How old can teenagers work and where?

How old can teenagers work and where?
How old can teenagers work and where?

Many teenagers are thinking about choosing their future profession. Some people already want to get a job. But most do not know how old you can work.

According to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, everyone who is 14 years old can start

How old do you have to be to work
How old do you have to be to work

work, but without a contract. It requires the consent of one of the parents or guardianship authorities. The maximum that you can earn is 5000 rubles per month.

Besides this, there are time limits. Teenagers should not work more than 3-4 hours a day. Another restriction for 14-year-olds: it is impossible to work in areas related to money. Thus, the vacancies of cashiers, postmen are closed for them. Among the available - posting ads, couriers, promoters. The latter profession is especially popular among young people. It is not uncommon to see groups of teenagers offering promotional flyers inviting them to attend an event.

Then at what age can you work in commercial areas? The same labor code gives a clear answer: from the age of 16. Moreover, upon reaching this age appears

From what agechildren can work
From what agechildren can work

Xia the opportunity to conclude a contract. The teenager becomes almost a full-fledged worker. The time limit is still not removed. It only slightly increases to 5-6 hours. But the salary increases significantly. It rises above the cost of living by 2000-3000 rubles. It turns out already 8000. Very good for minors.

But there is a job for which the question of how old you can work is irrelevant. Children can start earning their own wages very early. How? Go buy food for the elderly living in the neighborhood, help them with household chores. A penny of gratitude will fall. You can also offer help to very busy people. They will also be happy if someone helps them with cleaning, stand in line at the notary, take the documents. It is only important to take the initiative.

How old do you have to be to work on the Internet? This question can be firmly answered: from any conscious person. No wonder the news showed a 13-year-old teenager who earned his first million on the Global Network. There are many income opportunities on the Internet: creating your own website, writing articles, the stock market. All you need is free time. And young people have enough of it.

How old do you have to be to work at McDonald's?
How old do you have to be to work at McDonald's?

Also, many are concerned about the question of how old you can work at McDonald's. This world-famous company provides employment opportunities for teenagers from 16 years old. At the same time, young people receive free food and a very decentsalary. In addition, many people aspire to work in this field, because it can be a good start for a successful career.

How old you can work - today is a very popular question. Most young people are looking for a job. Someone gets an unofficial job, others get on the job exchange, others open their own small business: repair and tailoring, making wood crafts. You just need to have the desire.
