Company "Beeline": feedback from employees about work

Company "Beeline": feedback from employees about work
Company "Beeline": feedback from employees about work

Today we will talk with you about working at Beeline. The opinions of employees differ in many respects. There are many different factors that affect the testimony of employees. Including the geographical location of mobile offices. Indeed, in some regions, any work may seem like a real hell. Nevertheless, we will try to figure out with you what vacancies at Beeline really are. Feedback from employees from different regions and different directions will be presented to your attention.

beeline employee reviews
beeline employee reviews

What kind of company

First of all, let's figure out with you what we have to deal with at all. Indeed, without this, it is impossible to fully evaluate the reviews studied. Almost every person in Russia is familiar with Beeline. It is one of the most famous mobile and internet operators.

Of course, like any other large company, this company always needs new and promising employees. But before you start work, you always want to know the opinion "from outside". And only then decide whether you need to work for Beeline. Reviewsemployees, to be honest, there are quite ambiguous. And now we will try to figure out which vacancies are usually free, and also study the opinions of buyers and the employees themselves. This is very important for any company.

Operator work

The first option for the development of events is the appointment of you to the "Beeline" call center. Employee reviews about this place and vacancies are far from the most flattering. Only to begin with, we will have to figure out with you what duties await us there, and also what kind of working conditions will be offered. And only then decide whether we need to get a job here and whether to trust the reviews of strangers.

In the Beeline call center you will have to work as an operator. There are several options here. The first is a communications operator. This employee answers calls from clients and consults on various issues. Pretty "non-dusty" work, especially if you take into account the presence of a special robotic voice that will help you (more precisely, replace you).

work in beeline employee reviews
work in beeline employee reviews

The second employee of the call center is the operator-manager. Such employees must make "cold" and "hot" calls in order to offer Beeline goods. If in the first case, employees receive a fixed salary and bonuses, then operators-managers mainly earn on their own sales of company services. And different phone calls are known to irritate customers very much. Thus, this is far from the best place to work. Butthey try not to advertise it. Instead of the truth, you will be promised a good income and career growth. And not only in the Beeline company. Feedback from employees about working in a call center is varied, but most are negative. And now we will get to know them.

Thoughts on work

In fact, it cannot be said that everyone thinks badly about the vacancy of the operator in Beeline. The thing is that some people are really satisfied with piecework wages and busy schedules. After all, not everyone can do routine work - some need to pretty "get out" to sell something over the phone.

Only "shove" services and irritate customers - this is far from the most successful move. And therefore, more and more often, the reviews of employees about Beeline are not in the best light. In any case, regarding the call center. To begin with, it is worth noting that this position is accepted from the age of 16. And it pleases, especially schoolchildren. By the way, they speak about the work and activities of the company best of all. Then you are promised official employment - this is a reality. But the work schedule, duties and wages sometimes turn out to be just a fairy tale. In fact, many note that there is a lot of responsibility and work, the salary for such activities is very small, and even the work schedule is irregular - you can be called on any weekend.

employee reviews about Beeline
employee reviews about Beeline

Besides, it's also a very stressful job. At Beeline, employee reviews are oftennote this shortcoming. Indeed, some calling customers are not able to express their own thoughts and desires, but they are much rude and demand an answer to a vaguely posed question. And this scenario is very tiring. Therefore, among the employees of the Beeline call center, there is a rather high turnover of personnel.


The next vacancy, which is often empty in all regions of the country, is a promoter. And we are not talking about the banal distribution of leaflets and stickers. Things are a little different.

If you got a job at Beeline as a promoter, then you will have to stand in "points" - tents throughout the city and sell the products of this mobile operator. Moreover, in parallel, distributing various flyers with the company's shares, as well as providing client consulting services.

Sometimes you will have to conduct customer surveys and conduct various promotions. With all this, you are promised a good career growth and promotion after a while. In Beeline, the feedback from employees about this vacancy is also far from the most positive. But why is it so? Now we will try to figure out what's what. It can't be as bad as it seems at first glance?

Destroy fairy tales

Working at Beeline Employee reviews regarding the promoter's vacancy, as already mentioned, are mostly negative. The thing is that in this position, almost exactly the same as in the place of an operator in a call center, they accept from the age of 14. Otherwords, if you have a passport, then welcome.

beeline call center employee reviews
beeline call center employee reviews

Just be careful. When applying for a job, you will be told that you will receive a good salary, as well as bonuses and percentages of sales. But in reality, as many employees note, everything turns out a little differently. The standard salary will be approximately 3,000 rubles, the work schedule will be busy, and all other funds will come into your pocket only as a percentage of sales. And then scanty.

Besides, most customers try to buy Beeline goods in specialized offices, and not in "tents". And therefore such places are more used for consultation. They don't pay extra for them. There is no career growth (though promised) here. Plus, you will be "driven" by tests for knowledge of tariffs and services, and will also be given a trial period. As many employees note, by the end of it you will either quit yourself or be fired. If this does not happen, then you can continue to work for a meager salary.

In the Beeline company, the feedback from employees about this vacancy is positive only among schoolchildren. As a rule, such a small salary is enough for them. Plus, their skills in selling services are developing very quickly. Yes, and it is a great practice for life. But the older generation, as a rule, has a negative attitude towards the work of a promoter in Beeline.

Sales Consultant

But there is another vacancy forthose who decided to cooperate with this mobile operator. For example, you can work as a sales assistant. Beeline receives positive feedback from employees here, much better than about other positions. Only first we need to understand what we have to deal with.

seller consultant beeline employee reviews
seller consultant beeline employee reviews

Of course, you will have to sell the goods and services of the company. Yes, your workplace will be a warm and cozy shop or a specialized office. With all this, you will have to go through a short trial period and testing for knowledge of the goods being sold. In addition, work at Beeline receives feedback from employees in this area, as a rule, more and more often. And this is based on constant recruitment.

It is very convenient to sell goods and services of a mobile operator in a special store. In addition, it is here that they often turn for help and advice. A computer will help you answer questions quickly and easily, in which all possible scenarios will already be given. As you can see, quite an interesting vacancy. About the company "Beeline" reviews of employees (Moscow and other regions), as a rule, are very good. But what exactly? Let's try to get to know them as soon as possible.


The first thing employees pay attention to is the type of employment. The work of a sales consultant is absolutely official. This is why most of the adults are hired for this position. But there are exceptions. Sometimesworkers are allowed to take up duties from the age of 16.

In addition, the wages of such workers are usually fixed. Salary + bonuses. Of course, with special success in the workplace, you will also receive a variety of bonuses. So, for example, in large cities, Beeline (St. Petersburg) receives more than flattering reviews from employees. After all, wages here are quite high.

beeline employee reviews moscow
beeline employee reviews moscow

Also, sales assistants, as a rule, work at one outlet and, of course, have the entire package of benefits that they are en titled to by law - vacation, sick leave, and so on. As a rule, there is no labor exploitation here. After all, these phenomena are very quickly suppressed.

Customers about work

Reviews of employees about the company "Beeline" we have just learned. In general, they are not very good, especially in small regions. But what do the customers themselves think about the work of the operator and other employees? This is also a very important factor influencing the success of the company. Indeed, it is often the customers who become the main employees of the corporation.

There is no single opinion here. Someone says that as an operator "Beeline" is simply gorgeous, but someone does not agree with this statement. In truth, the services of this company are quite expensive. And this repels many.

Employees tend to be talked about in a good light. Mostly about sales consultants. But there are usually complaints about operators. Here and ignorance of the essence of the questions that are asked by customers, and rudeness, and a long waitresponse. In short, the overall picture of Beeline is positive, if we do not take into account the cost of many services and the behavior of some individual employees.

beeline spb employee reviews
beeline spb employee reviews

Summing up

So, today we have learned about the Beeline operator. Reviews of employees and visitors, as you can see, differ in many ways. However, they still remain ambiguous. In some areas they are very good, but in others they are simply terrible.

Most of the reviews, to be honest, depend on the geographical location of the office of the mobile operator. After all, different regions use different working conditions and wages. The more promises are kept, the better responses are left.

However, if you are a schoolboy and want to earn some extra money, you can get a part-time job at Beeline. Try your hand - maybe some free vacancy suits you and your soul.
