How to send a registered letter correctly

How to send a registered letter correctly
How to send a registered letter correctly

Sometimes there is a need to transfer important information or documents to another person. You can send by registered mail, it is safe and fast. It is guaranteed to reach the addressee, will be handed over personally against receipt, and the sender will receive a receipt. Consider the following questions: how to send a registered letter? What is needed for this and how to do it right?

Types of postal items

There are several types of postal items. The first is open letters, the easiest way, but not very reliable.

how to send a registered letter
how to send a registered letter

Any post office employee can see the information. They are sent without an envelope, just folded, which is why they got such a name (they are also called “postcards”).

The second one is regular letters. The most famous and common type of mail for many people, they are put into an envelope and sent. But the guarantee of data safety during transfer is also small.

The third type is registered letters. They are issued for sending personally by the author at any post office. Deliveredat the address and handed directly into the hands of the addressee or he will be invited to the post office to receive the order. This type of sending is the most reliable, convenient and safe. If you do not know how to send a registered letter, you can contact the department to the specialists who will help you to issue it correctly.


It is important to know the requirements for registered mail. The maximum weight should be no more than 100 grams, dimensions - from 110220 mm to 229324 mm. If the attachment will be of a small weight (for example, 50 grams), then a regular format envelope will do.

how to quickly send a registered letter
how to quickly send a registered letter

If the weight or size is larger, you should contact the specialists of the post office. The staff will help you choose the appropriate envelope and tell you in detail how to send a registered letter. Delivery must be in tightly sealed and properly formatted envelopes.

A registered letter is accompanied by an acknowledgment of receipt, which requires completion and is attached to the back of the envelope. All size and weight requirements must be met. If they do not meet the standards, then it will be impossible to send by mail, the letter will simply be returned to the sender. The procedure itself is simple, you can immediately understand how to quickly send a registered letter. No special skill is required for this.


A common type of postal item is registered mail with notification. It's safe and secure. You need to contact the post office, buy the right envelope and stamps.

howwrite a letter correctly
howwrite a letter correctly

Then it's time to start signing it. You must specify the full address and full name. addressee (recipient). On the lines reserved for the data of the addresser (sender), the corresponding details are entered. The envelope is carefully sealed. A mark is also put that the letter is issued with a notification. It can be of several types: simple or valuable, cash on delivery or custom.

The next step is to complete the notification itself. On the one hand, the address and name of the addressee are indicated, on the other - the addressee. Post office staff will then carefully affix the notice to the envelope so that all details are visible. The main thing is to know how to send a registered letter correctly, because the initial result will depend on this. When it is delivered to the specified recipient, the notification will be sent back (it must be retained as it is a supporting document).

How to send a registered letter so that it finds the addressee exactly? A stamp is glued on the designated place on the envelope and given to a specialist for weighing. After the procedure, you will be told how much you need to pay for the services. Be sure to wait for the receipt, as it contains complete information about the shipment. The type, date and time of sending, the weight of the letter and the name of the employee, address and full name are indicated. recipient, letter barcode.

Tracking the path of a registered letter

how to find a sent registered letter
how to find a sent registered letter

If you have a question about how to find a sent registered letter, we note that now it is easytrack its movement. After paying for the service, the person who sent the message receives a fourteen-digit number. Then you need to find the Russian Post website, it says in detail how to track the path of your registered letter using a barcode. Of course, you will need to wait for some time until the notification arrives. The delivery process can be shortened by air delivery or first class shipping.

If something becomes incomprehensible during the process, the employees working in the department will help you figure out how to send a registered letter.
