Trainer-teacher: features of work, job description

Trainer-teacher: features of work, job description
Trainer-teacher: features of work, job description

The job description of a trainer-teacher was developed on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It gives the main methodological recommendations in the field of labor, sports and physical culture.


The main purpose of a coach-teacher is to properly organize sports training. At the same time, sports training means a special pre-planned training process, which necessarily includes the participation of pupils in various sports competitions and competitions. Moreover, all activities carried out in such a school must be carried out in accordance with a special program.

trainer teacher
trainer teacher

The trainer-teacher is obliged to adhere to all requirements assigned by state standards.

Proper organization of the training process

Each training session conducted in a group should be carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of all pupils. At the same time, the trainer-teacher must be able to conduct competitions, and take an active part in them himself, organize training camps and camps, and also have experience in refereeing and instructor practice.

Trainer-teacherThe sports school is obliged to monitor the he alth of its pupils and their passage of special medical control.

Job Responsibilities: Job Functions

The trainer-teacher carries out calendar-thematic planning of classes and competitions in accordance with the type and goals of the sports school. At the same time, he must exercise constant medical control over his students. It is very important to know about contraindications to classes or to certain types of exercises.

The trainer-teacher advises pupils and their parents about the course of the educational process. Gives advice as needed.

teacher trainer category
teacher trainer category

A sports coach teaches his students all the basics of physical activity, depending on the sports discipline. For this purpose, various sets of special exercises are made that develop the necessary sports indicators. In this case, not only practice, but also theoretical training should be involved. Constant stories, conversations and lectures will contribute to the comprehensive development.

The instruction of the trainer-teacher also informs that every employee of a sports school must be able to correctly draw up a work plan and stick to it. Also analyze the results of their work and select the best students to participate in important sports competitions.

Necessary knowledge to work with pupils

Each sports school coach should have the following knowledge to work with his students:

  • general rules of theirdiscipline;
  • competition rules;
  • basic requirements for sports equipment and equipment;
  • determination of training volumes for certain types of competitive training;
  • psychological, physical and age characteristics of their pupils;
  • age pedagogy and psychology;
  • complexes of exercises that form students as harmoniously developed personalities.

Required Skills

Being a trainer-teacher implies the following skills:

  • the ability to identify the goals and motives of students who came to a sports school, as well as at every stage of sports competitions;
  • ability to follow the general discipline;
  • the ability to draw up a training and competitive plan and use them;
  • to interest students not only in physical exercises, but also in stories and lectures about this sport;
trainer sports school teacher
trainer sports school teacher
  • each coach-teacher should be able to explain the essence of all exercises simply and clearly;
  • the ability to use sports equipment and exercise equipment, if necessary;
  • notice any malfunctions of existing equipment and monitor the safety of the conditions in which pupils train;
  • the ability to correctly and consciously select athletes for competitions;
  • participate in the judicial process, as well as determine its fairness;
  • the ability to increase the motivation of students and develop the will to win;
  • the ability to follow safety rules, as well as simply and clearly explain this to students.

Responsibilities implied by this position

It should be borne in mind that the activity of a teacher-trainer implies some responsibility. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to some aspects of the profession. The sports school teacher is always responsible for:

  • he alth and life of all involved;
  • violation of all kinds of discipline;
  • improper implementation of state standards for a particular sport;
  • failure to fulfill the required amount of annual work: holding competitions, appraisal of students;
  • disrespect for the rights of pupils;
  • using the wrong methods of education (especially those associated with any kind of violence against the personality of the student);
  • suspected of corruption;
teacher trainer qualifications
teacher trainer qualifications
  • raising funds for the needs of a sports school without the consent of the director and other leaders;
  • propaganda of any religion, violence, cruelty and racism;
  • any other actions incompatible with the laws of the Russian Federation.


Special qualification of coaches-teachers is one of the main conditions for proper sports and educational work with students. Depending on the type of sports activity and training, the coach must have a secondary or higher education. Also, to improve this activityA minimum of three years of coaching experience is required. If the teacher does not have the relevant experience, but has an assigned rank from a candidate of sports and above, in this case he can conduct coaching activities.

Certification of trainers-teachers is an important and necessary procedure carried out every three years to determine the level of knowledge and skills of sports school employees, as well as to improve their qualifications.

Distribution of working hours

This type of activity involves a shortened work week. The maximum amount of working time is thirty-six hours per week. At the same time, the study schedule is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of a particular educational institution by the administration itself. It is very important to take into account the age and psychological characteristics of students.


Each coach-educator is en titled to:

  • giving him a job with the signing of an employment contract;
  • getting a job that meets all state and legal standards;
  • receiving timely and correct pay;
teacher trainer job description
teacher trainer job description

getting paid vacations and sick days

Every person associated with coaching and teaching activities, when applying for a job, has the right to receive complete reliable information regarding working conditions. In this case, their own coaching methods of teaching students can be used. It is also allowed to recertify and receive a higher rank.

Generalprovisions for certification of trainers-teachers

All-Russian sports organizations recommend regular re-certification of coaches-teachers to assign a special category.

The category of coach-teacher is determined by the federation of a particular sport. At the same time, the requirements of the international organization are taken into account. This certification is voluntary. The main goal of state certifications is to encourage trainers-teachers to better professional activities. Each exam helps employees of sports institutions improve their level, as well as learn about new modern methods and technologies that are being developed in our time.

When passing certification, a coach-teacher can be assigned a certain national level: the first, second or highest category, as well as the Olympus category.

Preparation for certification

The category of a coach-teacher is assigned upon passing a special national certification, which is carried out within the time frame determined by the sports federation, taking into account international requirements.

sports instructor coach
sports instructor coach

At the same time, each exam for a certain level is held once every four years. Before passing each certification, an employee of a sports organization must submit an application to a special commission. Each application is submitted through the employer.

The Commission may reject the application in the following cases:

  • wrong information given in documents;
  • coach-teacher is sanctioned for anti-doping rule violations;
  • an employer may not accept an application if the submitter has an outstanding disciplinary statement.

Attestation commission

To carry out the correct attestation of trainers-teachers, it is recommended to create special attestation commissions, the main activity of which is meetings. Each of them should consist of a chairman, deputy, secretary and members of the commission. At the same time, the chairman himself has the right to determine the procedure for attestation.

A set of requirements for the personality of a coach

The profession of coach-educator has some personal requirements.

Physical Qualities: The coach must be in good he alth and endurance, and have a loud, resonant voice.

Neuro-psychic qualities: the ability to correctly distribute one's attention, while maintaining its concentration; resistance to external stimuli and patience; good logical thinking, memory and imagination.

Volitional qualities: the ability to set a goal and achieve it, patience, the ability to bear responsibility, the ability to control oneself in any situation, and also have the talent to influence others.

certification of trainers of teachers
certification of trainers of teachers

A high-level coach-teacher is able to distinguish himself favorably with his sports, pedagogical and personal qualities, as well as the desire to share his skills and love for children. Such people have a constant desire to learn and improve themselves.

One of the most important criteria for a teacher is the ability to bring creativity into their work. This will help to interest the students and diversify the training process.


Trainer-teacher is a very important, difficult and responsible profession. In order to become a successful and qualified employee of a sports institution, you need to be a strong, well-developed personality. At the same time, a person who has chosen this profession must have a desire to constantly improve, as well as teach and love children.

A coach must constantly reach new heights not only in the professional field, but also in the spiritual one, and pass on his qualities to the students.

A highly qualified coach-teacher is not only an employee of a sports institution, but also a smart responsible teacher, mentor, doctor and friend for his pupils. Combining all the qualities of a teacher and a good person, you can become a true professional in your field. The reward for this will be not only medals of students for sports achievements, but also the formation of successful, intelligent, he althy and harmoniously developed personalities.

With the right approach to business, as well as with an incredible desire to teach and learn, a trainer-teacher can reach unprecedented heights in his work.
