Fuel consumption of an aircraft: types, characteristics, displacement, amount of fuel and refueling
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Fuel consumption of an aircraft is one of the important indicators of the efficient operation of mechanisms. Each model consumes its own amount, tankers calculate this parameter so that the airliner is not loaded with excess weight. Various factors are considered before allowing a departure: flight range, availability of alternate airfields, weather conditions of the route
Multi-purpose transport and combat helicopter Ka-29: description, specifications and history
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Multi-purpose transport and combat helicopter Ka-29: history of creation, specifications, photos, purpose, features. Helicopter Ka-29: description, operation, modifications. How a Ka-29 helicopter crashed over the B altic: history and consequences
What is a watermark: concept, need for application to documents, purpose
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Everyone knows what a watermark is. The most common option is watermarks on banknotes. Such watermarks, which are visible only in the light, were placed on nominal paper, stamps, and in the modern version - on multimedia products. Despite the rather large age of this technique, it is still the most effective way to protect banknotes around the world today
Major: employee feedback on the company
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Reviews about Major will be of interest to everyone who wants to connect their fate with this large and well-known company. After all, this is a whole automobile holding, which is one of the leaders in this industry in our country. The company constantly has many vacancies open, it is believed that by getting a job here, you can receive a consistently high salary and have career prospects. Is this really so, let's try to figure it out in this article
HPP-1: history of the power plant, date of creation, capacity, address and stages of development
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
A museum exposition has been created on the territory of HPP-1, historical events caused its opening. Employees have collected exhibits, documentary collections from the archives with photographs and memoirs of old-timers. Models give an idea of the past of energy production and what it will be like in the future
SR20 engine: specifications, features and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The SR20DE engine is one of the most famous powertrains used in Nissan vehicles. It was first used back in 1989. This equipment was released as a replacement for the CA20 cast-iron engine, which was outdated by that time
Wastewater treatment methods: the more the better
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The higher the level of development of a civilization, the more waste it produces. Today, the most pressing questions of our time are: "Where to put sewerage? How to clean it? What is the treatment of sewage and wastewater?"
What is the most expensive fur in the world?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
When deciding what is the most expensive fur on earth, one cannot get by with an unambiguous answer. Indeed, in the world there is such a variety of animals, the fur of which is both lush, and warm, and beautiful, and, as a result of all these qualities, expensive
Transparent polystyrene: features, specifications and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Transparent polystyrene is a substance that is derived from a synthetic polymer. To obtain such raw materials, a polymerization operation is carried out. Styrene or phenylethylene is used as a processing substance
Scraper conveyor: principle of operation, types, purpose and features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Scraper conveyors have become widespread in the coal industry. They can move the load along a fixed chute with the help of scrapers, which are connected by a movable chain. These conveyors are used to transport dusty, granular and lumpy goods
Velvet: fabric, its types and features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Velveteen is a durable, fleecy fabric with ribs on the front side. It consists of viscose or cotton, rarely synthetic fibers
Rivne NPP is one of the most reliable nuclear power plants in Ukraine
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Nuclear energy is a powerful argument for the energy independence of the state. Rivne NPP is a bright indicator of quality and safety
The plane of the President of Russia is a flying work of art
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The plane of the President of Russia is perfectly finished inside. The representative function of this aircraft is very important, it represents the Kremlin in miniature, just like every aircraft with a tricolor flag on the rudder
What is included in cupronickel?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Easy to process, with excellent malleability and high ductility, cupronickel is used for the manufacture of cutlery, crockery, cigarette cases, thermocouples and jewelry
Why don't they make steam powered planes? Prospects for the development of modern aircraft industry
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Back in the late seventies of the last century, a group of Soviet engineers led by Makarov Yu.V. A project was developed and an ammonia-steam engine was embodied in metal. On tests, it showed decent performance, and in manufacturing it was much simpler than an internal combustion engine. There is a legitimate question about why they don't make steam-powered planes
Screw head screw: use
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Modern industry produces a wide variety of fasteners. A countersunk screw is used to create strong and inconspicuous connections. It is used in construction, mechanical engineering, instrument making and other industries, as well as in everyday life
T-54 - a tank with a long history
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Rarely a combat vehicle has an active and long life. The Soviet medium tank T-54 is just such a rarity. Born back in the years of World War II, it served throughout the Cold War, fought in many hot spots, and still remains in the ranks of many states of the world. What is the secret of such tank longevity?
Reinforcement of the floor slab: step by step instructions, features and drawings
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The example of reinforcing a monolithic floor slab described in the article involves the use of a mesh that binds itself. The rods must be laid along the length, while gaps should be excluded. If there is a need for a tie, the metal elements must be laid with an overlap of 0.5 m
Industrial chillers: description, application, maintenance
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
When it comes to cooling air or water, as a rule, large-scale installations appear before your eyes, familiar from pictures from industrial enterprises of past years. However, progress does not stand still. Today, all this has been replaced by more efficient and compact devices called chillers
Spaceship "Progress": the history of creation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Mankind flew into space in the last century. During this time, space technology has made a powerful breakthrough. But if the astronauts stay on board the orbital stations for a long time, then there is a need for cargo space transportation, and such a cargo flow must be regular
LA-7 aircraft: specifications, drawings, photos
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Soviet aircraft LA-7 was created in OKB-21. The development was led by S. A. Lavochkin, one of the best Soviet designers. This aircraft was considered one of the most effective means of combat aviation during World War II
Transport - what is it? Types and purpose of transport
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The movement of people and goods is an absolute necessity in society. For their implementation, there are special means - transport. What he is, even a child knows. However, it is a complex system requiring absolute understanding
Cast iron from steel what is the difference visually?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
An uninformed person believes that the main structural material of our time is iron. Those who understand know that the word "iron" refers to iron-carbon alloys - steel and cast iron. It would seem that two completely different materials and they are very easy to distinguish. However, given the wide range of their species and brands, it is difficult to determine the fine line of difference in the chemical composition of some of them
Label applicator. Semi-automatic label applicator
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Product labeling is a daily operation for retailers and many industries. Companies that produce and package food products have to work especially hard with labels. The label applicator is a device for fast and efficient application of self-adhesive labels
Engels Air Base. Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Engels Air Base was established in 1930. At the moment it is one of the largest in Russia. This military facility is the only one on which the world's best Tu-160 bombers are based
Russian aviation. Bombers of Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Many have heard more than once about the tank power of Russia. Bombers, oddly enough, are mentioned much less frequently. But do not neglect aviation, as well as the fleet. This is a very important component that allows you to control the airspace of the state, protecting it or attacking the enemy from the air
How to use moonshine with heating element at home
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In the recent past, when handicraft production of moonshine was a forced measure, the vast majority of home stills were installed on an open fire. Now that moonshine has begun to gain popularity as a creative hobby, interest in distillers that use electricity to heat has increased dramatically. Such a solution are moonshine stills with heating elements. It is about them that we will tell in this article
"Kornet" - anti-tank missile system. ATGM "Kornet-EM". ATGM "Kornet-E"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Since the First World War, tanks have quickly become a real headache for the infantry. Initially, even when equipped with primitive armor, they did not leave a chance for the fighters. But even during the Second World War, when, it would seem, regimental artillery and anti-tank rifles (anti-tank rifles) appeared, tanks still dictated their own rules of engagement
Mining enterprises of Russia: list and industry directions
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Mining enterprises in Russia are the backbone of the country's economy. The vast majority of companies operate in conjunction with metallurgical, chemical, processing and other plants
What is mustard gas?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
War is always terrible and terrible. But some types of weapons are so brutal that they are banned by every conceivable international convention in the field of warfare. The latter includes mustard gas, better known as mustard gas
How is oil produced? Where is oil produced? Oil price
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Currently, it is impossible to imagine the modern world without oil. It is the main source of fuel for various transport, raw materials for the production of various consumer goods, medicines and other things. How is oil produced?
Seamless steel pipes in the modern world
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
An article about what seamless steel pipes can be in today's market. What production methods are created for these products, how to determine their quality and parameters? The article talks about what advantages these products can have, as well as what performance characteristics that affect production and use, they differ
How to choose the grit size of the grinding wheel? Marking and photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Today, such an operation as metal grinding is used quite often. In order to successfully carry it out, it is necessary to carefully select the grain size of the grinding wheels. To do this, you need to know the markings, as well as what the granularity is
Cold-formed pipe: description, GOST and features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Cold-formed pipe (GOST 8734-75) can also be classified according to the method of use. Such products may have a special or general purpose. The latter option can have an outer diameter ranging from 5 to 250 mm, while the wall thickness is usually 0.3 to 24 mm
Gas turbine power plants. Mobile gas turbine power plant
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
For the functioning of industrial and economic facilities located at a considerable distance from the centralized power lines, small-scale power generating installations are used. They can operate on various types of fuel. Gas turbine power plants are most widely used due to their high efficiency, ability to generate thermal energy and a number of other features
Camozzi pneumatic distributor: principle of operation, characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Practically all the main mechanisms of any industrial equipment work with compressed air energy. Often, the start-up of the equipment is associated with the operation of the valve from the flow of compressed air. For the normal operation of these mechanisms, it is necessary to control the supply of compressed air to certain components of the mechanisms. Camozzi pneumatic distributors can help with this. They will distribute air flows in a short time, ensuring the operability of nodes and mechanisms
Breakthrough fuse: application, principle of operation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Sometimes in step-down transformer installations, a breakdown discharge between the low and high voltage windings may occur, as well as a significant increase in the potential difference on the low voltage windings. In connection with such cases, it became necessary to use protective devices, such as blowout fuses. Now almost all step-down transformer substations use these protective devices
Agroholding "Chebarkul bird". Food industry of the Chelyabinsk region
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
It's not just consumers who are concerned about the production of he althy food. Manufacturers began to pay more attention to the quality and usefulness of their food products. To the great delight of buyers, business owners understand the dependence of economic indicators in the form of profit on the quality of goods
Engineering in Russia. Geography and structure
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article describes the structure of the Russian machine-building complex, the geography of its main enterprises and their importance for the Russian economy
Beer mixes for mini-breweries: features, types and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
People have long been using a variety of intoxicating drinks. Beer is one of the oldest representatives of this type of product. Today, people have the opportunity to independently produce it. For this, home breweries and beer blends are most often used
Weld legs: characteristics and properties
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Currently, a lot of structures are connected by welding. For this reason, it is important to know what a weld leg is, what it affects, and how to properly weld steel so that the joint is strong
Lena coal basin: geographical location, characteristics of reserves, methods of extraction
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
This article describes the Lena coal basin. It is one of the largest in the world in terms of the volume of coal deposited in it. But at the moment it is poorly exploited due to its remoteness, but this does not make it less interesting to study
Universal breakdown installation: overview, features, specifications and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Universal breakdown installation, or, as it is also called, UPU, is an almost indispensable device, especially when it is necessary to work with electrical equipment. The use of the UPU is a guarantee of safety at any start of an electric machine, which is characterized by very high voltage, as well as very high power
How does the plane slow down when landing? Types of aircraft and methods of braking
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The field of aircraft engineering is of interest to many people, especially those who often fly airplanes. Knowledge of the structure of aircraft will not only make you more erudite, but also relieve many fears, for example, the fear of flying. This article will talk about how the plane slows down during landing and about the methods of braking on different aircraft
Localization of production is Definition of the concept, plan, degrees and levels
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Location of production facilities in new territories in conditions of high demand for products in most cases is beneficial for modern enterprises. This increases the competitiveness of goods and allows you to optimize the logistics costs associated primarily with the organization of transport networks. Thus, the localization of production is carried out - this is the consolidation of a foreign company in the territory of another state
Submarine "Dolphin": project creation, construction, purpose, assignments, design and history of the submarine
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The first combat submarine "Dolphin" served as a prototype for the further development of domestic ships of this class until 1917. The building was experimental in nature and had no great combat value, but was the beginning of the development of domestic submarine shipbuilding
Decoding of bearings. Classification and marking of bearings
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Deciphering bearings by their marking is a very simple matter. The stamp numbers of such products indicate their series, type, variety, accuracy class. The designations of imported bearings are deciphered according to special tables
Derrick crane: description, characteristics, application, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Derrick crane is one of the types of equipment that is used to perform lifting and transport operations. The crane itself is a construction mast-boom unit. Most often they are used in facing stone quarries
Restoration of parts by welding and surfacing: methods and methods of restoration, features, technological process
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Welding and surfacing technologies allow efficient restoration of metal parts, providing a high degree of reliability and durability of the product. This is confirmed by the practice of using these methods when performing repair operations in a variety of areas - from car repairs to the production of rolled metal. In the total amount of work on the repair of metal structures, the restoration of parts by welding and surfacing takes about 60-70%
Gazpromneft: employee reviews, working conditions, vacancies and salaries
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Russia is known throughout the world as one of the largest suppliers of minerals, so there are a huge number of enterprises involved in the development of deposits and further processing of the resulting material. One of the largest organizations in this industry is Gazpromneft, the feedback from the employees of the enterprise motivates the younger generation to get an education in this direction
Yarakta field: photo, road, description
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Yarakta oil field was discovered in 1971. It is located on the territory of the Irkutsk region in the upper reaches of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, in the area of its left tributary. The license for the development of this field until 2033 is held by OAO Ust-Kutneftgaz, a subsidiary of INK
Gas shut-off valve: device and electromagnetic variety
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Today, a variety of technological processes are used almost everywhere and constantly. Naturally, sometimes emergencies arise when immediate intervention is required. For such cases, people have developed a variety of devices, and one of them is a gas shut-off valve
Canadair Regional Jet series of medium haul airliners
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The first model of the Canadair Regional Jet series, put on the wing in 1991, received the index CRJ-100. Canadian designers deliberately abandoned the wide-body scheme popular in recent decades, opting for economy
Obtaining phenol: the main methods
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Phenol is a colorless crystalline substance with a very specific smell. This substance is widely used in the production of various dyes, plastics, various synthetic fibers (mainly nylon). Before the development of the petrochemical industry, phenol production was carried out exclusively from coal tars
Electrical dissociation: the theoretical foundations of electrochemistry
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Electrical dissociation plays a huge role in our lives. It is with this phenomenon that the electrical conductivity of s alts, acids and bases in a liquid medium is associated. From the first heart rhythms caused by “living” electricity in the human body, which is eighty percent liquid, to cars, mobile phones and players, the batteries of which are essentially electrochemical batteries, electrical dissociation is invisibly present everywhere near us
Submarine graveyard in Russia. Submarine disposal
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Submarine cemeteries in Russia are located in the Kara Sea, on the Kola Peninsula, in the Murmansk region, near Vladivostok. Dismantling submarines is a complex and dangerous process. This can be found in the article
What is a bimetal and where is it used?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
What are bimetals and where can they be used? Composites of this variety consist of two or more layers. They are usually used when there is a need to manufacture products with special properties or to save non-ferrous metals
The cruiser "Zhdanov" - the Soviet cruiser of the "68-bis" project: main characteristics, date of launching, armament, combat path
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Built at the Leningrad plant under number 419, the Zhdanov command cruiser was named after a prominent socialist figure. This ship is known for its voyages, the courage of the crew and the skillful leadership of the ship's captain. For those interested, the characteristics of this ship, built according to the successful 68-bis project, seem especially curious
Wear beryl - a stone whose properties are simply unique
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The mineral beryl belongs to the class of silicates. It consists of ions of aluminum, oxygen, beryllium, silicon. However, the formula is not limited to these components, because it may additionally include alkalis like sodium, rubidium, lithium, iron, chromium, as well as water, gases (argon or helium)
Natural viscose. What is the fabric and why is it good
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The consumer is usually interested in how well viscose holds paint. What kind of fabric if it is so bright and does not shed? Maybe it's still synthetic? No, it's not about some malicious components, but about technology
Cylindrical grinding machine and technological progress
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The current level of technological development implies the production of high-precision parts of a wide variety of sizes and shapes. To improve their quality and compliance with the specified dimensions, there are several types of grinding machines, one of which is a cylindrical grinding machine
They say about balsamic vinegar that it is very expensive
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The secrets of production have been kept secret for centuries by three hundred Modena aristocratic families, although in general it is widely known about balsamic vinegar that it is grape juice boiled down to syrup, to which acetic acid is then added to make it “play”
Melamine: what is it and how is it used?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The first thing you should know about such a substance as melamine: it is a chemical compound in the form of colorless crystals, based on triazine. It is almost insoluble in water and liquid solvents. Its melting point is 354 degrees
Polyester. What is this material and what is its application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Scientists have determined by studying polyester that it is a radio-conductive material. This property makes it possible to make radar fairings from it, and the silhouette of the aircraft is less visible to air defense systems of a possible enemy
Machine vice: features, characteristics, types and types
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Vises are universal devices designed to hold workpieces during manual (in this case, the vise is installed on a bench workbench) or mechanical (special machine vise is used) processing
Do-it-yourself pumping station repair: reasons, features and recommendations
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
It happens that in a private house the supply of water is carried out at the expense of autonomous equipment. In this case, the moment will inevitably come when it is necessary to carry out repairs to the pumping station. To do this, it is not necessary to call the master, you can handle it yourself
Moscow Jewelry Factory: feedback from customers and employees
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Moscow jewelry factory has been receiving reviews of jewelry for almost 100 years. The brand is constantly developing, production capacities are growing, the structure is becoming more complex and the number of trading floors is increasing. How useful, from the point of view of the consumer, has such enlargement become? What does the buyer constantly face when evaluating the quality of jewelry?
Dorn pipe bender: description, device, types and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to mandrel pipe benders. Considered the device of such units, varieties, user reviews, etc
PJSC "Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant" (metallurgical plant named after A. K. Serov): address. Ferrous metallurgy
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
PJSC "Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant" is among the top ten domestic producers of rolled steel. In addition to steel, the company produces cast iron, manufactures concrete and reinforced concrete structures. NMZ is located in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, in the city of Serov
How asynchronous machines work and who invented them
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Asynchronous electric machines got their name because their angular velocity depends on the magnitude of the mechanical load on the shaft. Moreover, the higher the resistance to torque, the naturally it spins more slowly
Bitumen varnish reveals its secrets
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Today, bituminous varnish returns once lost positions. There was a demand for it again. A lot has been said about its technical features and characteristics, but what caused such a surge in the popularity of this tool again?
Modern durable and high quality material G10: description, properties and application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
People have been using knives as household tools for a very long time. With the passage of time and the improvement of technology, more and more new substances were used to create this tool. To date, the G10 material has become a new word in the creation of these things
Durite sleeves: description, characteristics, types
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Currently, the industry is developed quite powerfully. Many industries use different types of fuel. Durite sleeve is often used to supply this raw material
Non-destructive testing of welded joints: equipment, GOST
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to methods of non-destructive testing of welded joints. The methods of control allowed by GOST and the equipment used are described
Cutting conditions for turning: description, features of choice and technology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In order to turn an ordinary blank into a suitable part for a mechanism, turning, milling, grinding and other machines are used. If milling is necessary for the manufacture of more complex parts, for example, gears, cutting splines, then turning is used to manufacture simpler parts and give them the necessary shape (cone, cylinder, sphere)
The biggest ships. The largest ship in the world: photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Since biblical times, it has been common for man to build huge ships in order to feel confident in the open spaces of the ocean. An overview of modern arks is presented in the article
Basic logistics strategies: concept, types, essence and development
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The development and use of logistics strategies is the main way of any enterprise or firm that wants to actively develop, manage the main resource flows. The strategy is necessary so that employees have a clear idea of how to achieve the goals set by management
Zircon - what is it? Characteristics, application of stone
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Let's take a closer look at the wonderful "golden" stone called zircon. Consider it from a variety of facets - from the scientific and aesthetic, practical and magical. And let's start, as usual, with a common popular characteristic
Russian nuclear aircraft carriers and their specifications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Nuclear aircraft carriers are what the Russian Navy is badly missing. What is available, why are there so few of them, and what are the plans for the future?
Plasma surfacing: equipment and process technology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The efficiency and problems of plasma surfacing are extremely acute for material engineers. Thanks to this technology, it is possible not only to significantly increase the service life and reliability of highly loaded parts and assemblies, but also to restore seemingly 100% worn and destroyed products
Rokla, hydraulic trolley: description, device and types
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article will consider a hydraulic rokla - a universal lifting trolley that has proven itself in practice
Mercedes plant in Russia. Daimler Concern's project for the construction of a Mercedes plant in the Moscow region
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Will Mercedes build a plant in Russia? It looks like yes. In the summer of 2016, information appeared about the creation of a joint venture "Mercedes" in the Moscow region. This significant event will be discussed in this short article
A viaduct - is it a bridge or not?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Bridges, overpasses, overpasses, viaducts - these are all synonymous words. Moreover, they designate very similar construction objects, widely used by man in his economic activity. To distinguish between these concepts, and this little material is offered
Inverter voltage stabilizers for the home: an overview, features and principle of operation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to inverter voltage stabilizers for home use. The principle of operation of devices, features and popular models are considered
Metal cutting with plasma. Metalworking equipment
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
When buying a plasma cutter, you should always prioritize quality. Beware of the temptation to buy a cheap low-quality device, as its rapid wear and tear in the long run will lead to much higher costs
Ulyanovsk Cartridge Plant: manufactured products, manual, address, reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Ulyanovsk Cartridge Plant is one of the oldest enterprises in Russia working for the defense of the country. Its full name is Ulyanovsk Cartridge Plant Open Joint Stock Company. The main specialization is the manufacture of ammunition for rifled weapons
Impeller pump: device. DIY impeller pump
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Impeller pumps are unique devices that are distinguished by the presence of a flexible working element. They are used in different industries and vary quite a lot in terms of parameters. In order to get acquainted with the impeller pump in more detail, you should consider its device
Cement Novotroitsky plant: history, production, products
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
JSC "NTsZ Novotroitsky Cement Plant" is a major manufacturer of Portland cement of various grades and building materials based on it. It is located in the city of Novotroitsk in the southeast of the Orenburg region. The productivity of the enterprise is 1,300,000 tons per year
Vegetable shop: characteristics, workplace organization, equipment and inventory
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
One of the characteristics of a vegetable shop is the room parameters. The calculation of the area is made on the basis of the planned volume of processed raw materials, the rational placement of equipment and the creation of comfortable working conditions. The workshop is located so that the transportation of contaminated fruits from the storage halls is carried out without touching the common utility corridors
Ship anchors. Anchor Matrosov: design features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Among the large number of anchors, Matrosov's anchor has a large holding power. He embodied the best qualities of the Admir alty anchor and the Hall anchor
F22 against Su37. Their comparison
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The requirements for fifth-generation aircraft are quite extensive. The main ones can be expressed in two definitions - ste alth and multifunctionality
Ballistic missile "Sineva": characteristics, description
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Earlier in the 19th century, the first attempts were made to place missiles on submarines. The idea belongs to the Russian engineer K. A. Schilder. According to his project, a "rocket" submarine was built at the Alexander foundry in March 1834. But she was never adopted by the Russian Imperial Navy. However, the very idea of delivering missiles covertly in submarines was developed in the developments of other military engineers. Of particular interest from this point of view is the Blue
Russian Space Forces: description, structure and composition
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The Russian Air Force begins its history on August 12, 1912 - in fact, then, by order of the General Staff, they created the staff of the aeronautical unit. And already when the First World War was going on (1914-1918), aviation became a necessary means of aerial reconnaissance and fire support for ground forces from the air. It can be said with full confidence that the Russian military space forces have a rather rich and extensive history
Firing range of 120 mm mortar. mortar firing range
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
At the dawn of the 20th century, it was time for change in the organization of military operations. While the belligerents dug in, dug multi-way trenches and fenced off with barbed wire, all the power from the use of firearms, from rifles to machine guns, and powerful gun fire could not inflict much damage on the fighters
Serov Mechanical Plant: at the peak of technology and progress
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The Serov Mechanical Plant is a large industrial enterprise in Russia. It was founded on November 1, 1931. Previously, as a separate workshop, it was part of the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant. Initially produced products for the aviation, railway and agricultural industries
Hand pump for pressure testing: characteristics, manufacturers, descriptions and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to the manual pressure testing pump. Its device, technical characteristics, manufacturers and reviews are considered
What does troit mean: definition, main causes, solutions
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
During the operation of the car, the owners are faced with uneven engine operation - the so-called tripling. Along with this, power is lost, fuel consumption increases, extraneous noise and vibration appear in the operation of the motor. For many, and especially for beginners, tripling is not clear. Let's figure out what it means to troit the engine, what are the causes of this phenomenon, as well as what the consequences can be and how to solve this problem
Which corrugated board is better for a fence? Subtleties of choice
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The outer fence not only serves as protection against intruders, but also partially serves as a decorative design for the local area. It is possible to equip such a structure with high quality and inexpensively, if you know which corrugated board is better for the fence
Drilling rig URB 2A2: specifications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Drilling rig URB 2A2: description, application, features, capabilities, device. Drilling rig URB 2A2: specifications, photos
Chamber drying of wood: technology, pros and cons
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to chamber drying of wood. The drying technology, stages and main operations, as well as its advantages and disadvantages are considered