Talent management: concept, basic principles, personnel policy and development programs

Talent management: concept, basic principles, personnel policy and development programs
Talent management: concept, basic principles, personnel policy and development programs

Every leader and HR manager should understand that the main resource of any organization is people. Even if the work in the enterprise is more automated, it is simply impossible without human service. Therefore, personnel is the basis of the company.

There are many concepts of personnel management, on the basis of which a certain course of personnel policy is built. How this policy will be implemented depends on the achievement of what goals the organization's activities are aimed at. As a rule, if the enterprise does not develop, the working conditions for the staff will be worse than in the organization that is aimed at doing business successfully. This is due to the fact that the heads of firms in the first case do not consider it necessary to invest a lot of money in personnel, but in the second case it is essential for people to develop themselves and develop the company.

In recent years, the concept of talent management is gaining popularity, which is based on the effective use of staff talent to improvelabor productivity. This article will be devoted to the consideration of just such an approach to human resource management. Next, a detailed description of the enterprise talent management strategy and its basic principles will be presented.

Prerequisites for occurrence

Personnel talent management is a concept that has recently appeared in management. The reason for this was a sharp jump in the economic sphere and the transition from the industrial age to the information age. It was at this point that businesses faced fierce competition in the market.

talent management and talent pool
talent management and talent pool

The leaders of many firms have realized that their main weapon that will help them win the race for profit is talented specialists with original ideas who can do their job well. At this moment, the struggle began for those specialists who would not just adapt to changes, but those who would be able to bring positive changes, give new impetus towards the development and improvement of the company. This moment served the fact that such a concept as talent management appeared in management theory.

Definition of concepts

Before we continue to understand the intricacies of the concept, it is important to define the basic concepts. So, the talent management system is a certain set of human resource management tools that make it possible to most effectively use the potential of employees for the benefit of the organization in which they work.

Thus, we can conclude thatthat this system is designed to increase labor productivity by using the talents of workers.

The importance of talent management in an organization

Such a phenomenon as human talent has always been in the field of view of managers. Many scientists have tried to analyze how effective the approach to personnel management is in terms of developing the employee's potential. Many studies have come down to the fact that management based on the development and use of the personal abilities of workers leads to an improvement in their performance and interest in the common cause. Thus, it becomes clear that the talent management program is not only interesting, but also extremely effective.

talent management training
talent management training

Many managers are aware of the fact that financial incentives alone are not enough for employees to work selflessly for the benefit of the organization. We also need spiritual incentives that would encourage specialists to give themselves to the work process.

The talent management system can solve two problems at once:

  1. Get the employees interested and motivated. When a person is evaluated and those talents that he can realize in the workplace are found in him, he begins to enjoy the labor process. In other words, the employee feels that the company needs him, and it is his talents that other people need.
  2. Increase productivity. It's no secret that a motivated and stimulated employee works much more efficiently. It is the efficiency of the work of the staff that affects the economic well-being of the company.

Works of scientists who influenced the development of talent management

George Coleman argued that social capital is a public good that is created by an individual for personal gain. The followers of the sociologist developed his idea and came to the conclusion that human capital is an attribute that helps a person achieve certain life goals and move up the career ladder. Thus, considering social capital from the point of view of management, we can conclude that the knowledge, skills and talents of a person are needed by an enterprise in the same way as an enterprise is needed by a person for self-realization.

F. Taylor was a proponent of financial incentives. He argued that an employee's salary should increase in proportion to his contribution to the development of the organization. In general, good pay creates favorable working conditions for staff.

personnel talent management
personnel talent management

At the same time, Taylor noted that managers should double stimulate talented employees and constantly search for them in the personnel ranks, and only then work on their further professional development and retention in the organization. Having understood what talent management is and where it came from, you should consider how the tools of this process are used in enterprises.


There are 3 levels of talent management. The table below provides a comparative description of these levels, which will help you understandwhat are their differences in terms of tasks to be solved (object of assessment, impact, career, etc.).

Parameter First level: Talent pool or replacement planning Second Level: Succession Planning Third level: Talent management
Task Risk management Strategic staffing General continuity in development
Result Replacing key positions Development and career plan for high potential employees Systems for developing the talents of all specialists
Periodicity Annually Annually with development plan Always
Career Transition to a higher position, while maintaining the functional features of the labor area Interfunctional, interdivisional and interregional Flexible
Target Main management positions High Potential Employees All employees
Employee relations Consent to the actions of managers Approval of actions of managers Direct participation
Members Leaders Managers Employees, talent managers, executives, etc.
Rating Activities and professional potential Assessing the progress of activities The ability of the staff matters, as well as the contribution to the activities and the results achieved

The table shows that there are many similarities between talent management, talent pool and succession planning. However, all these levels are based on different approaches to staff development.

Succession planning aims to find employees with high potential among the staff, as well as develop them for placement in important positions. Replacement planning involves the selection of individual employees in order to enroll them in the talent pool for replacement of the management team. Talent management, on the other hand, implies the full integration of capacity development throughout the organization.

All these levels have the same goal - to select and develop the potential of employees. However, it can be seen that there is a big difference in approaches to this issue between succession planning, talent pool and talent management.

Who should be in charge of talent scouting and management in the enterprise?

If an enterprise decides to use talent management technologies in its activities, then forFirst you need to understand who to assign this function. So, a prerequisite is that the director (or board of directors) must take responsibility for establishing this process, as well as control and be directly involved in the search and development of personnel.

talent management strategy
talent management strategy

All the main work in this area is performed by employees of the personnel management service. It is worth noting that at the stage of establishing the process it is advisable to hire a talent manager.

In addition to management and HR, line managers are also responsible for activities in this area.

Steps of work

Talent management includes the following stages of work with the organization's personnel:

  1. Attraction. This stage begins with the fact that managers must create the attractiveness of the brand of the enterprise. This point is extremely important, since every person wants to work in an organization that has a good image and reputation. Next, you need to find and select employees for specific positions. As you know, the search for personnel can take place both within the organization (internal), and be aimed at attracting talented specialists from outside (external).
  2. Development of talents. This stage includes not only training of personnel within their professional framework, but also the process of adaptation (if the employee was admitted to the organization for the first time or moved to another position), the development of personal competencies, and so on.
  3. Hold. This is the last and most difficult stage of work with personnel within the framework of the talent management system, since an important task falls on the shoulders of the management - to create all the necessary conditions in the organization that would meet the expectations of the personnel, as well as to develop an effective system of motivation and stimulation of labor activity. The latter plays an important role, since it is motivation that will allow staff to effectively express themselves, realize personal needs and help the organization develop.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the principles that talent management pursues when going through all the above stages of working with employees.


The first and most important principle of talent management in an organization is the consistency of all actions with the overall strategy of the company. Depending on what the organization's strategy is aimed at, personnel policy is also developed. Therefore, it is important to compare all actions precisely with strategies so that they do not go against her.

The second principle states that all measures implemented and actions taken within the framework of talent management methods should not contradict each other. In addition, it is important to follow their sequence. Otherwise, there is a possibility of chaos in personnel matters.

talent management concept
talent management concept

The next, third principle is aimed at embedding the talent management system in the corporate culture of the organization. Another important principle is the support of the system being built withside of leadership. Without the participation of top management, the implementation of tasks in the field of such management is absolutely impossible. Therefore, it is important that top managers interact with the HR department.

The fifth principle is based on the fact that in order to attract and retain talented people in your organization, you need to maintain the employer brand. Each employee must present their management in the best possible light, otherwise you can not count on a dedicated and disciplined staff.

The sixth principle states that the requirements for personnel, as well as the criteria for the selection and selection of personnel, their evaluation and development should be very transparent and open. Each employee must understand that his success depends only on him alone, and he can increase his rating at any time.

The last basic principle is based on the fact that in the process of talent management, staff training should be aimed at optimizing their professional performance. In other words, all knowledge and experience should be applied by the employee in his professional activities and increase the efficiency of the labor process.

Talent programs

After the company has selected and trained specialists who have been awarded the title of talent, management must determine a program to work with them. In general, all programs are aimed at:

  • motivation;
  • competence development;
  • career planning.

It is worth considering an example of the most effective program for working withtalents, which is aimed at the development of specialists. So, initially the company needs to select and determine the most effective employees of the company. To do this, you can use various tools (360-degree assessment, testing, assessment of individual goals, etc.).

Further, the selected participants of the talent development program undergo a development procedure for specific tasks, based on the results of the assessment. Staff development can be:

  1. Vertical (promotion by one step).
  2. Horizontal (e.g. moving a retail manager to a wholesale position).
  3. Expansion of expertise by an employee within the position (possibly in the event of large-scale tasks or scientific activities).

The next stage of the development program is building development plans for employees, taking into account their individual strengths and weaknesses. The minimum development time for one employee is 1 working year.

talent management system
talent management system

After each year, the development of employees is evaluated. If necessary, adjustments are made to the individual program. If the employee does not show any results and does not seek to develop independently, he is excluded from the program.

The final stage of work with talents can be considered the appointment of an employee to an important position (or assignment to serious projects or tasks). Thus, it is possible to form a “star composition” of employees who, in the process of development, will achieve whatwill be able to perform the most difficult tasks for the benefit of the development of the organization.

Possibility of using the system within Russian enterprises

As you know, many enterprises in Russia operate according to a bureaucratic system that pursues a clear hierarchy, division of employees according to functionality and strict adherence to all procedures and rules.

Today, there are those companies that are trying to be more flexible in relation to work in joint projects and specialization of labor. However, bureaucratic schemes remain privileged. It is this approach that does not give enterprises the opportunity to review their personnel policy and introduce the concept of talent development and management into their activities.

talent management technologies
talent management technologies


Familiarizing with such a concept as talent management, we can conclude that this concept is an excellent opportunity for the owners of large companies and departments to select the best personnel. Not all employees are ready to work selflessly in order to be useful and constantly improve themselves, but there are those who, under favorable conditions, can be incredibly useful to the organization and society as a whole. The task of managers is to find them and give them the opportunity to grow professionally.

Talent development management plays a key role in HR management. Therefore, building a proper employee training system plays a big role in this approach to working with personnel.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that motivated andAn employee who is interested in his own work is the most important resource of any company. Therefore, it is important to consider talented specialists among subordinates in time and give them the opportunity to improve their lives through work.