How to find out where the package is from Aliexpress: track number, services, delivery methods and time

How to find out where the package is from Aliexpress: track number, services, delivery methods and time
How to find out where the package is from Aliexpress: track number, services, delivery methods and time

Many people know that the Internet offers great opportunities. Buying through certain services, you can decently save your savings. One of the most popular online stores in the world and Russia is Aliexpress. Some often resort to his services, others are still afraid, believing that the parcel may not come at all what they ordered, others do not know that it is possible to track parcels from China. Aliexpress is one of the largest marketplaces.

how to find out where the package is with aliexpress
how to find out where the package is with aliexpress

Before you buy

In order to make a purchase on the Aliexpress website, you should register there. After that, you will have a personal account, through which you will own all the information related to your orders, funds, settings. In himyou can track packages from Aliexpress, as well as correspond with other participants.

An important point of your personal account is the possibility of opening a dispute if the package did not arrive, was damaged during the delivery process or does not match the description. As a result, you can return the full amount of funds spent without returning the goods.

Tracking parcels with aliexpress
Tracking parcels with aliexpress

Track number

To answer the question of how to find out where the parcel from Aliexpress is, you need to find its track number. After the goods are sent by the seller, each parcel is assigned a special code, through which the location is tracked.

Track numbers may differ in appearance. The location check service and its convenience will depend on this. This number can be international, and then it is possible to trace the movement from the origin center to the receiving point. There are such tracks that can be traced only in the territory of the sender's country, i.e. China. There may not be an update on the movement of the package, but this does not mean that the package has not been sent, although you do not understand how to find out where the package is from Aliexpress.

Tracking parcels from china aliexpress
Tracking parcels from china aliexpress

Tracking Services

These are sites that provide information on the movement of goods. Tracking parcels from Aliexpress takes place through different platforms: international ones allow you to track the movement on the territory of any of the countries, others have a limited coverage area. Howas a rule, there is a tracking service in your personal account against the sent goods: it’s good if it is “China Post” (China Post).

There are such services that cannot be accessed on the territory of our country, the page opening is blocked. The official websites of the mail of different states show information on the movement of parcels exclusively on their territory, when the goods are moved to another country, further tracking must be done on the website of the mail of the state where it arrived.

There are also universal services that provide information about the movement from the point of departure to the destination. They are now available in abundance.

Before you find out where the package is from Aliexpress, you must enter the track number in a special line and click the "track" button (or something similar). After that, complete information on the movement of goods with date, time and location will appear.

How long does an aliexpress package take?
How long does an aliexpress package take?

If the package information cannot be found

In some cases, it is not possible to trace where the goods are, that is, there is no information at all, and the buyer does not know where the shipment is. In the personal account it is indicated that the parcel has been sent, but it is not known where it will come and whether it will arrive. In this case, you do not need to be upset and believe that the money is gone. If the parcel has been sent, then it must arrive. When the buyer's support period ends, and the product is not yet available, write to the seller and he will extend the support time.

Usually, such parcels arrive at the addressspecified when sending, and not by mail, which turns out to be even more convenient.

Post office. Tracking parcels with aliexpress
Post office. Tracking parcels with aliexpress

Methods and time of parcel delivery

How long does an Aliexpress package take? This is one of the most important questions buyers ask. In the process of searching for the necessary product, you can choose delivery methods, there are at least two of them. Free shipping is the most popular among retailers. It is good because you do not have to pay an additional amount for mail services, but the delivery time in this case can take up to two months. For many, this is quite acceptable, because basically the waiting time is delayed by a month.

The second option is paid delivery, which can be provided by several companies. They involve tracking packages from China (Aliexpress). The advantage of this option is speed. The product will be delivered to the specified address in a few days. However, you will have to pay a tidy sum for such pleasure. Often it will be higher than the cost of the product itself. That is why it is mainly used by wholesalers or those who need the package urgently.

Parcel delivery from China
Parcel delivery from China

Russian Post

Tracking parcels from Aliexpress across the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out using the Russian Post service, if the track number is in the international format. Otherwise, generic services are used. Delivery time will depend on your location and distance from major cities. If this is Moscow, Yekaterinburg,St. Petersburg, the parcel will arrive a week or two faster than if the address were any regional center or a small village in the outback.

Parcel delivery from China
Parcel delivery from China

As a result, the question of how to find out where the package is from Aliexpress is not so difficult. If you wish, you can find all the information about moving a parcel from China. And finally, one piece of advice: look for sellers who send parcels via China Post, because. this type of shipment will make it possible to conveniently track from departure to destination.
