When and how to water cucumbers

When and how to water cucumbers
When and how to water cucumbers

Cucumbers are very demanding on moisture. Rainfall is usually not enough for their good growth and fruiting. The reason is that the underdeveloped roots of these plants are located close to the surface, and the top layer of the earth dries out quickly.

Lack of rain and infrequent watering are the reasons for dropping flowers and ovaries. Many ugly, tasteless and bitter fruits appear among the fruits, they quickly turn yellow.

how to water cucumbers
how to water cucumbers

How to water cucumbers - tips for gardeners

Cucumber is a tropical plant, in addition to high humidity, it also loves warmth. Therefore, in cold weather, cucumbers should not be watered. This can provoke a process such as rotting of the roots, which do not absorb moisture well.

During different periods of growth, cucumber requires watering of varying intensity. Watering cucumbers after planting is not required at all, even if seedlings are planted. The first watering of seedlings is carried out after two or three days with warm water. Young plants in the garden before the flowering period, a moderate amount of moisture is sufficient. They need to be watered about once every 4-5 days. Increasing watering will lead to lush leaf growth and will slow downbeginning of flowering.

When the ovary appeared, watering should be increased. It should be most abundant during the fruiting period, about once every 2-3 days.

drip irrigation of cucumbers in the greenhouse
drip irrigation of cucumbers in the greenhouse

It is very important to know how to water cucumbers correctly

When watering cucumbers, you need to use only warm water, giving it time to settle and warm up in the sun. It is best to water in the evening, but with the expectation that the leaves dry out by night. On cold nights, cucumbers should be watered in the morning. Do not water when the sun is hot - this will cause burns on the leaves of plants.

Cucumbers should be watered very carefully, best of all with a watering can with a special sprayer. By arranging rain from a watering can, you thereby increase the humidity of the air near the plants. It is not recommended to use a hose or bucket, because you can damage the root system of the plant and compact the soil very much. By the way, so that after watering a crust does not form, and the earth absorbs water better, it is recommended to loosen the soil. A second method of watering is also possible. Water pours from a watering can without a strainer into small grooves in the aisle. After that, the soil can be mulched with straw or dry grass. So it's not that hard to answer the question of how to water cucumbers.

Irrigation rate is 25 liters of water per 1 sq. m. of land. On hot days, when it is very dry, it is good to do a refreshing watering, reducing the amount of water for irrigation by 2-3 times.

It is recommended to use drip irrigation for cucumbers in the greenhouse. To do this, you can purchase a special system, andsome craftsmen make it themselves from improvised means. So, drip irrigation is carried out through a perforated hose, using a drip irrigation tape or wick (connection with water using a cloth strip), etc.

watering cucumbers after planting
watering cucumbers after planting

From folk experience

To create high humidity between the grooves in which cucumbers grow, you can place containers with water. You can get a greater effect if you infuse a “nutritional cocktail” in these containers: burdock, nettle, dandelion leaves, add manure or chicken droppings. The benefit is twofold: both evaporation occurs, and the “cocktail” can be used for feeding, it is only necessary to dilute it in a ratio of not less than 1:10.

Using the drip irrigation method for watering cucumbers, you can use plastic bottles with top dressing, or you can use a hose with holes. In the first case, holes are made in the lower part of the bottle, up to 2 liters (for example, with a red-hot nail). The cap is then unscrewed and the bottom of the bottle is buried between the cucumbers. A weak solution of top dressing should always be present in the bottle, for this it must be topped up periodically.

If you know how to water cucumbers correctly, you can always count on a good harvest.
