
How to find out the TIN of an individual: all ways

How to find out the TIN of an individual: all ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

TIN - important information. It can be useful to the employer, and government agencies, and the citizen himself. This article will tell you how to find out the TIN of an individual

How to issue a TIN for an individual - a step-by-step description, documents and recommendations

How to issue a TIN for an individual - a step-by-step description, documents and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article will tell you everything about how to get a TIN. What kind of document is this? How and where can it be done? What features of obtaining a TIN do you need to know?

Procedure and deadline for filing a tax return

Procedure and deadline for filing a tax return

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Filing a tax return is an absolutely familiar process for many citizens. Especially for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. But what is the deadline and procedure for filing a declaration with the tax service? What is needed for this?

What taxes are indirect taxes?

What taxes are indirect taxes?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If there is a state, then there are taxes. These forced payments in favor of the country's budget have long become an integral part of the life of people and companies. Many citizens, however, have a poor understanding of what taxes and how they pay. Probably everyone knows about personal income tax and income tax. But there are other indirect fees that are also important to be aware of. In this article, we will consider which taxes are indirect and what is their distinguishing feature

Taxes by TIN are now within the power of everyone

Taxes by TIN are now within the power of everyone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Due to the large number of different payment receipts, people cannot figure out exactly what and where to pay. The Federal Tax Service foresaw this fact and provided an opportunity for all individuals and legal entities to view their unpaid taxes by TIN

Tax on the sale of an apartment: calculation features, requirements and recommendations

Tax on the sale of an apartment: calculation features, requirements and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Who and how much pays tax on the sale of real estate? It depends on a number of circumstances accompanying the transaction. In 2018, changes regarding real estate transactions came into force. The new law regulates the terms, procedure and benefits for calculating contributions from income from the sale of houses and apartments

Environmental fees: rates, collection procedures. Ecological fee calculation form

Environmental fees: rates, collection procedures. Ecological fee calculation form

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When carrying out activities that damage nature, compensation is collected in Russia. To approve this rule, a corresponding government decree was adopted. An environmental fee is deducted for certain pollution

Tax holidays for small businesses

Tax holidays for small businesses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Since last year, a law on tax holidays has been passed. What is it and what benefits does it provide?

Pricing steps and nuances. How to allocate VAT 18% of the amount?

Pricing steps and nuances. How to allocate VAT 18% of the amount?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Unfortunately, not everyone thinks about pricing. Meanwhile, in the modern world, being economically illiterate comes out to be more expensive. Knowledge in the formation of the cost of the final product or service is necessary because we all use services and purchase goods

What are extortions and how to deal with them?

What are extortions and how to deal with them?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When sending a child to school, parents assume the need for financial investments for various needs: in the fund of the parent committee, to repair the classroom, charity, and so on. But what is their legal component and what are requisitions, we will understand in this article

Amount of state duty for various operations

Amount of state duty for various operations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, when applying to various government agencies for a number of legal actions, individuals and legal entities pay a certain fee. The amount of the state duty just depends on the type of operations that are supposed to be performed

Calculation of UTII for IP

Calculation of UTII for IP

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

ENV is a special regime that can only be used in certain regions and for a strictly limited number of areas of activity. It replaces many other taxes. The calculation of UTII is considered a simple process, and due to insurance premiums, entrepreneurs can reduce the tax burden

Proper calculation of property tax: who pays, how much and for what?

Proper calculation of property tax: who pays, how much and for what?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Due to the fact that the calculation of property tax has undergone some changes, for some citizens from 2014 it will become more noticeable. As for legal entities, they will have to pay a fee for both movable and immovable property

Subject of taxation. Who pays what taxes

Subject of taxation. Who pays what taxes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Taxation should be understood as a procedure fixed by law for the establishment, collection and payment of fees and taxes to the budget. It includes the establishment of rates, values, types of payments, rules for deducting amounts by different persons

Choice of taxation system. OSN, USN and UTII - which is more profitable

Choice of taxation system. OSN, USN and UTII - which is more profitable

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The choice of any tax regime is always linked to cost optimization. What to take as a basis? What taxes need to be paid? What reports are submitted? What will benefit? We will try to understand all these issues. Everyone knows that tax is often calculated according to the formula - income minus expenses. Let's see if this is always the case

Charging property tax: postings in accounting

Charging property tax: postings in accounting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The formation of budgets at various levels is due to the collection by the state of a part of the income of organizations and its redistribution. Tax payments of a particular business entity depend on many factors: the direction of work, the chosen mode, the availability of a settlement base, etc

Tax audit: types, features

Tax audit: types, features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

An audit of tax reporting is a check of financial documentation for its compliance with the provisions of the Tax Code. This event can be authorized by both regulatory authorities and the head of the enterprise. Consider further its features

How is VAT refunded and who needs it at all?

How is VAT refunded and who needs it at all?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Practically any business entity that maintains accounting takes part in operations that are inextricably linked with such a concept as VAT refunds. About the role and place of this phenomenon in the general system of taxation, reviews are very ambiguous

What is tax monitoring? Law on tax monitoring

What is tax monitoring? Law on tax monitoring

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A new term has appeared in Russian law - "tax monitoring" (2015 was marked by the entry into force of the relevant laws). It involves the organization of a fundamentally new mechanism for interaction between the Federal Tax Service and enterprises

What is a taxpayer's personal account?

What is a taxpayer's personal account?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Every adult citizen has a so-called taxpayer personal account. What is this object? What is it for? As it turns out? All these questions are of interest to citizens. All this is closely related to taxes

Decryption of lines 6-personal income tax. The procedure for filling out 6-NDFL

Decryption of lines 6-personal income tax. The procedure for filling out 6-NDFL

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In 2018, accountants will fill out an updated form 6-NDFL. What has changed in the reporting and have the tax authorities taken into account the wishes of accountants when developing it? Let's find out in this article. One thing is for sure - the new format is available for submission of reports in electronic form

VAT: due dates. Deadline for filing a VAT return

VAT: due dates. Deadline for filing a VAT return

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

VAT is an indirect tax paid by businesses in many countries. What is the specificity of its Russian version? What are the nuances of VAT payment and reporting in the Russian Federation?

Deduction for children up to what amount? Standard child tax deductions

Deduction for children up to what amount? Standard child tax deductions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tax deductions are what attract many citizens. They rely on children. Not always and not for everyone. But if such an element exists, it makes taxpayers very happy. What is the tax deduction for a child? How much will it be?

Taxes in Japan: percentage of deductions, types of taxes

Taxes in Japan: percentage of deductions, types of taxes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Probably good to live in a country with the highest standard of living in the world. Here you only need to study, work and enjoy life, not worrying about the future. But is everything so simple? The well-being of a country depends on many factors, and one of them is the taxation system. In Japan, it is very different from those that exist in other countries

Will a pet tax be introduced in Russia?

Will a pet tax be introduced in Russia?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Reason for the bill. Will he help zooworld? What will be the pet tax? What will its introduction lead to? Has the law been passed today? Is the news fake?

Three options when you can return the tax deduction for tuition

Three options when you can return the tax deduction for tuition

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for a social deduction for tuition - the return of part of the tax-free funds paid. An officially employed person has the right to submit a declaration to the tax office and return the money in the amount of 13% of the cost of his education. Money can be received only if a person constantly transfers personal income tax in the amount of 13% of all types of earnings

What are the premium taxes? Types of premiums, features of their taxation

What are the premium taxes? Types of premiums, features of their taxation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bonuses are presented by the encouragement of employees who achieve high performance in the company. The article tells what taxes the premium is subject to, what are its varieties, and also how it is correctly assigned by the management of various enterprises. The rules for paying not only taxes, but also insurance premiums are listed

Payers of land tax are Taxation, terms of payment, amount of deductions

Payers of land tax are Taxation, terms of payment, amount of deductions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Payers of land tax are individuals and enterprises. The article describes how this type of fee is calculated. The terms for transferring funds for legal entities or citizens are given. Describes liability measures for non-payers

Transport tax - what is it? General provisions, deductions and features

Transport tax - what is it? General provisions, deductions and features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Every Russian citizen should know what kind of taxes and in what period of time they should be paid. Good relations with the tax inspectorate and other state bodies depend on this. The transport tax is considered mandatory and popular. What is this fee? It is charged to all vehicle owners - individuals or companies

4-FSS: filling pattern. Correct completion of the 4-FSS form

4-FSS: filling pattern. Correct completion of the 4-FSS form

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Changes in tax legislation that came into force at the beginning of 2017 led to the fact that the administration of almost all mandatory contributions to non-budgetary funds turned out to be assigned to the tax authorities. The only exceptions were contributions for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents, in common parlance for injuries. They are still completely covered by social security

Taxation of entrepreneurial activity: features, modes, forms

Taxation of entrepreneurial activity: features, modes, forms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Taxation of business activities is considered an important point for every businessman. The article describes which modes can be used by entrepreneurs or companies. The pros and cons of various systems are given, as well as the rules for their application and transition

The land tax does not come - what to do? How to find out land tax

The land tax does not come - what to do? How to find out land tax

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Describes what taxpayers should do if the land tax does not come. The main reasons for the lack of notification are given, as well as the rules for determining the amount of the fee

How to get back the tax overpayment? Settlement or refund of overpayment. Tax refund letter

How to get back the tax overpayment? Settlement or refund of overpayment. Tax refund letter

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Entrepreneurs pay taxes in carrying out their activities. Often there are situations of overpayment. Making a larger payment also occurs for individuals. This is due to various reasons. You need to know how to get a tax refund

VAT including: how to calculate using the formula?

VAT including: how to calculate using the formula?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It happens that the amount of the transaction, including VAT, is indicated in the documents. How to calculate the tax in this case? Let's look at this question with a simple example. And also tell you when it can come in handy in practice

Application for the return of state duty to the tax: sample writing

Application for the return of state duty to the tax: sample writing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When a citizen applies to state executive bodies, a state duty is paid to the budget. Its size is determined by the significance of the actions that the representative of the authorities or the applicant will perform. A sample application for the return of state duty to the tax is presented in the article

Income code 4800: transcript. Other income of the taxpayer. Income codes in 2-NDFL

Income code 4800: transcript. Other income of the taxpayer. Income codes in 2-NDFL

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article gives a general idea of the personal income tax base, amounts exempt from taxation, income codes. Particular attention is paid to deciphering the income code 4800 - other income

Until what date do you have to pay taxes? Payment terms

Until what date do you have to pay taxes? Payment terms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

As part of this article, the terms for paying taxes on the most popular of them in 2018 will be considered. The article summarizes the main tax payments in the form of a table with a quarterly breakdown

Where to find a sample application for a tax deduction for children

Where to find a sample application for a tax deduction for children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The state, in order to support the ongoing demographic policy, has enshrined in the tax legislation a kind of benefit: a tax deduction for personal income tax for children. Why is personal income tax or income tax taken? Because this is exactly the obligation that almost all citizens of the Russian Federation, with the exception of pensioners, fulfill to the state - income is not withheld from pensions

How to return 13 percent of the purchase of an apartment?

How to return 13 percent of the purchase of an apartment?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Buying any real estate, including apartments, involves high costs. The owner can return 13% of the cost of housing. This right is subject to applicable tax laws. Every citizen can take advantage of this opportunity

Lump tax: concept, examples

Lump tax: concept, examples

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Types of income taxes. What is UTII and how is it calculated? The place of lump-sum taxes in the taxation system of the Russian Federation. Examples of lump-sum or fixed taxes in world practice and modern Russia

Where and how to pay property tax: payment methods

Where and how to pay property tax: payment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Property taxes in Russia are paid by almost all modern citizens. This article will tell you everything about how to pay this fee

How to find out the budget classification code? Budget classification codes for taxes

How to find out the budget classification code? Budget classification codes for taxes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The problem of how to find out the budget classification code arises in front of almost every taxpayer when the deadline for paying taxes comes. No one can avoid it: neither the accountant of the organization responsible for the relevant transfers to the tax office, nor ordinary citizens who own housing, land, a car or a simple outboard motor

What are the taxes in Finland?

What are the taxes in Finland?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the framework of this article, we will consider the characteristics of the most popular taxes on the example of Finland, their main features and characteristics

Property deduction when building a house: documents, explanations

Property deduction when building a house: documents, explanations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Property deduction when building a house: what documents are needed for this, where to submit them, what is the amount of the deduction

Arrears are Features of collecting arrears

Arrears are Features of collecting arrears

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tax arrears are, in a word, debt. It is formed in case of non-payment of a mandatory payment to the budget within the time period established by law

Until what date to pay taxes? Tax codes and payment terms

Until what date to pay taxes? Tax codes and payment terms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Taxes act as a kind of racket from the state. In case of violation of the terms of their payment, they are not only subject to payment all the same, but a fine and a pen alty will be collected from the non-payer

Personal income tax from sick leave: is the benefit taxable

Personal income tax from sick leave: is the benefit taxable

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many workers, leaving the sick leave, realize that they received less than expected. Is Disability Benefit taxable?

UIN: how to find out where to indicate and what it is for

UIN: how to find out where to indicate and what it is for

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Since 2014, when making payments and transfers in banks, it is required to indicate the UIN - a unique accrual identifier. Without writing such a code, the payment simply will not reach the addressee, which is why the question is still relevant: "How to find out the UIN of an organization?"

How to find out the IFTS code: three ways

How to find out the IFTS code: three ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

We list three main ways to help you quickly find out the IFTS code: using an electronic service, TIN and a special directory. In conclusion, we also mention alternative methods

Vehicle type: code in the transport tax declaration

Vehicle type: code in the transport tax declaration

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In order to prepare a transport declaration, you need to determine the type of vehicle code, and accountants often have difficulties with this. This article is devoted to this problem: here will be explanations regarding the instructions and everything that will have to be guided when defining the code

How to find out the LLC taxation system by TIN: 4 ways

How to find out the LLC taxation system by TIN: 4 ways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to find out the taxation system by TIN (individual tax number - a special code of any taxpayer in Russia - both an individual and a legal entity, which is issued to him upon registration at the tax office) and how do it. Let's start by defining such systems that exist today

Transport tax for pensioners

Transport tax for pensioners

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What benefits are provided to pensioners when paying transport tax? And what categories of citizens are en titled to benefits in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation? About it in this article

Trading fee: payment details. How to fill out a payment order?

Trading fee: payment details. How to fill out a payment order?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the cities of regional significance, a sales tax has been introduced since 2015. You need to pay it in case of registration for the use of the object of trade in one of the types of activities. Next, we’ll talk about when and how to transfer the trading fee, payment details will also be indicated

Reference on the general taxation system: sample, features of obtaining and recommendations

Reference on the general taxation system: sample, features of obtaining and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In our country, at the legislative level, merchants are given the opportunity to choose a taxation system suitable for doing business. In some cases, when making transactions, it is required to know which of the existing types of it is used by the counterparty. Let's try to figure out what a certificate of the general taxation system is. We give an example of it in the article

Declaration for the sale of a car (less than 3 years of ownership). Tax return

Declaration for the sale of a car (less than 3 years of ownership). Tax return

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When selling a car, 13% of the transaction value must be transferred to the budget. But that's not all. Taxpayers also need to complete the report and submit it on time. Read more about how to fill out a tax return when selling a car, read on

Refund of tax deduction when buying an apartment: documents. Deadline for tax refund when buying an apartment

Refund of tax deduction when buying an apartment: documents. Deadline for tax refund when buying an apartment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

So, today we will be interested in the deadline for the return of the tax deduction when buying an apartment, as well as the list of documents that will be required to provide to the appropriate authorities. In fact, this question is interesting and useful to many. After all, when paying taxes and making certain transactions, you can simply return the “nth” amount to your account. A nice bonus from the state, which attracts many. But such a process has its own deadlines and rules for registration

SP on OSNO what taxes does he pay? General taxation system for individual entrepreneurs: reporting

SP on OSNO what taxes does he pay? General taxation system for individual entrepreneurs: reporting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Everyone must pay taxes. And even individual entrepreneurs, regardless of whether they will conduct activities or not. But what deductions should IP make with OSNO?

The procedure for calculating tax - features, requirements and comments

The procedure for calculating tax - features, requirements and comments

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Taxpayers are responsible for the timely and correct calculation of taxes. They must take all measures to ensure that the amounts of taxes are calculated correctly in a timely manner. What you need to know for this, and how to do it, we will tell in this article

Tax on the sale of an apartment: features, calculation of the amount and requirements

Tax on the sale of an apartment: features, calculation of the amount and requirements

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Each person must figure out how to correctly calculate and pay tax on the sale of an apartment. This article explains how to avoid having to list a fee. To do this, the period of ownership, the ability to use the deduction and the need to use the cadastral price of the object for calculation are taken into account

Types of taxation and their characteristics. What type of taxation to choose

Types of taxation and their characteristics. What type of taxation to choose

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today we will study the types of taxation for legal entities and entrepreneurs. What are they like? And what is better to choose in this or that case? Each individual entrepreneur should know the pros and cons of existing tax payment systems. Otherwise, the business may fail. All this and more will be discussed below

What is the real estate sales tax?

What is the real estate sales tax?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The state budget is replenished from the taxes of citizens and enterprises. There are many types of taxes practiced in Russia. The number of subjects of tax law also includes the owners of real estate. The amount of tax depends on the civil status and on the individual characteristics of real estate

Help "form 9": where and why to take it?

Help "form 9": where and why to take it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Reference "Form 9" is a registration document. Often people call it "about the composition of the family", but this is not an entirely accurate definition. Let's find out what information the "form 9" certificate includes, what it is for, where to get it and what you need for this

Deadline for payment of transport tax by individuals and legal entities

Deadline for payment of transport tax by individuals and legal entities

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Terms for payment of transport tax are set separately for companies and individuals. This fee is paid exclusively by the owner of the car. The article explains that the payment deadline for companies is set separately by each region, and individuals must transfer funds before December 1 of the next year. The rules for calculating and transferring tax are given

St. 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with comments. P. 1, Art. 154 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

St. 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with comments. P. 1, Art. 154 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

St. 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation determines the procedure for establishing the tax base in the process of providing services, selling goods or performing work. In the norm, special attention is paid to different ways of its formation, which the payer must choose in accordance with the terms of sale

Where and how to find out if there are tax arrears

Where and how to find out if there are tax arrears

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

This article explains what taxes are and how to find out what taxes are owed. Describes the main ways to do this

Intestate inheritance taxes. Inheritance tax

Intestate inheritance taxes. Inheritance tax

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Inheritance is a great joy for many. Only in Russia since 2006 this process has undergone huge changes. Therefore, it is difficult to understand whether inheritance taxes should be paid or not

Example of income tax calculations. Tax calculation

Example of income tax calculations. Tax calculation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

So, today we will see with you an example of income tax calculations. This contribution is very important for the state and taxpayers. Only it has a lot of different nuances

For Dummies: VAT (Value Added Tax). Tax return, tax rates and VAT refund procedure

For Dummies: VAT (Value Added Tax). Tax return, tax rates and VAT refund procedure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

VAT is one of the most common taxes not only in Russia but also abroad. Having a significant impact on the formation of the Russian budget, it is increasingly attracting the attention of the uninitiated. For dummies, VAT can be presented in a schematic form, without going into the smallest nuances

Tax social deduction - why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Tax social deduction - why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Unfortunately, we do not always use our right. Citizens not only have obligations to the state, but vice versa. The tax social deduction is a great opportunity to partially offset the expenses incurred. They are discussed in the article

Study tax deduction: not as difficult to get as it might seem at first glance

Study tax deduction: not as difficult to get as it might seem at first glance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Most of the population regularly pays income and other taxes. Few people know that some of them can be returned in the form of compensation for the purchase of real estate, medical treatment, and expensive education. You can find out who is en titled to a tuition tax deduction, and how to get it, by reading the article

Reimbursement of personal income tax for treatment. Treatment tax refund

Reimbursement of personal income tax for treatment. Treatment tax refund

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The disease is accompanied not only by physical discomfort, but also by material costs. A doctor can get rid of the disease. As for the reimbursement of material costs, the legislation provides for certain financial guarantees for citizens

VAT - what is it and how to calculate it?

VAT - what is it and how to calculate it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

VAT - what is it? Our article will be devoted to this topic, in which we will talk about why this tax was established, and describe its features. Value added tax is indirect and is one of the most important ways to replenish the Russian state treasury. Everyone who wants to do business should know about it in detail. So, let's start studying VAT

How to check tax debt without leaving home?

How to check tax debt without leaving home?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Someone deliberately evades taxes, someone - out of ignorance or forgetfulness, does not extinguish the debt to the state. In all cases, it is important to know how to check the debt to the tax, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation and control the situation. We'll tell you how to do it today

Imputed tax - what is it?

Imputed tax - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Often, start-up entrepreneurs choose an imputed tax for work. The article describes what are the restrictions on the use of this mode, how the amount of the fee is correctly calculated, what indicators are used for calculation, as well as how to switch to the mode correctly and who can use it

Main types of tax systems

Main types of tax systems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The treasury of absolutely any state unconditionally needs the process of its systematic replenishment, while everyone knows that most of these injections are made by the fiscal obligations of business entities. Today we will talk about the complex tax mechanism that regulates this activity

Deferral of tax payment - what is it? Procedure and types of deferrals

Deferral of tax payment - what is it? Procedure and types of deferrals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It happens that negative circumstances occur in the life of a taxpayer. Tax deferral is a great way out in this situation

Blocking a tax account: causes and consequences

Blocking a tax account: causes and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

On ensuring the fulfillment of obligations imposed on taxpayers, referred to in Article 11 of Chapter TC. In case of improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of obligations, the control body has the right to hold the perpetrator liable. In addition, the legislation establishes coercive mechanisms that tax authorities can use

Taxation system for individual entrepreneurs: how to choose the most effective

Taxation system for individual entrepreneurs: how to choose the most effective

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To select a specific tax regime, you need to familiarize yourself with each in detail and understand which particular taxation system for individual entrepreneurs is most beneficial

VAT for "teapot". All about VAT for dummies

VAT for "teapot". All about VAT for dummies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Value added tax is mandatory for any enterprise engaged in the production, sale of goods, provision of services

How to apply for the transition to the simplified tax system

How to apply for the transition to the simplified tax system

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The simplified taxation system is one of the most convenient economic regimes that allow you to minimize tax deductions. This mode is very convenient for many companies involved in the provision of services and the sale of goods

Resort tax in Russia: what is it, size, timing of introduction

Resort tax in Russia: what is it, size, timing of introduction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The introduction of the resort tax in Russia has made a lot of noise in our society. And it cannot be said that only oppositionists “from the people” were opponents of innovations. Disputes flared up at all levels, including the cabinet. As it should be in a “normal democratic” state, President Vladimir Putin himself put an end to it. As you know, after his opinion, all discussions and disputes stop. What is the resort tax in Russia? Why is it needed, what is its essence?

Tax on wells for individuals in Russia

Tax on wells for individuals in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many citizens reacted negatively to the news that a tax on suburban wells may soon appear. The government is seriously concerned about the budget deficit. In the future - an increase in the retirement age, an increase in personal income tax by 1-2%, and the previously canceled duties will be resumed. The most "daring" politicians want to oblige the unemployed to pay for municipal clinics, schools, hospitals

Code 114 in the 2-personal income tax certificate. standard tax deduction

Code 114 in the 2-personal income tax certificate. standard tax deduction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In accordance with the law, when calculating income tax, some individuals may receive a benefit in the form of a standard tax deduction. Due to the fact that the size of the salary depends on the amount of such a deduction, quite often many employees have questions about what certificates and documents must be submitted in order to obtain such a right. In turn, accounting employees are required to correctly enter code 114 in the 2-NDFL certificate to reflect the deduction provided in it

What is interesting about the progressive taxation scale

What is interesting about the progressive taxation scale

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The amount of money coming into the state budget is constantly controlled by the country's tax system. In order to redistribute the tax burden from poor to rich citizens, legislators came up with a progressive taxation scale, which was used in Russia until 2000. But along with the positive aspects, progressive taxation, as it turned out, has its drawbacks, which make it not very popular

How to draw up and where to submit an application for a property tax deduction

How to draw up and where to submit an application for a property tax deduction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The state benefit in the form of a reduction in the tax deduction is provided to the taxpayer during the purchase of his own property. This opportunity helps the taxpayer to partially reduce the costs incurred

Where and how to apply for a tax refund for a property deduction

Where and how to apply for a tax refund for a property deduction

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When buying real estate (dachas, garages, rooms, apartments) or land, repaying a mortgage loan, an individual who is an income tax payer has the right to use the property deduction and return part of the tax payments

Features of "imputation": why you need to apply for UTII

Features of "imputation": why you need to apply for UTII

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Apply a single tax on imputed income can companies that meet certain requirements. This regime applies to small businesses and has preferential taxation

The accrual of personal income tax upon compensation upon dismissal deserves special attention

The accrual of personal income tax upon compensation upon dismissal deserves special attention

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cash compensation for leave is paid to an employee in the event of his dismissal from the company. This payment is mandatory and is calculated according to certain rules. The preferential taxation of such a calculation deserves special attention

Deduction 114: how to get. Changes in 2017

Deduction 114: how to get. Changes in 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Deductions for children are provided by the employer. However, he needs to provide all the documents. However, each employee can check the amount of tax himself

Do you also not know how to get a tuition tax deduction?

Do you also not know how to get a tuition tax deduction?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Not everyone is financially literate enough to know how to claim a tuition tax deduction. But this is a real opportunity to recover at least part of the funds spent on education

Cadastral value tax: how to calculate, example. How to find out the cadastral value of a property

Cadastral value tax: how to calculate, example. How to find out the cadastral value of a property

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In 2015, changes were made to the procedure for calculating the tax on property of individuals. It is paid by the owners of residential buildings, apartments to the budget of the municipality at the location of the object. For more information on how to correctly calculate the tax on the cadastral value, read on

Property tax on children: should minor children pay property tax?

Property tax on children: should minor children pay property tax?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tax disputes in Russia are something that brings quite a lot of problems to both the population and the tax authorities. Payments for the property of minors require special attention. Should children pay taxes? Should the population be afraid of non-payment of the specified fee?

Tax on the sale of real estate: calculation procedure

Tax on the sale of real estate: calculation procedure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To pay taxes or not? It's up to you, of course. But remember that tax evasion is a criminal offense that entails very hefty fines and imprisonment

Property tax deduction when buying an apartment: conditions, documents, receipt

Property tax deduction when buying an apartment: conditions, documents, receipt

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Obtaining a property tax deduction is a procedure demanded by citizens of the Russian Federation. It allows you to significantly reduce mortgage costs, as well as offset part of the costs associated with buying a home. What are the nuances of making a deduction for an apartment?

How much personal income tax percent is? Personal Income Tax

How much personal income tax percent is? Personal Income Tax

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today we will find out how much personal income tax percent is in 2016. In addition, we will learn how to calculate it correctly. And, of course, we will study everything that can only relate to this contribution to the state treasury

Application for a refund of personal income tax for treatment: a sample and an example of filling

Application for a refund of personal income tax for treatment: a sample and an example of filling

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For more than a year, a taxpayer working on a white salary has the right to a so-called refund, or social tax deduction. It is issued at the local branch of the Federal Tax Service by filing a declaration. It is possible to return the taxes transferred to the state for expensive treatment or the purchase of medicines. To do this, you must fill out a special application. What is an application for a refund of personal income tax for treatment? How to fill out and what documents to attach to it we will tell in the article

How to pay for a patent through Sberbank: step by step instructions

How to pay for a patent through Sberbank: step by step instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many foreigners come to Russia not only for tourism purposes, but also to work at various enterprises. Such people definitely need to go through the procedure for obtaining a patent, without which official employment is impossible. In addition, without this, a person will not receive the required benefits and social support. How to pay for a patent is described in the article

How to register in the taxpayer's personal account: legal entities, individuals and individual entrepreneurs

How to register in the taxpayer's personal account: legal entities, individuals and individual entrepreneurs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Personal account is a convenient service of the Federal Tax Service. It opens up a number of convenient features for citizens. Registration in it does not require special skills

Tax on deposits in Ukraine

Tax on deposits in Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In July 2014, the President signed draft law No. 401 “On Amendments to the Tax Code”, which changed the procedure for taxing profits from deposits. Let's take a closer look at the new calculation procedure

Is the sick leave subject to personal income tax in 2017

Is the sick leave subject to personal income tax in 2017

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article talks about whether you need to pay tax when you go on sick leave. Exceptions and personal income tax percentage are considered