In which case income tax is 13%?

In which case income tax is 13%?
In which case income tax is 13%?

In which case income tax is 13%? Many are accustomed to believing that this is exactly what personal income tax should be. However, tax rates can range from nine to 35 percent. What does the law say about this?

What income is taxed?

All income received by an individual is subject to taxation, namely:

  • from the sale of property;
  • from renting out property;
  • income from any winnings (for example, in the lottery).

Also subject to taxation are other incomes, which include wages.

income tax
income tax

How much and to whom to pay

In which case, income tax is 13 percent of wages? In this case, the type of income itself plays a role, and whether the citizen is a resident of the country.

There are three rates for residents:

  • 9 %;
  • 13%;
  • 35%.

Nine percent rate is relevant for bond yields, 35% for winnings. And in whatcases, income tax is 13%? It is relevant for deductions from wages and remuneration for any activity.

It should be noted that non-residents of a country are considered to be persons who have lived in its territory for less than 183 days. For them, rates of 15 and 30 percent are determined - for dividends and income from any activity, respectively.

How is payroll tax calculated?

To calculate the payroll tax, the accrual amount must be multiplied by 13%. After all, income tax is 13% of the salary. But even here there are some nuances.

For example, many categories of persons enjoy tax deductions that reduce the size of the taxable base. These include combatants, parents of minor children or those whose children study in the daytime department, as well as disabled people of the first and second groups.

Also, many use the property deductions that are due after buying an apartment. In this case, the amount of the deduction is subtracted from the accruals, and 13% is already taken from the remaining amount.

Material assistance is also taken into account. According to the law, the amount of less than 4000 rubles is not taxed. But here it is the cumulative total that is taken into account. That is, it is necessary to add up all the amounts of material assistance from the beginning of the calendar year.

income tax is 13 of the salary
income tax is 13 of the salary

In what cases is the income tax 13 percent? This figure is relevant for residents of the country. At this rate, it is mainly wages that are taxed. Check amounttax can be done on your own. To do this, it is enough to calculate your tax base, for which, in turn, accruals, material assistance, and tax deductions are taken into account.
