Super-early grape varieties: overview, features, list and reviews

Super-early grape varieties: overview, features, list and reviews
Super-early grape varieties: overview, features, list and reviews

Grapes have recently become an unusually popular culture among Russian summer residents. Breeders have bred many frost-resistant varieties of this plant. And therefore, summer residents of the cold regions of Russia also got the opportunity to grow grapes. Home plantations of this crop today can be seen not only in the southern regions of the country or the central, but also in the Urals, and even in Siberia.

And of course, ultra-early grape varieties are simply very popular among domestic summer residents. Clusters of such vines do not need a long warm season to ripen. And therefore, when planting them, even summer residents from regions with a short summer can harvest a good harvest.

Below, the reader will be presented with an overview of very early grape varieties suitable for cultivation in Russia. On the territory of our country, hybrids of this culture can be cultivated, bred both by domestic breeders and, for example, Moldovan, Latvian, Ukrainian.

Growing early grapes
Growing early grapes

Early grape benefits

In addition to the ability to harvest in cold regions, the advantages of these hybrids include resistance to mildew. By the time this dangerous and widespread disease begins to march through the plantations, ultra-early grape varieties often have time to bear fruit. And consequently, the gardener does not bear any losses due to mildew.

Another absolute advantage of ultra-early grapes is that birds rarely peck at it. Since these varieties have been developed relatively recently, many birds simply do not expect that the clusters may already be ripe and do not arrive on plantations.

Are there any disadvantages

There are practically no minuses in ultra-early grape varieties. Their only drawback is not too large clusters and berries. Often, brushes on such vines even look somewhat unpresentable. However, in terms of taste, ultra-early grapes are practically in no way inferior to ordinary ones.

Best varieties

Varieties of such grapes were actually bred by breeders a lot. Just excellent reviews from gardeners deserved, for example, such ultra-early varieties of this crop as:

  • "attica";
  • "zilga";
  • "Libya K";
  • "codryanka";
  • "muscat red extra early";
  • "muscat white extra early";
  • "elegant extra early".

Features of Attica grapes

The fruits of this variety ripen in suburban areas usually already on the 110th day from the moment of bud break. "Attica" belongs to the group of table seedless varieties. It is believed that this ultra-early grape variety is well suited for the Moscow region and other regions of central Russia.

The bushes of this hybrid are strong, and the leaves are pubescent. Experienced gardeners advise cutting this variety in such a way that there are no more than 5 eyes on each shoot. In the first fruiting on the vines of the "attica" gardeners usually leave 8 clusters. Each of them subsequently can reach a weight of up to 1 kg. The pulp of the berries of this variety is crispy and dense. It has a sweet, harmonious taste.

Super early variety Attica
Super early variety Attica

Reviews about Attica grapes

Gardeners have a very good opinion about this variety. Summer residents especially praise the taste of attica berries. The pulp of this grape, judging by the reviews, tastes like cherries or chokeberries.

When harvesting "attica" experienced gardeners are always advised to try the berries. The fact is that outwardly ripe fruits of this variety can have hard and tasteless pulp. After the attica berries turn purple, many gardeners advise to wait some more and let them ripen and gain juiciness.

Zilga grapes: distinctive features

This frost-resistant hybrid was bred in the middle of the last century by the Latvian breeder Sukatnieks. For the middle lane, the ultra-early zilga grape variety fits very well. This hybrid is often grown in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region. Also, this variety in Russia feels great in Siberia and the Urals. Clusters of "zilgi" usually ripen already on the 102-108th day afterbud break.

The berries of this variety have an oval shape and a dense skin. Therefore, zilgi clusters tolerate transportation well and can be stored for quite a long time. The weight of the brush of this variety can reach 300-400 grams. At the same time, they have a dense, neat structure.

The flesh of this grape is jelly-like. Her taste is sweet, tart. Zilgi berries left on the bushes after harvest usually do not rot, but dry and turn into raisins.

Reviews about the variety

The main advantage of "zilga" grapes, summer residents consider, of course, its ability to endure winters well. According to the statements of breeders, this grape does not freeze out at temperatures down to -25 ° C. However, many gardeners note that in their plots "zilga" tolerates frosts down to -37 ° C.

Zilga grapes
Zilga grapes

The taste of the berries of this variety is also considered by many growers to be very pleasant. As some gardeners note, in this regard, the Zilga grape is similar to Isabella, which is popular in Russia.

This variety is considered resistant to mildew, oidium and gray rot. However, experienced gardeners still advise to carry out preventive spraying when growing it in unfavorable years.

Features of "Libya K"

This newest ultra-early grape variety, registered in Russia in 2014, also belongs to the frost-resistant group. You can grow "Livia K" in almost all regions. However, when buying seedlings of this variety, it is important not to make a mistake. The fact is that breeders bred another variety with a similar name -"Libya". The characteristics of this hybrid are almost the same as those of "Livia K". However, at the same time, it does not differ in frost resistance. It can be grown only in the south of Russia.

The grapes "Livia K" ripen already on the 105th day. Its berries have a pleasant pink-yellow color. The clusters of this variety are quite large, dense. In the southern regions, they can reach a length of up to 25 cm. The taste of the berries of this hybrid is pleasant, sweet with a hint of nutmeg.

Reviews about "Libya K"

To the advantages of this hybrid, summer residents primarily attribute the excellent taste of its berries. The pulp of the fruits of this grape, judging by the reviews of gardeners, is very juicy, sweet and fragrant. She has no astringent taste at all.

There are practically no negative reviews about the ultra-early grape variety "Livia K". Gardeners consider some of the disadvantages of this hybrid to be that it is quite demanding to care for. All agrotechnical standards for its cultivation must be observed exactly. Also, this grape is considered not too resistant to mildew. Preventive spraying on its plantings should be carried out regularly and annually.

What is Kodryanka grapes

This variety was bred by Moldovan breeders. It is a grape "Kodryanka" a very complex interspecific super-early hybrid. Its berries ripen approximately on the 110th day after bud break.

The bushes of this variety are strong, vigorous. Its berries are distinguished by an elongated shape and purple color. The flesh of the "codryanka" is quite dense, juicy. Taste uthe berries of this grape are pleasant, with sourness, without frills.

Grapes Kodryanka
Grapes Kodryanka

Opinion of summer residents about "codryanka"

Excellent reviews from gardeners grapes of this variety deserved for the high yield and transportability of bunches. Also, summer residents attribute resistance to various diseases to the advantages of "kodryanka". Gardeners recommend preventive spraying on plantings of "kodryanka" only in unfavorable years.

This variety belongs to the group of frost-resistant. It is allowed to grow it, including in the Urals and Siberia. However, for the winter, experienced winegrowers advise to cover the "kodryanka" all the same. Berries of this variety are suitable, according to summer residents, only for fresh consumption. Most gardeners do not recommend making juices or wine out of "codryanka"

Variety "muscat red super early"

This hybrid was also bred in Moldova. The berries on the bushes of the grape variety "muscat red super early" can ripen already on the 95th day after bud break. The clusters of this variety are small. They reach weight in 300-400 g. The berries of "red nutmeg" outwardly resemble the fruits of the "cardinal" variety. But at the same time, they differ in smaller sizes.

The bushes of this variety can be strong or medium-sized. Clusters when grown on "muscat red" growers distribute in such a way that they account for 1-1.3 kg per bush. The shoots of this hybrid have a bright brown color. The leaves of this grape are round and small. Pruning "muscat red" gardeners spend on 6-8 eyes. At the same time, 40-50 of them are left on the bush.

Reviews about "Red Muscat"

The gardeners' opinion about this variety is also just excellent. Summer residents consider the main advantage of this grape to be the very pleasant taste of the pulp. It is sweet in the berries of the variety and has a pronounced nutmeg flavor. Summer residents also refer to the advantages of this hybrid as good transportability of bunches.

Muscat red extra early
Muscat red extra early

In terms of frost resistance, this variety, according to gardeners, surpasses many varieties of grapes known today. At least in the central regions of Russia, he endures harsh winters, judging by the reviews, very well. But experienced summer residents still advise sheltering him in the fall.

Gardeners consider some disadvantage of "muscat red super early" not too high resistance to mildew. Prevention on plantings of this grape should be carried out annually. Gray rot, judging by the reviews of gardeners, this variety is almost never infected.

Muscat White Extra Early

This grape belongs to the group of technical varieties. That is, you can use its berries, if desired, including for making wine. Sugar in the fruits of this hybrid can accumulate up to 25%.

The clusters of grapes of the "muscat white extra early" variety do not grow too large. Their average weight is 350 g. This grape can be grown only in the southern regions of Russia. This variety does not belong to the group of frost-resistant.

Reviews about "white muscat"

The advantages of this variety are primarily high yields and excellenttaste qualities of fruits. For the preparation of juices and wine, the berries of the "very early white muscat", according to most gardeners, are just perfect.

Muscat white extra early
Muscat white extra early

The shortcomings of this grape gardeners refer primarily to his whimsical. Growing "white nutmeg" is recommended only for fairly experienced gardeners in this matter.

Description of the grape variety "elegant extra early"

This wonderful variety, popular with gardeners, was bred by Russian breeders. The berries on the "elegant ultra-early" ripen in late July - early August. The clusters of this grape, like most other varieties of the group, grow small. Their weight is 300-400 g.

The berries of the elegant extra early grape variety have a pleasant yellow-green color. At the same time, they differ in size quite large. Their weight in some cases can reach 7 grams. The taste of elegant berries is pleasant, sweet-sour, nutmeg. The skin of the fruits of the variety is dense, elastic, but not crispy. The brushes of the "elegant ultra-early" are loose.

Opinions of gardeners about the hybrid

Gardeners attribute the advantages of this ultra-early grape variety, first of all, to the good keeping quality of the bunches. It is usually not necessary to rush to harvest the "elegant". Ripe bunches of this variety can hang on the branches after ripening for more than a month and at the same time completely retain their presentation. This feature of the hybrid is appreciated, of course, first of all by those summer residents who do not have the opportunity to come to their sites too often.

Elegant super early
Elegant super early

Reviews about grape varieties "elegant extra early" are good also because it has a high degree of frost resistance. Also, this grape, as noted by many gardeners, just tolerates heat and drought.
