BMVD, it is possible to raise strong, he althy pigs in a short time with minimal feed costs.
