Technical support is real creativity

Technical support is real creativity
Technical support is real creativity

Technical support of events is a whole complex of interrelated processes and elements used during a concert or mass celebration. The main task of specialists in this field is to ensure the correct location and operation of stage structures, sound, light, video projectors, etc. Technical support is considered a complex task, the success of which can only be achieved with the coordinated work of the entire team of professionals solving it.

technical support
technical support

Firstly, it is necessary to correctly mount the entire complex of stage structures that are required for a spectacular and full-fledged show. At this stage, the technical support includes the installation of towers for sound equipment, control rooms, structures for hanging screens, decorations, banners, billboards, stretch marks. In order to do all this, it is necessary to correctly (taking into account the composition of the equipment, the power of the equipment, the surrounding space) plan the location of all of the above. And given the fact that the venues for various shows are constantly changing, it is not easy to fully and accurately take into account all the nuances.

technical support of events
technical support of events

In this regard,technical support is a creative process, and even more - an art. If you do something wrong, the viewer will definitely notice. One of the most important goals, the achievement of which must guarantee the technical support, is high-quality sound. It should be clean, powerful and fit harmoniously into the surrounding space. Sound portals can be of two types: for floor sound and for line array. If a covered stage is used, then suspension rulers supported by two additional posts can be used. The height and horizontal location of acoustics, its power, frequency range must be planned in advance by sound specialists. Without this, editing never starts.

technical support is
technical support is

Technical support includes the installation of a control room (booths where the workstations of the lighting director and sound engineer are placed). As a rule, it is placed in front of the stage at a distance of 20-25 m. Often it is placed on several levels, and video equipment, driving spotlights, etc. are installed on top of it. Of no small importance in this matter is the installation of fences, devices and communications for the supply and distribution of electricity on the site, power barriers, auxiliary structures (tents, awnings). Additionally, at the request of event organizers, equipment for a laser show can be installed, light decoration of the entire area for festivities can be made.

At the same time, one of the factors that significantly complicate all this is the short deadlines for the production of all works. Withoutthoughtful organization of logistics, clear planning, the installation of the necessary equipment may be at risk. In addition, a certain sequence of all work must be observed, since the installation of some structures can only follow after others have been put in place. It is also necessary to take into account the energy possibilities: will the available capacities be enough, how to provide additional power. And we must not forget that all expensive equipment must be protected from theft and vandalism.
