
Wyandot chickens: description of the breed, photos, reviews

Wyandot chickens: description of the breed, photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Efficient, calm, full of dignity - Wyandot chickens, which appeared in the USA in the 19th century, gathered the best qualities of meat and egg breeds. The first birds entered the standard in the USA in 1883 (they were silver representatives of the breed), in Russia it happened in 1911

Tillage methods: technological operations and tasks

Tillage methods: technological operations and tasks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Machining the soil layer is the main stimulator of crop rotation processes. A properly designed cultivation system, in particular, improves the moisture supply and aeration of the earth, also contributing to the activation of beneficial microorganisms. Modern methods of tillage combine elements of traditional soil cultivation and new technologies, but in each case, when using them, one must also take into account external microclimatic conditions and requirements for plants

Milking machines for cows: types, device, characteristics

Milking machines for cows: types, device, characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Milking machines pay off quickly enough and soon turn into a plus, unlike workers who will always need to be paid

Eimeriosis chickens: developmental biology, symptoms and treatment

Eimeriosis chickens: developmental biology, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Eimeriosis mainly affects young birds. Without treatment, chickens either die or become carriers for life, which causes material damage to the farm. The biology of the development of eimeriosis in chickens can be different, because 9 pathogens can cause the disease at once. If an infection is detected, it is necessary to improve the economy

Long pepper: types, varieties, cultivation features, recipes with its use, medicinal properties and uses

Long pepper: types, varieties, cultivation features, recipes with its use, medicinal properties and uses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Long pepper is a popular product that has found wide application in many industries. There are many varieties of peppers. This culture has a beneficial effect on the human body and has a wide spectrum of action. It is used in the food industry and traditional medicine

Duck blue favorite - breed description and cultivation

Duck blue favorite - breed description and cultivation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, many villagers breed ducks of various breeds, usually for tender and tasty meat, as well as eggs, down and feathers. When choosing a breed for breeding, the vitality and resistance of the bird to diseases, how quickly it gains weight and, of course, how good its meat is in taste, as well as what are the disadvantages and advantages are important. Relatively recently, in the late 90s of the last century, a blue favorite duck appeared

Rules and techniques for feeding horses, their daily diet and maintenance, care and breeding of animals

Rules and techniques for feeding horses, their daily diet and maintenance, care and breeding of animals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Horses are wonderful animals, but they require proper care. To keep this animal, the future owner must build a house for him, develop the right diet and make an appointment with a veterinarian. With proper care, horses will give the owner only pleasant emotions

Who grows flax: profession, features, technologies

Who grows flax: profession, features, technologies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Everyone knows why flax is grown in our country. It is a source of very useful substances. And even medicine cannot do without it. So what is so valuable about this fragile plant?

We make disk hillers with our own hands. Manufacturing technology

We make disk hillers with our own hands. Manufacturing technology

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

How to make a disk hiller with your own hands? We choose the material for work, we follow the technology. Features and benefits of this equipment

Castrated horse: definition, name, causes, features of care and maintenance of gelding

Castrated horse: definition, name, causes, features of care and maintenance of gelding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

People are already used to castration of cats, but not everyone wants to apply this procedure to other animals. Men especially object to such an operation, who for some reason are more (than women) inclined to humanize animals. But sometimes this procedure is necessary. There can be many reasons: medical indications, correction of undesirable behavior, method of contraception in the herd

How long does a decorative rabbit live?

How long does a decorative rabbit live?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The question of how long a rabbit lives can be quite important. This is especially true for families with small children. For them, the loss of a pet can be a real grief. Yes, and adults often become attached to these cute fluffy animals

Irrigation - what does it mean? Benefits of irrigation for land

Irrigation - what does it mean? Benefits of irrigation for land

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Irrigation of the fields is one of the most important conditions for fertility. The provision of liquid to plants affects the chemical processes taking place in them, the air and temperature conditions, and the functioning of the soil at the microbiological level. Irrigation of fields is an activity that solves the issues of delivery and uniform distribution of liquid on agricultural lands, which are exposed to dry conditions in natural conditions

Angora rabbit: photo, maintenance, breeding

Angora rabbit: photo, maintenance, breeding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Angora rabbits are bred primarily for fluff. The coat of such animals is long, glossy and soft. The technology of keeping rabbits of this variety has some of its own characteristics. Of course, you need to take care of Angora animals correctly

Perlite is a very remarkable material

Perlite is a very remarkable material

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Perlite is a rock found in volcanic eruptions. It forms where red-hot lava touches the ground at the edges of its flow. Due to the fact that the hot stream here cools the fastest, obsidian is formed - volcanic glass. In the future, if obsidian is exposed to water, it hydrates and perlite is obtained - obsidian hydroxide

Watermelon: planting and care

Watermelon: planting and care

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most popular garden plants is watermelon. In addition, it does not require too much time and labor when growing. Planting and caring for it are no particular complexity. Watermelon fruits are very tasty and he althy

TDT-40 - the great-grandfather of modern felling machines

TDT-40 - the great-grandfather of modern felling machines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Truly original engineers inhabited the now non-existent country - the USSR. The working equipment of this state was distinguished by the original embodiment of design developments, reliability and service life. And to this day, she regularly fulfills her duties. An example of such a machine is the TDT-40 tractor, produced in the distant 50s of the last century

Breeds of fine-wool sheep: description and characteristics

Breeds of fine-wool sheep: description and characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Breeds of fine-wool sheep are bred everywhere in our country. The main distinguishing feature of such animals is a long and very thin, sinuous coat. The bones of such sheep are usually very strong, but the muscle mass is not very well developed

Shrovetide radish as a fertilizer: sowing a crop

Shrovetide radish as a fertilizer: sowing a crop

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Green manure plants are a special group of flora representatives from different families, but with the same properties. With proper cultivation, they are able to restore soil fertility, enriching it with valuable elements, fertilizing and loosening. These include Chinese, oilseed or Shrovetide radish - a native of the cruciferous family, confidently gaining popularity among domestic gardeners. This publication is dedicated to this plant

Gardens of the Giant - the leading agricultural holding in Novosibirsk

Gardens of the Giant - the leading agricultural holding in Novosibirsk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Holding "Gardens of the Giant" is an advanced complex for growing vegetables and herbs in Novosibirsk. Employees of the agricultural holding are engaged not only in planting plants, but also in storage, packaging, as well as the supply of fresh products to the city's supermarkets

Yaroslavskaya apiary: a great experience as a beekeeper

Yaroslavskaya apiary: a great experience as a beekeeper

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Yaroslavl apiary Gennady Stepanenko is an excellent experience for beekeepers in the use of multi-hull hives. In addition, Stepanenko maintains his own Internet platform and has released a whole block of training video tutorials

"Russian ostrich" - ostrich farm (Moscow region)

"Russian ostrich" - ostrich farm (Moscow region)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Ostrich breeding in Russia is becoming more and more popular. One of the most famous enterprises is the Russian Ostrich. The address where the ostrich farm is located: Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Starye Kuzminki village

Chinchilla rabbits: description

Chinchilla rabbits: description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Chinchilla rabbits are the most popular and widespread in Russia. Almost every rabbit breeder started with this breed. Probably not in vain. Those who are just thinking about breeding rabbits should first of all learn everything about this breed

Bioadditives and growth stimulants for pigs: overview, composition, application features and reviews

Bioadditives and growth stimulants for pigs: overview, composition, application features and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It has long been in the past to fatten pigs only with boiled vegetables from the garden, flavoring them with bran with compound feed, and mowed grass. Not only on large farms, but also in private farmsteads, when fattening piglets, protein-mineral-vitamin supplements (PMVD) are used. When these additives are introduced into the feed, piglets quickly gain weight, are active, and do not get sick. Save feed by 30%. Because piglets eat less and grow faster. It is possible with a balanced diet

How rabbits breed, how many pregnant women go, features of the round

How rabbits breed, how many pregnant women go, features of the round

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

No wonder there is a saying: "They breed like rabbits." People begin to breed these animals precisely because of their extraordinary fertility. Every novice rabbit breeder should know everything about how rabbits breed, how many they go pregnant, what are the features of their birth

Karmaly - a breed of pigs with the most delicious meat

Karmaly - a breed of pigs with the most delicious meat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The dream of every pig breeder is to have pigs that enter puberty early, give birth to a large number of piglets, eat little and cheaply, and grow very quickly. They didn’t get sick, they were calm in nature, and most importantly, the meat was tasty. And now this dream has come true. Karmaly - a breed of pigs, or rather a hybrid that has all these qualities

"Chinese snake" (cucumber) - a miracle of selection

"Chinese snake" (cucumber) - a miracle of selection

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Chinese snake" - cucumber, which is very popular with gardeners. Approximately 8 years ago, a new variety of cucumbers appeared on the Russian seed market. Now this is a whole group of varieties of the same species, related to the name "Chinese snake". This family of cucumbers is distinguished by very long, more than 50 cm, greens. The fruits of these cucumbers are not only long, but also thin, often wriggling and very prickly. They really do look like green snakes

Coccidiosis in chickens: causes, treatment, prevention

Coccidiosis in chickens: causes, treatment, prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Coccidiosis in chickens is a parasitic, infectious disease. The disease has the character of an epidemic. It quickly spreads in the chicken coop, especially among young animals, and takes almost 80% of the poultry population. The most important thing is to notice the symptoms of the disease in time and take action. It is also possible to prevent coccidiosis by pre-vaccinating young animals and observing the correct rules for keeping poultry

Cucumber Claudia F1: reviews, photos, variety description

Cucumber Claudia F1: reviews, photos, variety description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Claudia F1 is one of the most popular cucumber varieties. He is very famous among gardeners. Despite the rather high price, these cucumbers are always in demand. They are bought in several packs. Why is this variety so fond of, what is its uniqueness?

Drip irrigation "Beetle": manufacturer, instructions, reviews

Drip irrigation "Beetle": manufacturer, instructions, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Beetle drip irrigation is the most affordable way to grow a rich crop even in hot, dry summers. This kit will save water and time for regular watering with a watering can and hose and will be more effective for plants

Mini-tractor "Uralets" - affordable universal equipment

Mini-tractor "Uralets" - affordable universal equipment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tractor "Uralets" is a multi-purpose equipment necessary for subsidiary and farm enterprises, as well as for housing and communal services companies

Agronursery Vishnyakovo: reviews

Agronursery Vishnyakovo: reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Vishnyakovo agricultural nursery has been selling and sending seedlings by Russian post since 1999. When ordering decorative and fruit shrubs, flowers in the nursery, you can be sure that you will receive high-quality planting material on time. Prices for seedlings will please, they are the lowest in Russia. By making an advance payment of 30%, you can get retail planting material literally at a wholesale price

What is drone brood used for?

What is drone brood used for?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A relatively new bee product to use is drone brood. Very often it is called drone milk or drone-brood homogenate. This natural product has been used in antiquity

Fruit hybrids: list of hybrids, crossing process, characteristics, photos

Fruit hybrids: list of hybrids, crossing process, characteristics, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Currently, markets and shops sell a huge amount of fruit for every taste. Surprisingly, many of them are hybrids, which means that they were bred by the labor of breeders. The crossing process can take more than one month or even a year, but as a result, people get new fruit hybrids that have excellent taste and benefit our he alth

How to grow watermelons outdoors to get a good harvest

How to grow watermelons outdoors to get a good harvest

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

How to grow watermelons outdoors in Central Russia, where the climate is not very conducive to their ripening? Adhere to the following tips to increase your chances of a good harvest

How to feed laying hens to rush better: features and recommendations

How to feed laying hens to rush better: features and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The ability of hens to lay eggs can vary depending on the time of year and climatic conditions. This feature is associated with the physiology of birds. Therefore, today many farmers are interested in the question of how to feed chickens in the cold?

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar?

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many gardeners believe that focusing on the lunar calendar, you can increase the yield of garden crops. For example, when is the best time to plant seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers? The answer to this question, according to some gardeners, depends, among other things, on the position of the moon in the sky

Chicken diseases are the consequences of their improper keeping

Chicken diseases are the consequences of their improper keeping

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many chick diseases and deaths are related to hypothermia. Especially they need warmth at 3-5 weeks of age. And when they get cold, they huddle together in a warmer place. As a result of hypothermia, various diseases occur, such as pullorosis, coccidiosis, aspergillosis and others

Cucumber powdery mildew disease and others: prevention and treatment

Cucumber powdery mildew disease and others: prevention and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cucumber disease is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Plants affected by a fungus or virus die off, resulting in a significant reduction in yield. Appropriate preventive measures must be taken to prevent infection

Nigella sowing: photo, cultivation, sowing dates

Nigella sowing: photo, cultivation, sowing dates

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Nigerushka in the common people is usually called onion seeds. Being planted in the ground, by the end of the season they give a small set. The latter next year can already be used for growing large heads. In some cases, you can get a real onion from the nigella sowing in one season

Corn is an annual herbaceous plant: cultivation, varieties, description, photo

Corn is an annual herbaceous plant: cultivation, varieties, description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Corn is an annual heat-loving plant, which is grown by many summer residents of Russia and Ukraine. There are many varieties of this wonderful culture. For central Russia, mainly early-ripening hybrids are suitable. In Ukraine, you can also grow late corn

Proper feeding of laying hens is the key to good productivity

Proper feeding of laying hens is the key to good productivity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many of you keep a household: chickens, ducks, goats and maybe even pigs, but not many know how to properly feed these animals. In this article, you will learn what to feed chickens and how feeding laying hens affects their productivity

Witch's fingers grapes - one of the most unusual and spectacular varieties

Witch's fingers grapes - one of the most unusual and spectacular varieties

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many people value grapes for their beneficial properties and excellent taste. Breeders have bred a huge number of varieties of this berry. The most exotic of them include grapes "witch's fingers", which is distinguished by an unusual elongated shape

How to catch a bee swarm in an empty hive?

How to catch a bee swarm in an empty hive?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

A beginner beekeeper has a lot of questions. How to keep bees, save them and increase them, how to save them in winter and get the maximum amount of honey? In the framework of today's article, we want to consider only one question, namely how to catch a bee swarm, that is, how to get the first families

"Zozulya" - tasty and early cucumbers

"Zozulya" - tasty and early cucumbers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Zozulya cucumbers are still very popular with Russian summer residents and gardeners. Why is this variety so popular?

Beijing cabbage: how to grow to get two crops in one summer?

Beijing cabbage: how to grow to get two crops in one summer?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Chinese cabbage is tasty and he althy. How to grow it to get two bountiful harvests in one summer?

How do ducks live and what do they eat in the wild?

How do ducks live and what do they eat in the wild?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many young naturalists just beginning to study wildlife often feed bread to ducks swimming in a nearby pond. At the same time, most of them do not even realize that instead of taking care of the birds, they cause irreparable harm to these waterfowl. After reading this article, you will find out what ducks eat in the wild

Hydroponics - what is it?

Hydroponics - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Hydroponics is a method of growing crops without the use of soil mixtures. Just enough nutrient solution and expanded clay

Grapes. Reproduction at home

Grapes. Reproduction at home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The dream of many summer residents is to grow tasty and very he althy grapes on their plot. Reproduction of a plant in Siberia is not obtained by everyone. The culture came to this region recently, and there is not enough cultivation experience. But in the southern regions, where climatic conditions allow growing luxurious grapes, its reproduction is not difficult

Glass greenhouse at their summer cottage

Glass greenhouse at their summer cottage

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article talks about the types of glass greenhouses and the main nuances of building on your site the desired option for growing vegetables or flower crops

Zagorsk salmon chicken breed: description, characteristics, reviews, photos

Zagorsk salmon chicken breed: description, characteristics, reviews, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The breed of chickens Zagorsk salmon is characterized by high productivity, endurance and vitality. Chickens have a beautiful pink-cream color. Cockerels - black and white with red. This is a relatively young breed, bred in the middle of the last century

Quail diseases and their treatment. Quail breeding at home for beginners

Quail diseases and their treatment. Quail breeding at home for beginners

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Unlike other birds, quails get sick less. They have one feature - the body temperature is 2 ° C higher than normal. Such an environment is not suitable for the favorable development of disease-causing microorganisms. However, do not relax. Some measures to prevent negative he alth factors must be taken

Feeding turkeys in the first weeks of life

Feeding turkeys in the first weeks of life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The main advantages of turkeys are rapid weight gain, omnivorousness and, of course, delicious meat. It is these qualities that encourage owners of their own plots to think about breeding these birds. In order for the bird to grow without problems, remaining he althy, and subsequently able to give the same he althy offspring, painstaking care will be required

Tomato Tarasenko: description, characteristics, photos and reviews

Tomato Tarasenko: description, characteristics, photos and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tarasenko's tomatoes have earned very good reviews from summer residents. Liana-shaped tomatoes of varieties bred by this Ukrainian amateur breeder give excellent yields and at the same time are unpretentious. Tall tomatoes of this variety are planted on the site using a special technology

Mechanized and manual sorting of potatoes

Mechanized and manual sorting of potatoes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

An important nuance of post-harvest processing is the sorting of potatoes into fractions. Modern agricultural enterprises that specialize in the industrial cultivation of vegetables are trying to mechanize this process as much as possible. Specialized equipment sorts tubers according to given sizes quickly and accurately. Consider tuber sorting devices that make this process quick and as simple as possible

Pigs: breeding at home as a business

Pigs: breeding at home as a business

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most productive types of farm animals are thoroughbred pigs. Breeding them at home is a fairly profitable and profitable business. At the moment, the Russian government pays great attention to the development of the country's agriculture. Therefore, having decided to start a business of raising these animals, one can hope, among other things, for the support of the state

Wintering bees in omshanik. Beekeeping for beginners

Wintering bees in omshanik. Beekeeping for beginners

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Strong bee colonies with enough honey for food can endure winter frosts down to -40 degrees outside. But in colder areas with a long (up to 5-7 months) winter period, the best alternative would be to overwinter bees in a omshan

Breeds of dairy goats: description, photo. goat breeding

Breeds of dairy goats: description, photo. goat breeding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article discusses some breeds of dairy goats. The most productive are Saanen, TĂĽggenburg, Alpine, Megrelian, Gorky goats

Tips on how to grow onions per head in the garden

Tips on how to grow onions per head in the garden

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Onions, as they used to say in the old days, from seven ailments. We do not forget about this either. Official medicine prescribes pharmaceutical onion preparations - "Allilchep", "Allylglycer" and others. Onion is widely used in traditional medicine

Winter garlic: planting and care

Winter garlic: planting and care

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The highly healing properties of raw garlic are due to the chemical composition of the plant, which contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin C, selenium, arsenic compounds, sulfur. He alth benefits: It has antiviral and antibacterial properties, lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. According to the timing of planting material, the varieties are divided into spring and winter garlic. Planting and caring for the culture are not particularly difficult

Rostselmash tractors: models and specifications

Rostselmash tractors: models and specifications

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rostselmash tractors are reliable and powerful units used in various agricultural works

Animal tuberculosis: diagnosis and prevention

Animal tuberculosis: diagnosis and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Animal tuberculosis is a widespread infectious disease that occurs almost everywhere except in highly developed countries. Because of it, the agricultural sector suffers huge economic losses. This time the focus is on the diagnosis of this disease and methods of effective prevention

Rational use of land: the concept and functions of land, the principle of use

Rational use of land: the concept and functions of land, the principle of use

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Exploitation of the land fund involves the creation of favorable conditions for the production of agricultural products. However, it is impossible to achieve high economic efficiency in this area without a careful calculation of the costs of energy, power and natural resources. The concept of rational use of land is of key importance in maintaining sufficient production indicators in this area without harming nature

Sudan grass: cultivation technology, seeding rate, seeds and biological features

Sudan grass: cultivation technology, seeding rate, seeds and biological features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sudan grass is one of the best fodder plants in terms of nutritional value and productivity. Subject to the cultivation technology, they collect up to 800-1000 centners of green mass per hectare

Basic tillage: techniques and methods of processing, characteristics

Basic tillage: techniques and methods of processing, characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The main tillage is called its deep loosening in order to increase air and moisture permeability. Plowing the land can be done in different ways. Most often, this procedure is performed with a reservoir turnover

Tractor T-40AM: description and purpose

Tractor T-40AM: description and purpose

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The T-40AM tractor is a veteran of domestic agricultural machinery, which has already been discontinued. We will talk about it in more detail in the article

Breeds of ducks for home breeding

Breeds of ducks for home breeding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Ducks today are bred by many homeowners. The advantage of such a bird is primarily unpretentiousness and high productivity. Breeds of ducks were bred by breeders, of course, a lot

Farming in the Moscow region

Farming in the Moscow region

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many businessmen dream of organizing their own farming in the Moscow region. What should be considered when starting this type of activity?

Pig slaughter at home and at meat processing plants

Pig slaughter at home and at meat processing plants

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Slaughtering a pig at home must be done correctly. Exact adherence to the technology of this procedure ensures a good taste of meat and at the same time eliminates the torment of the animal. In household farms, pigs are usually slaughtered with a sharp knife, tying two legs with a rope

Orlovskaya breed of horses: characteristics, photo and description

Orlovskaya breed of horses: characteristics, photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Can a National Treasure Live? Yes, and it happens. The Oryol breed of horses is a vivid example of this. Bred under the guidance of Count Alexei Orlov, these fast trotting horses are unmatched. Oryol trotters - the beauty and pride of Russia

Simmental, breed of cows: photo and description, characteristics, pros and cons of the breed

Simmental, breed of cows: photo and description, characteristics, pros and cons of the breed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The Simmental cow breed is one of the most ancient. It is versatile, has both excellent meat and dairy characteristics. Simmental bulls gain weight very quickly. Their meat has a pleasant taste, so farmers often take them for fattening. Simmental cows produce excellent fat milk, which is perfect for making cheeses. They give birth to strong calves and have stable lactation

Broilers - chickens for quick dietary meat

Broilers - chickens for quick dietary meat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Poultry grows fast and, importantly, breeds easily. Broilers are suitable for obtaining dietary meat. Chickens obtained from crossing meat-egg and meat breeds are quite productive. They gain weight very quickly

KMZ-012: specifications, instructions. Owner reviews

KMZ-012: specifications, instructions. Owner reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

KMZ-012 is a mini-tractor that has earned respect in the consumer environment. We will talk about it in detail in the article

Developed agro-industrial complex is the way to meet food demand

Developed agro-industrial complex is the way to meet food demand

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

APK is a complex consisting of three spheres. The first united the industries that are involved in the direct supply of agriculture with the means of production it needs

Tomato "Marina Grove": photos and reviews about the yield of the variety

Tomato "Marina Grove": photos and reviews about the yield of the variety

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tomato "Maryina Grove" is an unusually rich, stable and reliable variety. The fruits hang from the branches in a bright red cascade, have rounded shapes and ripen almost all at the same time

Means "Lapis Lazuli" from weeds - saving potatoes

Means "Lapis Lazuli" from weeds - saving potatoes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

There are several effective recipes for killing weeds when growing potatoes. One of them is the use of herbicides, special preparations to combat harmful plants. For processing potatoes, there is a group of such products from different manufacturers. To date, the drug "Lazurit" from weeds is the main herbicide

Profession beekeeper or beekeeper

Profession beekeeper or beekeeper

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

I think everyone loves honey. This is the sweetness that you can't refuse. But in order to collect honey, you need to make a lot of effort. There is even a profession called a beekeeper or a beekeeper. People with this profession are engaged in breeding bees and collecting honey

Preparation of cucumber seeds for planting in the ground, for seedlings, in the greenhouse

Preparation of cucumber seeds for planting in the ground, for seedlings, in the greenhouse

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

All gardeners, of course, have their signature secrets for getting a great harvest. But what about those who do not have too much experience in such matters? Preparing cucumber seeds and planting cucumbers in open ground or a greenhouse - these questions are of great interest to many novice gardeners. So let's go over the main points

Brown suit: description, characteristics, photo

Brown suit: description, characteristics, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In Russian, the word "kauritsya" means to be gloomy, stubborn and hateful. Therefore, it is likely that the suit got its name not because of the color, but because of the nature of wild horses. However, for the horses themselves, such a color is a vital necessity, helping to hide from enemies both in the steppes and in the undergrowth. This became especially relevant for young animals, still unable to withstand the attacks of predators

How often to water garlic at different times of the year

How often to water garlic at different times of the year

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Since garlic is classified as a cold-resistant crop, it is often planted in the fall so that, after overwintering under the snow, the new crop is suitable for consumption as early as possible. But in order for the harvest to be maximum, and the bulbs themselves to be well stored, it is important to know not only the rules for planting a plant, but also caring for it. For example, it is extremely important how often to water garlic at different times of the year

KTU-10 - tractor feeder: description, operation, characteristics

KTU-10 - tractor feeder: description, operation, characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today there are many types of special agricultural machinery that facilitate manual labor in farms, including cattle breeding. One of them is the feeder KTU-10, designed for transporting and supplying chopped feed to the feeders

Mobile grain dryers: overview, manufacturers, types and reviews

Mobile grain dryers: overview, manufacturers, types and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Mobile grain dryers: description, manufacturers, types. peculiarities. Mobile grain dryers, characteristics, photos, reviews

Who are mulard ducks

Who are mulard ducks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Approximately sixty years ago, instead of goose liver, they began to use the liver of mulards - hybrid ducks obtained by crossing Muscovy duck drakes with female white Peking ducks. It turned out that they are much cheaper and easier to keep than geese

Crop rotation of vegetable crops is the basis for increasing their yield

Crop rotation of vegetable crops is the basis for increasing their yield

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For a long time, many farmers could not understand the reasons why the yield of an agricultural crop decreases when it is grown in the same place for several years. The first harvest, even under unfavorable conditions, always turned out to be larger than the subsequent ones, although the agricultural technique of cultivation remained at the same level, and often even improved - organic fertilizers were applied, the soil became more fertile

What kind of feed for laying hens is desirable to use in the household

What kind of feed for laying hens is desirable to use in the household

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In industrial poultry farming, special diets are compiled. They have stood the test of time and practice. In poultry farming, it is not always possible to provide chickens with feed according to industrial standards, but there is a set of feed that will give the necessary productivity and provide high-quality bird nutrition

Making a chicken feeder with your own hands

Making a chicken feeder with your own hands

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When breeding laying hens at home, questions arise about how best to organize bird feeding so that feed loss is minimized

Fusarial wilt of tomatoes is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure

Fusarial wilt of tomatoes is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

With Fusarium wilt, the leaves turn yellow, dry out, and a dark ring is clearly visible on the cut of the diseased plant. Sometimes a light gray or white fluffy coating appears at the base of the stem

Giant Rocambole Garlic: Growing Features

Giant Rocambole Garlic: Growing Features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rocambole garlic forms a head weighing up to 400 g, its diameter can be more than 10 cm. It is easy to grow. It reproduces by cloves and children formed on the roots, and not on the bulb itself

Promising cucumber "Herman"

Promising cucumber "Herman"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cucumbers "Herman" are very tasty, saturated emerald color with a slight white bloom, large tubercles, without voids. There is absolutely no bitterness in them

MPO-50: description, purpose, principle of operation

MPO-50: description, purpose, principle of operation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, no agricultural enterprise focused on the cultivation of grain crops can do without pre-treatment grain cleaning machines. Among the whole variety of mechanized means, the MPO-50 occupies a leading position - a machine capable of working with a wide range of agricultural products

Liven chintz chicken: description of the breed

Liven chintz chicken: description of the breed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If you want to breed chickens as part of your household, then you should pay attention to the Liven breed

MTZ 320 tractor: specifications, descriptions, spare parts, prices and reviews

MTZ 320 tractor: specifications, descriptions, spare parts, prices and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

"Belarus-320" is a universal tilled wheeled equipment. Due to its small size and the possibility of using it in different areas, this unit was able to gain great popularity and demand

How to plant strawberries in autumn? Some Tips

How to plant strawberries in autumn? Some Tips

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The best time to plant strawberries is autumn. In September, it will take root perfectly and will give the first fragrant berries in the spring of next year. Knowing how to plant strawberries in the fall, you can avoid mistakes and get 100% survival rate

How to plant strawberries? How to choose a site?

How to plant strawberries? How to choose a site?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The yield of berry crops largely depends on compliance with the planting rules. Many gardeners do not know how to properly plant strawberries, so as a result they are disappointed even in the best varieties. To get juicy and large berries, you need to take very good care of the plant: pick up a site, fertilize, water, etc

Varieties and types of watermelon

Varieties and types of watermelon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When you want to quench your thirst in the summer heat, a cold watermelon comes to mind. Indeed, it is impossible to spend the summer period without tasting these wonderful juicy fruits. However, such a culture is not limited to the most famous varieties. There are other types of watermelons that are not inferior in their taste and varietal qualities to those berries to which we are accustomed

What are the breeds of rabbits? Features of large breeds: care and maintenance at home

What are the breeds of rabbits? Features of large breeds: care and maintenance at home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

As famous comedians say: "Rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kg of easily digestible meat." And in fact, rabbit breeding is gaining momentum. If you also have an idea to breed rabbits or just get a fluffy pet, first find out what breeds of rabbits are

Fungicide "Topaz" - instructions for use

Fungicide "Topaz" - instructions for use

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Every gardener and gardener is well acquainted with such a scourge as powdery mildew. And the fungicide "Topaz" became a real salvation for the plants. Instructions for use, attached to the drug, are quite detailed

Castration of bulls: methods, necessary tools, algorithm for the procedure and recommendations from veterinarians

Castration of bulls: methods, necessary tools, algorithm for the procedure and recommendations from veterinarians

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Farmers who breed bulls for meat often castrate them. This is done not only to improve the taste of animal meat. Bulls have an obstinate disposition, so the operation is carried out to pacify. A castrated animal ceases to experience sexual hunting and becomes calmer. This makes the farmer's job easier. What methods of castration of bulls exist? Learn from this article

Proper watering and fertilizing of grapes is the key to abundant harvests

Proper watering and fertilizing of grapes is the key to abundant harvests

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In order for labor to be rewarded with a bountiful harvest, the vineyard needs proper watering and timely feeding of grapes

Avian aspergillosis: description, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Avian aspergillosis: description, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Aspergillosis is an infectious disease caused by the fungus Aspergillius. This disease affects not only birds, but also farm animals. To date, two forms of this disease are known - acute and chronic. After reading this article, you will understand whether it is possible to eat the meat of birds with aspergillosis

Disinfection of the chicken coop: products, preparations. How to disinfect a chicken coop?

Disinfection of the chicken coop: products, preparations. How to disinfect a chicken coop?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article is devoted to the disinfection of the chicken coop. Considered drugs and folk remedies for this procedure, as well as advice on its implementation