Prospects for the development of poultry farms in the Samara region

Prospects for the development of poultry farms in the Samara region
Prospects for the development of poultry farms in the Samara region

Over the past twenty years, poultry farming in Russia has become a prosperous industry. It is expected that in 2018 the total volume of slaughter weight meat will exceed 4.9 million tons. At the same time, poultry exports are constantly growing and have almost caught up with imports. And all this after the almost complete destruction of the industry in the 90s of the last century. Development followed the path of creating cage poultry farms for the production of chicken meat and eggs.

Modern poultry farm
Modern poultry farm

Today the industry has reached a new level. A nationwide program is being developed, in which a special role is assigned to increasing export potential and creating industrial farms for the production of turkey, goose, and duck meat. Deliveries of more exotic bird species are gaining momentum: guinea fowl, quail, ostrich.

Poultry farming in the Samara region

Samara region has historically played a significant role in the production of agricultural products. Firstly, it is the production of grain and pome crops. A significant share of the market is occupied by the cultivation of cows and milk production. Until recently, large poultry complexes, unfortunately, were not enough. In 2013, the poultry farms of the Samara region produced only 30% of the required volume of meat, the rest was imported from other regions. By 2015, the share of local production increased to 53% and continued to grow at a rate exceeding the national figures. In 2016, the poultry farms of the Samara region supplied 296 thousand tons to the market in the first half of the year.

Samara broiler
Samara broiler

It must be recognized that the industry needs a significant boost. All these years, only Timashevskaya Poultry Farm LLC has been the engine of growth. For a large area with its own food supply, this is absolutely not enough.

Timashevskaya poultry farm

Despite all the difficulties, the lack of financial resources, the imposed sanctions that make it difficult to access new technologies, the government pays great attention to the development of the poultry industry in the region. A new major project is being implemented in the Samara region - the Sergiev Poultry Farm.

Construction of the Sergiev poultry farm
Construction of the Sergiev poultry farm

The construction of a feed mill is underway, which will have an elevator, a workshop for the production of full-fat soybeans. We can already talk about its imminent commissioning.

Work is underway to prepare the production site for the main production of the poultry farm. The Samara region and investors have already invested at least 4.2 billion rubles in the project.

Hatching problems

Sergievskaya projectpoultry farms
Sergievskaya projectpoultry farms

When a new facility is put into operation, poultry farms in the Samara Region will receive a powerful new incentive for further development.

For the sustainable operation of medium and small enterprises, a constant replenishment of the flock with a new bird is necessary. Russia practically does not produce its own highly productive chicken crosses. Almost all hatching eggs to replenish the maternal flock are imported from abroad. This option is available only to large enterprises. The rest work as secondary consumers.

So far, opportunities to increase the production of chicken meat and eggs remain limited. Of the enterprises involved in breeding other types of poultry, only such an exotic organization as the Ostrich Dacha can be noted. Contacts of poultry farms of the Samara region can be found on the official websites of organizations. Enterprises involved in the production of turkey, goose, duck meat are simply absent in the region, apart from small farms.
