Harrow is the most important agricultural tool

Harrow is the most important agricultural tool
Harrow is the most important agricultural tool

Harrow is an agricultural device known to mankind since ancient times. At the moment, there are several types of this tool, divided according to general and special purposes. What it serves for, classification, application rules, as well as a lot of other useful information can be found in this article.

harrow it
harrow it

First appearance of the harrow

A harrow is a tool that appeared during the first method of farming (slash-and-burn). Its essence is deforestation followed by burning of trees, bushes, and turf. The ash was used as fertilizer. Having loosened the earth with a primitive hoe, our ancestors sowed mainly cereals, getting a high yield. In the second year of using the site, it was necessary to apply a more technological method of cultivating the land.

The meaning of the word harrow, as it is understood in the modern world, is agricultural equipment, consisting of a frame with teeth directed vertically. The main purpose is a fine loosening of the soil, which prevents it from drying out, levels, removing weeds. Approximately such a definition of a harrow is given by all dictionaries andencyclopedia.

Our ancestors, realizing the importance of careful care of crops, developed their own methods, even primitive ones. They had 2 types of harrows: smyk and tray. The smyk was split in half short trunks of spruce trees with branches. They bonded with each other. The tray had a more interesting design. This harrow consisted of lime boards. The branches inserted into it played the role of teeth.

Classification of harrows

According to the arrangement of working components, they are divided into tooth, spring, disk. There are light, medium, heavy.

High-quality agricultural work is carried out by using three main mechanical methods: cutting, crushing, mixing. It is necessary to elaborate on each type of harrows, voicing some recommendations for their use.

harrow definition
harrow definition


Working elements (teeth) have a different shape, characterized by a cross section. The most optimal are knife-shaped and flat harrows. The basic principle of the tool is that the sharp edge of the tooth cuts the soil, its side edge crushes and mixes the earth. Therefore, the shape of the part is important. Rectangular, square and round elements, loosening the soil, strongly crush it. This is not observed for knife-shaped and flat teeth. They cut like a wedge, breaking the ground well.

It is worth paying attention to the inclination of the tooth. When placed vertically, the working elements drive particles of earth, roots,which were not strong enough to pull out. As a result, the teeth simply clog, stopping work, as they need to be cleaned.

In a sloping situation, the roots will be pulled to the surface without clogging the fixture.

In modern agriculture of developed countries, a harrow is a highly technological tool. On the one hand, a special shape of the tooth with an inclined setting has been developed. At the same time, special levers allow you to adjust the angle of inclination, adapting to the nature of the cultivated soil.

a harrow is an agricultural implement
a harrow is an agricultural implement


Consists of two main elements: a frame and a mesh fabric. The web links are round steel bars with blunt ends. This type of harrow is used for heavy soil (quicksand, clay). It is convenient when applying the first shoots of crops with a height of up to 25 cm. It makes it possible to cultivate the soil during heavy rains or drought. Keeps moisture reserves well and promotes water balance.

harrow word meanings
harrow word meanings


Divided into heavy and light. The working body is a spherical disk. In light harrows, it has the correct circle shape. Heavy ones have cutouts around the circumference. Several disks are mounted on a square-shaped axis, thereby forming a battery. These batteries are mounted on the frame in two rows at an angle to the direction of travel. Adjusting the angle allows you to dive into the soil at different depths. To increase the depth, in some cases, ballast is used, in the form of boxes. Another way to get more penetration into the soil is to increase the compression of the pressure springs.

A harrow is a necessary tool for agricultural work. Her thoughtful selection from leading producers will not only reduce losses, save time, but also get a good harvest.
