
How to replenish the "Corn" card: features, methods and recommendations

How to replenish the "Corn" card: features, methods and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bank card "Corn" from the company "Evroset" appeared on the market a long time ago, but is still very popular. The reasons for demand are the improvement of the available range of opportunities and the discovery of new profitable features and offers for customers

Sberbank Maestro card: description, advantages and disadvantages

Sberbank Maestro card: description, advantages and disadvantages

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

On the eve of celebrations, most Russians spend a significant amount of time in shopping centers in order to make big purchases. We are talking not only about purchases for the home, such as furniture sets, decor items or electrical appliances, we should talk about presents, gifts, clothes, and in addition, about the grocery basket. From this, a logical question arises. How will it be more convenient and more useful to pay at the supermarket?

Moscow Credit Bank: feedback from employees and customers

Moscow Credit Bank: feedback from employees and customers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Moscow Credit Bank" was established in 1992. The credit institution is a member of banking communities and has the required licenses. In the winter of 2004 Moscow Credit Bank joined the state deposit insurance system. The credit institution is on the list of systemically important banks in the country

How to find out the details of a Sberbank card: the main ways

How to find out the details of a Sberbank card: the main ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Plastic cards of "Sberbank" have long ceased to be only a means of payment. With the help of the bank's products, customers regularly make millions of transactions to transfer funds to their relatives and friends. In most cases, senders use Mobile Bank or Sberbank Online to transfer cash from a card. But sometimes it is not possible to use mobile applications. In such cases, you must provide the details of the bank card "Sberbank"

Banking is a remote banking service. "Client-Bank" system

Banking is a remote banking service. "Client-Bank" system

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Banking service is constantly improving. It gets better every year. Now banks offer a new service system called banking. What it is? How does it work? What features does it offer? Read about all the features of this type of service in this article

Overdraft - what is it in simple words? Essence, conditions, connection

Overdraft - what is it in simple words? Essence, conditions, connection

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Overdraft is a unique offer of banks that allows you to exceed the limit of funds available on your account or card. The article describes what types of overdraft are available, how the option is correctly drawn up, as well as what positive and negative parameters it has

Banks of Crimea: briefly about reliable organizations

Banks of Crimea: briefly about reliable organizations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Crimea today attracts both tourists and small and large businessmen. Of course, they are interested in the economic situation that has developed in recent years on the peninsula. And first of all, the answer to the question of which banks operating in Crimea are the most reliable today. This article provides brief information about several such organizations

Savings account is Concept, pros and cons of the account, opening conditions and interest rate

Savings account is Concept, pros and cons of the account, opening conditions and interest rate

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Those who want to become bank customers often encounter a lot of new terms and definitions, for example, what is a savings account, what conditions must be met to open it, what documents are needed? It is worth studying the information in detail so that later you do not have to open another account for the needs of the client

How to choose a replenished deposit in VTB?

How to choose a replenished deposit in VTB?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Those who do not want to save money at home, under the mattress, usually choose a reliable bank and open an account. One of the largest financial credit institutions - VTB Bank offers favorable conditions for opening a deposit with a replenishment function

What is the difference between a guarantor and a co-borrower: detailed description, features, difference

What is the difference between a guarantor and a co-borrower: detailed description, features, difference

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Those who have not applied for a bank loan, the concepts of "guarantor" and "co-borrower" may be perceived in the same way, although this is far from the case. Having understood these concepts, you will know what responsibility each of the participants in the transaction bears to the bank. What is the difference between a guarantor and a co-borrower? What do they have in common?

Participants of the "Thank you" program from Sberbank: program conditions, nuances and features, reviews

Participants of the "Thank you" program from Sberbank: program conditions, nuances and features, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

“Thank you” from Sberbank is an advertising campaign in which participants are awarded bonuses for each spending made using the card of the above-named bank. The program is designed to encourage customers and increase loy alty

Bank contactless card: reviews

Bank contactless card: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Innovative solutions are periodically introduced in the banking services market to improve customer service. The contactless payment method offers enhanced opportunities for card users to pay for goods and services around the world. The material presented in the article is devoted to this issue

How to improve your credit history: effective ways

How to improve your credit history: effective ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Wishing to apply for consumer loans, customers often face a bank refusal due to bad credit history. For most borrowers, this means a negative decision in 9 out of 10 attempts to take out a loan. Those who are not going to give up the opportunity to get borrowed funds should know how to improve a damaged credit history

How to find out how much money is in the passbook: simple ways, recommendations

How to find out how much money is in the passbook: simple ways, recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Electronic money, which is stored on personal accounts and bank cards, is increasingly included in modern circulation. However, many people opt for savings accounts where they can keep their money. As a rule, passbooks are used by the older generation, which does not recognize any innovations

Easy start service package, Sberbank: reviews, conditions

Easy start service package, Sberbank: reviews, conditions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

PJSC "Sberbank" offered a well-balanced technology that allowed small businesses to become more successful and productive. The Easy Start service package is the most successful banking product

Points "Bravo" ("Tinkoff") where to spend? Bonus program overview

Points "Bravo" ("Tinkoff") where to spend? Bonus program overview

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cashback has gained wide popularity among many customer loy alty programs. Users of cards of Tinkoff Bank JSC can receive a reward for the money spent. The credit institution has implemented a unique system that combines cashback and the usual bonus program. In this regard, many users are interested in how and where to spend Bravo points from Tinkoff

All ATMs of Sberbank, Ufa: addresses

All ATMs of Sberbank, Ufa: addresses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The Savings Bank of Russia is very popular among the people of our country. ATMs of Sberbank Ufa are distributed throughout the small Ural city in large numbers, so it will not be difficult to find them. The vast majority of local enterprises engaged in industrial activities transfer wages to the cards of this particular financial institution

How to pay the state duty at Sberbank: payment procedure, tips and tricks

How to pay the state duty at Sberbank: payment procedure, tips and tricks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sberbank is a financial institution that often pays for various services. For example, state fees. This article will tell you how to pay fees through Sberbank for certain services

How to change the pin code on a Sberbank card: tips and tricks

How to change the pin code on a Sberbank card: tips and tricks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sometimes you have to think about how to change the pin code on the Sberbank card. There are different scenarios for the development of events. And every owner of banking plastic should know about them. Later in the article we will try to answer this question

How to increase the limit of transfers from a card to a Sberbank card?

How to increase the limit of transfers from a card to a Sberbank card?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Transfers through Sberbank allow you to send money to people anywhere in the world. An extensive network of bank branches provides the possibility of making transfers in any city. The development of modern technologies allows you to transfer funds through a special application in a matter of seconds

Commercial Bank "Financial Standard": problems, customer reviews

Commercial Bank "Financial Standard": problems, customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the banking market, there are many banks that are in a specific struggle for customers. Before choosing a particular bank, you should conduct a thorough analysis of its activities. Studying information on a credit institution will help to avoid possible problems in the future

Internet banking is the provision of bank services via the Internet

Internet banking is the provision of bank services via the Internet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In recent years, the Internet has firmly entered our lives and has become a familiar attribute for a modern person, which helps to reduce the time spent on searching, processing information and financial transactions. A little earlier, for service at the bank, customers had to stand in long queues for banking operations, but today these processes are automated using Internet banking

JMoney Bank: customer reviews

JMoney Bank: customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

GMoney Bank came to the Russian credit market almost immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This financial institution is a division of the credit giant General Electric, founded back in the 30s of the XX century. She was mainly engaged in providing individuals with consumer loans for the purchase of various types of household appliances

Rating of banks by interest on deposits of individuals

Rating of banks by interest on deposits of individuals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It's no secret that many Russians keep their accumulated funds in various banks. Agree that this is a good way to generate passive income. Almost every one of us has ever thought or is thinking about investing our funds in a bank. First, quick income. Second, simple action. No special knowledge is needed here. It is enough to study the rating of banks in terms of interest on deposits

Uralsib bank branches in Moscow: addresses, opening hours, ATMs

Uralsib bank branches in Moscow: addresses, opening hours, ATMs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Uralsib Bank is a large universal financial institution providing services to individuals and legal entities. Bank branches are open in almost all regions of the country. Moscow has 29 additional offices, 2 mortgage lending centers and 79 ATMs. For prompt service, clients of the organization need to have up-to-date information about where Uralsib Bank is located in Moscow

"Soviet" bank: customer reviews

"Soviet" bank: customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The moment when the USSR ceased to exist was very hard experienced by the inhabitants of the country. However, this opened up opportunities for the emergence of new financial institutions in Russia and the development of the credit market as a whole. "Soviet" Bank, the reviews of experts about which predict a bright future for him, was opened in 1990

Addresses of Alfa-Bank ATMs in St. Petersburg: list of terminals and services

Addresses of Alfa-Bank ATMs in St. Petersburg: list of terminals and services

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Few residents of St. Petersburg have not heard of Alfa-Bank. The financial institution is popular and heard by almost every resident of the city. Also, many are interested in what addresses Alfa-Bank ATMs are located in St. Petersburg? And this is not surprising, because every third, even the second resident of the city, has a BOD from Alfa-Bank

"Asian Pacific Bank": loans and deposits

"Asian Pacific Bank": loans and deposits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

At the moment, "Asia-Pacific Bank" (OJSC) occupies a leading position in the credit market of the Far East. The owners of the controlling stake in this financial organization are entrepreneurs from the PPFIN Region group. The main activities of the joint-stock company is lending to commercial organizations, as well as legal entities and individuals

Bank "Renaissance Credit": reviews of experts and ordinary consumers

Bank "Renaissance Credit": reviews of experts and ordinary consumers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The financial structure, better known as Renaissance Credit Bank, was founded almost 14 years ago, but received its name only in 2003. From the very beginning, this organization was focused on issuing various consumer loans, but with the growth of its structure, the range of its services was significantly expanded

Sberbank branches in Samara: addresses and opening hours

Sberbank branches in Samara: addresses and opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Residents of Samara regularly use banking services. Someone periodically visits institutions to pay bills or exchange currency. Others regularly carry out financial transactions in different banks. Often, residents of Samara choose Sberbank as the main institution for various manipulations with money. This is not surprising, because the bank has a long history of development and has managed to earn the respect and trust of customers over the period of its existence

Addresses of VTB Bank in Moscow: branches and ATMs

Addresses of VTB Bank in Moscow: branches and ATMs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Every resident of the capital uses the services of banks. Many citizens of Moscow choose VTB Bank for financial services, which has proven its strength and stability over the years. The addresses of VTB Bank in Moscow indicate that the network is quite developed and has many branches, ATMs, terminals

Sberbank ATMs, Krasnodar: addresses, opening hours

Sberbank ATMs, Krasnodar: addresses, opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many residents of Krasnodar use the services of Sberbank of Russia. Some receive pensions in this financial institution, others receive wages, and others pay utility and other payments. In any case, every resident of the city has heard more than once about such a structure as Sberbank of Russia

Nomos-Bank: feedback from specialists and customers

Nomos-Bank: feedback from specialists and customers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The collapse of the USSR gave rise not only to many small and independent states, but also to a huge number of banking organizations. A striking example of one of them is Nomos-Bank, reviews of which allow you to follow its rapid development

PrivatBank: reviews of specialists and ordinary customers

PrivatBank: reviews of specialists and ordinary customers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

PrivatBank was founded over twenty years ago in 1992. At the moment, it occupies a leading position in the credit market of Ukraine and is the largest institution in terms of domestic capital

Note: how to find out the details of the Sberbank card?

Note: how to find out the details of the Sberbank card?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

We were inspired to write this article by a frequently heard question: “How to find out the details of a Sberbank bank card?” It is not surprising that people are interested in this, because it has proven to be a convenient and multifunctional financial instrument for both households and businesses

What is acceptance and why is it needed

What is acceptance and why is it needed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many people have to deal with banking, financial instruments and related documents. This article is entirely devoted to acceptance and its features. So what is it and what is it used for?

Deposits are an effective tool to meet the wishes of depositors

Deposits are an effective tool to meet the wishes of depositors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Modern bankers are interested in attracting a large number of clients who seek to preserve their money capital and consistently earn a profit from their deposits. Deposits are an effective tool to meet the wishes of depositors when banks offer a wide range of products that allow you to enjoy privileges when making transactions, purchases, paying utilities and obtaining loans

Bank guarantees are Which banks and under what conditions issue a bank guarantee

Bank guarantees are Which banks and under what conditions issue a bank guarantee

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bank guarantees are a unique service of banks, provided by confirmation that the client of the institution, who is a participant in any transaction, will fulfill his obligations under the agreement. The article describes the essence of this proposal, as well as the stages of its design. All types of bank guarantee are listed

"Credit Europe Bank": reviews of customers and financiers

"Credit Europe Bank": reviews of customers and financiers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Credit Europe Bank", reviews of which allow a wide variety of opinions, was founded 20 years ago, in 1994. Initially, the organization was created under the leadership of the association of Dutch banking organizations FIBA Group. At the moment it is the fourth largest European financial structure of the group

Auto loan "Alfa-Bank": conditions and features, interest rate and customer reviews

Auto loan "Alfa-Bank": conditions and features, interest rate and customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Alfa-Bank" is the largest commercial bank in our country. It was created twenty-seven years ago in Moscow. The main owners of the credit institution are Mikhail Fridman, Alexey Kuzmichev, German Khan and Petr Aven. The latter is also the president of the bank. At present, Alfa-Bank is a universal credit institution that provides a full range of banking services

The "Thank you from Sberbank" program - how to spend, partners and reviews

The "Thank you from Sberbank" program - how to spend, partners and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Thank you" is a program from Sberbank that many users are interested in. This article will show you how to use it

Financial terminology: what is a checking account

Financial terminology: what is a checking account

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Having decided to open your own business, so that there are no unforeseen situations with registration, it is necessary to work out all the details before submitting documents. And, of course, for this you need to understand financial terms, such as, for example, what is a current account

"Binbank" - reviews of specialists and consumers

"Binbank" - reviews of specialists and consumers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

OJSC "Binbank", reviews of which allow us to draw a variety of conclusions, was founded in 1993 on November 1. At the moment, the regional network of this financial organization has more than 120 additional branches, 26 of which are located directly in the capital of the Russian Federation

Bank "Avangard": reviews, conditions, features and services

Bank "Avangard": reviews, conditions, features and services

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bank "Avangard" is one of the twenty most efficient banks in our country. The credit institution is constantly developing actively, offering its customers innovative services in the field of banking services

Letters of credit are reliable guarantees for both parties to the transaction

Letters of credit are reliable guarantees for both parties to the transaction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Learn from the article about what a letter of credit is, its features, pros and cons, as well as all the necessary clauses in the contract

Financial educational program: credit operations of commercial banks

Financial educational program: credit operations of commercial banks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today more and more commercial banks are making themselves known. The lending operation is in demand and in demand. There is nothing surprising in this, because this system is beneficial for both financial institutions and customers. What is meant by credit transactions? This will be discussed in the article

Russian Standard Bank: deposits and loans

Russian Standard Bank: deposits and loans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the past few years, the credit market in Russia is experiencing a real boom. This is due to minor changes in state legislation and the struggle of financial organizations for the consumer. Russian Standard Bank, where deposits and loans are issued with frightening simplicity, is today one of the fastest growing in the Russian Federation

Sberbank: Visa Gold as an indicator of VIP service

Sberbank: Visa Gold as an indicator of VIP service

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Russian Sberbank is not new to servicing the premium segment of the domestic market. Visa Gold is familiar in many countries. The potential of VIP service is palpable: the demand for gold cards exceeds their supply. However, we will talk about the problem

"Alfa-Bank": credit cards, reviews, comments

"Alfa-Bank": credit cards, reviews, comments

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If you have already had the practice of receiving wages on the card, then Alfa-Bank credit card is for you. Customer reviews indicate that with the experience of using a debit card, “addiction” to a convenient credit banking product is faster

Rosbank: expert reviews

Rosbank: expert reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The credit market of the Russian Federation is currently experiencing a development boom. This was due to several factors. Firstly, the international financial crisis, which forced many organizations to look for ways to save themselves and, as a result, change their credit policy. One of the brightest examples of this can be considered Rosbank. Reviews of experts say unequivocally - the crisis had a positive impact on the development of this organization

"Rosselkhozbank": feedback from professionals and clients

"Rosselkhozbank": feedback from professionals and clients

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

JSC "Rosselkhozbank" was established by the government of the Russian Federation in 2000. The shares of this financial institution are 100% state-owned

Citibank: customer reviews

Citibank: customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The first years after the collapse of the Soviet Union were marked by the emergence of a huge number of different banking organizations. One of these was the closed joint-stock company Citibank, the reviews of which predict a successful future for it. This financial institution was formed as a subsidiary of the American financial group Citygroup

Safe deposit boxes in Sberbank: conclusion of a lease agreement, advantages and disadvantages, user reviews

Safe deposit boxes in Sberbank: conclusion of a lease agreement, advantages and disadvantages, user reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bank vaults are standard metal boxes kept in financial institutions. The dimensions of the provided cell are different, depending on the needs of the client

What is a Priority Pass? How to get a Priority Pass card, reviews about it

What is a Priority Pass? How to get a Priority Pass card, reviews about it

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is a Priority Pass card? What advantages does it have? How and where can I get a card? What are the fees for issuing and using a Priority Pass card? In what cases is it really necessary to draw up a card? Power User Tips

Types of banking operations. Settlement and cash services. Operations of banks with securities

Types of banking operations. Settlement and cash services. Operations of banks with securities

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Before you know what types of banking transactions exist, you need to understand some of the most important definitions. For example, what is the institution in question itself? In modern economic terminology, the bank acts as a financial and credit unit that performs all kinds of operations with both money and securities

Alfa-Bank ATMs in St. Petersburg: addresses, opening hours

Alfa-Bank ATMs in St. Petersburg: addresses, opening hours

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Residents and guests of the Northern capital often ask the question: "Where are Alfa-Bank ATMs in St. Petersburg?" I don't want to waste time searching. Let's talk about remote service points that are easy to find in the city. These are the only ones that busy people need, and especially those who drive

"Binbank": reviews of company employees

"Binbank": reviews of company employees

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Finding a job in financial services is not easy these days. Dozens of banks lost their licenses and ceased operations. Many specialists take all possible steps to find a job in a stable organization, such as, for example, PJSC "Binbank". Feedback from employees about the company, however, does not sound too rosy. Based on the information they provide, let's try to figure out what to expect from cooperation with the bank

"Alfa-Bank" (St. Petersburg): addresses of ATMs. "Alfa-Bank" in St. Petersburg: ATMs and terminals

"Alfa-Bank" (St. Petersburg): addresses of ATMs. "Alfa-Bank" in St. Petersburg: ATMs and terminals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Alfa-Bank offers plastic cards with a unique set of options. Residents of the northern capital of Russia willingly use the tempting service. It is important for cardholders to know the addresses of ATMs. Alfa-Bank has been operating in St. Petersburg for a very long time. Therefore, there are many self-service points in the city

Sberbank ATMs (Perm): addresses

Sberbank ATMs (Perm): addresses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It is very convenient to know where Sberbank ATMs are. Perm is a city that is pleasant to walk around. But I don't want to spend time looking for where to withdraw money

Visa Gold credit card: reviews, conditions and features

Visa Gold credit card: reviews, conditions and features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The development of consumer lending in Russia today has reached a certain level: credit cards (with a lower or higher credit limit corresponding to the client's income) are issued to the majority of consumers of banking products. For example, by participating in a salary project, that is, by receiving wages on the card of this bank, you can get a credit card on a personal offer

Credit and debit cards "Tinkoff Bank": customer reviews

Credit and debit cards "Tinkoff Bank": customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tinkoff Bank offers its customers a wide range of credit and debit cards. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of these payment systems, and also find out what holders think about them

Is it worth taking a car loan from Cetelem Bank: customer reviews, interest rate

Is it worth taking a car loan from Cetelem Bank: customer reviews, interest rate

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cetelem Bank is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. This bank carries out its activities based on the issued license, and today it is represented in seventy-seven regions of the state. This company offers a wide variety of car loans. At the same time, it is interesting to note that most of the programs for customers have been developed as part of joint cooperation with vehicle manufacturers

Virtual card of Sberbank: registration

Virtual card of Sberbank: registration

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Of all the banking products that exist today, plastic cards are the most popular. They almost do not differ both in their appearance and in the methods of use. But there is also the so-called virtual card, which is worth discussing separately

VTB 24, loan for individual entrepreneurs: conditions, interest, programs and reviews

VTB 24, loan for individual entrepreneurs: conditions, interest, programs and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Lack of own funds is one of the most common problems for small businesses. It hits individual entrepreneurs (IP) especially painfully. And owning a business is always a big expense. Many Russian banks offer a way out of this situation, but, in our opinion, the best offers are put forward by VTB 24

Feedback from Nota-Bank employees. Customer opinions about bank services

Feedback from Nota-Bank employees. Customer opinions about bank services

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Often small commercial banks go bankrupt. A similar path was prepared for such a credit institution as Nota-Bank. Feedback from employees of this organization will make it possible to understand how realistic it was to prevent the disaster in the early stages and whether it was possible to save the bank itself

Offices of Alfa-Bank in Moscow: addresses, opening hours, details

Offices of Alfa-Bank in Moscow: addresses, opening hours, details

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today it is rare to meet a person who does not use banking services. Paying utility bills, receiving wages, an account for doing business - in any case, people go for these services to a financial banking institution. Alfa-Bank branches in Moscow are quite popular

What is the organizational structure of Sberbank

What is the organizational structure of Sberbank

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A few words about Sberbank. Scheme of the organizational structure of the institution. A more detailed analysis of its components: meetings of shareholders, management board, credit and audit committees, head office, territorial divisions, regional branches, agencies, special divisions. General system functions

Banks of Rostov-on-Don: deposits, features, interest rates and reviews

Banks of Rostov-on-Don: deposits, features, interest rates and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

There are many banks in Rostov-on-Don offering favorable conditions for deposits. Before concluding an agreement, it is recommended to study the detailed information about the financial institution. The necessary data can be obtained from the official resources of the company or from thematic forums

VTB 24: ATM addresses in Yekaterinburg. Round-the-clock ATMs VTB 24 in Yekaterinburg

VTB 24: ATM addresses in Yekaterinburg. Round-the-clock ATMs VTB 24 in Yekaterinburg

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Every citizen of Russia tries to choose a bank that can be trusted for financial transactions. Today you rarely see a person who does not use the services of these institutions at all. Someone pays, someone invests their savings or takes money to buy a car from a financial institution. In any case, people use banks. One of those that customers trust is VTB 24 Bank in Yekaterinburg

How to find out how many points are on the Pyaterochka card: ways

How to find out how many points are on the Pyaterochka card: ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Before you start using it, it is worth registering the plastic. To do this, just use a special form on the official website of the company or fill it out using your phone by calling the hotline

Bank "Russian Standard" in Kaliningrad: address, description and services

Bank "Russian Standard" in Kaliningrad: address, description and services

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bank "Russian Standard" in Kaliningrad is a universal financial institution, about which one can hear mostly positive reviews. The bank can issue loans, debit cards, deposits, as well as insurance products. Additional bonuses and promotions are also offered

"Promsvyazbank": reviews of depositors and employees

"Promsvyazbank": reviews of depositors and employees

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Promsvyazbank is one of the top three private banks in Russia. This institution is a universal commercial organization with a history of twenty years. The Banker magazine included Promsvyazbank among the five hundred largest banking institutions in the world in terms of capital. The assets of this bank exceed one trillion rubles

Bank "Russian Credit": customer reviews

Bank "Russian Credit": customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article describes in detail the bank "Russian Credit". Feedback from clients, depositors, expert opinions, information about bankruptcy and other unpleasant moments in the activities of a credit institution - all this can be found here

VTB 24 cashback debit card: reviews on conditions

VTB 24 cashback debit card: reviews on conditions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

VTB 24 is the second largest state bank in Russia. It provides its customers with the opportunity to choose from a variety of banking products for every taste. Not so long ago, a new universal card was released that combines most of the main advantages of other credit or debit cards

VTB 24: asset management, capital, profitability and features

VTB 24: asset management, capital, profitability and features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is asset management in VTB 24 bank? People who invest their own capital want to have a high return on the output, an order of magnitude higher than the deposit made. They can invest in VTB 24, in mutual funds. What are the reasons for such actions? The answer is an increase in shares. What is the best way to invest money?

The procedure for opening a current account: documents, instructions

The procedure for opening a current account: documents, instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The procedure for opening a current account in a bank is determined both by normative acts of general validity and by the organization of the process in a financial institution. The list of documents and the algorithm of actions are different

Deposits in St. Petersburg banks: the most favorable conditions and interest rates

Deposits in St. Petersburg banks: the most favorable conditions and interest rates

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Article about the most advantageous offers of St. Petersburg banks for deposits. Profitable shares of various financial organizations are considered

What is a prepaid bank card?

What is a prepaid bank card?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article describes the features of prepaid bank cards. The most interesting proposals from financial institutions were considered

"B altinvestbank": reviews, deposits, payments

"B altinvestbank": reviews, deposits, payments

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"B altinvestbank" is a financial institution that is experiencing temporary difficulties. However, experts say that the situation will stabilize soon

Sberbank - ATMs in Krasnoyarsk: addresses, opening hours. ATMs with the function of accepting cash in Krasnoyarsk

Sberbank - ATMs in Krasnoyarsk: addresses, opening hours. ATMs with the function of accepting cash in Krasnoyarsk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the cities in Siberia, where one of the first after the collapse of the USSR managed to place Sberbank ATMs - Krasnoyarsk. This is largely due to the presence here of a large number of industrial and cultural facilities. The millionaire is constantly changing its composition, people from small settlements come here to study, and the indigenous people move to the west, closer to Yekaterinburg and Moscow

Activity of "Modulbank": reviews

Activity of "Modulbank": reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For small businesses, many doors are now closed, especially in banks that do not give loans for equipment. Modulbank is an organization whose activities are aimed at making life easier for novice entrepreneurs. A wide range of services and opportunities generate trust and positive feedback about the work of a financial institution, and this is the basis of stability for any company and client

Currency deposits in Belarusian banks for individuals

Currency deposits in Belarusian banks for individuals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article tells about the most advantageous offers of Belarusian banks on deposits. Considered interest rates and basic conditions

Bank "Home Credit" in Barnaul: organization products and addresses in the city

Bank "Home Credit" in Barnaul: organization products and addresses in the city

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article tells about the Home Credit bank in Barnaul, describes the main opportunities for customers, as well as addresses where you can contact to receive bank services in the city

Banks with low interest rates on cash loans

Banks with low interest rates on cash loans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It is unlikely that anyone likes to borrow, but sometimes it is necessary. And thanks to the existence of such a service as a loan, many people have managed to fulfill their material dreams or cope with difficult life situations when big money is needed. I am glad that in our time there are a lot of banks that provide favorable interest rates. And now those who offer the most pleasant and convenient offers will be listed

Payment from card to Tinkoff card - instructions, tips

Payment from card to Tinkoff card - instructions, tips

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Payment by bank cards is not only one of the most popular ways, but also the most convenient. In addition, various bonuses and cashbacks are often awarded for paying for purchases with a card. But sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to make a payment from a card to a Tinkoff card. This article will be about this

B altic Bank credit card: terms of registration and use

B altic Bank credit card: terms of registration and use

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A B altic Bank credit card can be issued by any citizen of the Russian Federation. And it is not necessary that the bank's office be located in the city of the borrower, everything can be done via the Internet. And get the contract through a representative or by mail. Of course, it is more reliable if the future borrower personally arrives at the bank branch and opens a credit line without intermediaries

Bank "URALSIB" in Tambov: branch address and reviews

Bank "URALSIB" in Tambov: branch address and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

An increasing number of people use banking services every year. At the same time, not only credit services are popular, but also the opening of cash deposits, current accounts. One of the reliable and time-tested bank is URALSIB Tambov

Transfer from a Sberbank card to a Tinkoff card: what is the commission?

Transfer from a Sberbank card to a Tinkoff card: what is the commission?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Tinkoff" is a popular bank, but there are certain problems with card replenishment from this financial institution. This article will talk about how to transfer money from Sberbank plastic to a Tinkoff card, as well as what commission is provided for transactions

Bank "Uralsib", Moscow: addresses of branches, opening hours, telephone, ATMs

Bank "Uralsib", Moscow: addresses of branches, opening hours, telephone, ATMs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The bank, considered among the leading in Russia, providing the widest range of banking services and products to corporate and retail clients - PJSC Bank Uralsib (Moscow). Among the main areas of his work - investment, banking, corporate and retail business. The parent organization of Uralsib Bank (Moscow) is in the capital of Russia, and the regional integrated sales network for services and products of this financial organization is represented in seven federal districts

Calculation of annuity payments on a loan: an example

Calculation of annuity payments on a loan: an example

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The first rule when applying for a loan is to adequately assess your own solvency so that payments on it do not become burdensome for the borrower over time. But at this stage, difficulties sometimes arise, since not everyone has an economic education in order to correctly make the necessary calculations. To simplify the task, here are collected all possible methods for calculating annuity payments on a loan, which you can use to plan your own budget

Is it possible to recognize the owner by the card number: recommendations

Is it possible to recognize the owner by the card number: recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Plastic cards in the modern world have almost every adult citizen. In this article we will talk about what information can be found by bank card number

The best deposits in Belarusian rubles: expert advice

The best deposits in Belarusian rubles: expert advice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Everyone understands that money should not lie idle, but not everyone knows that deposits in Belarusian rubles are the best, because they have high rates. They are made like this to protect the savings of depositors from inflation. Therefore, they can generate income, even if you use only one banking instrument - a deposit, which, although simple, is effective. Bank deposits are called deposits. The best in Belarusian rubles will be listed in this article

How to find out the BIK card of Sberbank: all ways

How to find out the BIK card of Sberbank: all ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

How to find out the BIK card of Sberbank? The information below may be of interest to those who wish to make a cashless transfer to another credit institution. This is due to the fact that within Sberbank itself it is possible to make a payment using only the card number indicated on the front side (a long line of numbers). This is not enough for interbank transfers

List of Kazan banks and their services: choosing the best

List of Kazan banks and their services: choosing the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The list of banks in Kazan includes more than 80 institutions. And some of them have a head office in the city. It was in this settlement that such banks as Akida, Alfa-Bank Kazan, Zarechye, Idel and many others were born

What is the rating of Russian banks in 2014?

What is the rating of Russian banks in 2014?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many people are faced with the need to take out a loan. In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation, you should be extremely careful when choosing a bank. In this regard, the question arises as to which bank is the most reliable. The rating of Russian banks depending on the size of their capital will help to answer it

Do you know how Sberbank of Russia works

Do you know how Sberbank of Russia works

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Of course, Sberbank of Russia does not need advertising, because everyone knows that this is a solid financial and credit institution. This fact is confirmed by the widest network of representative offices throughout the country and an unimaginably huge number of customers

Term deposits of Sberbank of Russia for individuals: conditions, interest

Term deposits of Sberbank of Russia for individuals: conditions, interest

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sberbank regularly replenishes the line of investment products. This also applies to term deposits of individuals. Consider the most relevant of their types at the present time. By the way, this financial service is popular with the bank's clients, which indicates its winning marketing strategy: it regularly releases highly profitable financial products intended for different categories of citizens

How to tame finances: Sberbank deposits for pensioners

How to tame finances: Sberbank deposits for pensioners

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Pensioners are one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens. It is good that today they do not remain on the sidelines of life. This is confirmed by the deposits of Sberbank for pensioners

Principal and beneficiary - parties to the bank guarantee

Principal and beneficiary - parties to the bank guarantee

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Any action in the financial sector involves the presence of two or more parties. And a bank guarantee (BG) in the field of risk insurance is no exception. A financial and credit organization operates here with a contractor (principal) on the one hand, and a customer (beneficiary) on the other. Who are the beneficiary and the principal in a bank guarantee, and who has what rights and obligations? Let's try to figure it out

Moscow Credit Bank: professional review

Moscow Credit Bank: professional review

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Moscow Credit Bank, which can be reviewed on the company's main website, is currently one of the largest financial institutions in the Russian Federation. This bank entered the country's financial market almost immediately after the USSR ceased to exist back in 1992 and has been constantly expanding its sphere of influence ever since