Industry 2024, October

Aircraft piston engine: overview, device and characteristics

Aircraft piston engine: overview, device and characteristics

For a long time, from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, the piston aircraft engine remained the only engine that provided aircraft flights. And only in the forties of the last century, he gave way to engines with other principles of operation - turbojet. But, despite the fact that piston engines have lost their positions, they have not disappeared from the scene

Workshop - what is it? Word meanings

Workshop - what is it? Word meanings

Workshop - what is it? This word for linguistic research is interesting in that it has many interpretations, although they are closely related in meaning. The most famous of the meanings of the word workshop is “production premises”. But sometimes it means both people and their associations. Detailed information that this is a workshop will be presented in the review

Cataphoretic coating: description of the technology and its advantages. Corrosion protection methods

Cataphoretic coating: description of the technology and its advantages. Corrosion protection methods

Techniques for applying external coatings represent the most extensive group of methods for the anti-corrosion protection of metal. Priming is often used in the protection of car bodies, which are subjected to various kinds of influences that contribute to the development of rust. One of the most effective methods of such protection is a cataphoretic coating, which simultaneously combines elements of physical and chemical insulation

Brig (ship): description, design features, famous ships

Brig (ship): description, design features, famous ships

Brig - a ship with two masts and direct sailing equipment. Vessels of this type were first used as trading and research ships, and then as military ones. Since the size of the ships of this variety were small, their guns were located on the deck

What is CAS: fertilizer composition, types, release form, purpose and instructions for use

What is CAS: fertilizer composition, types, release form, purpose and instructions for use

What is CAS? In order for garden and agricultural crops to develop well and give large yields, it is necessary, among other things, to use nitrogen fertilizers. The most popular type of such top dressing is CAS

Electrodes: expiration date, how to choose and store

Electrodes: expiration date, how to choose and store

Specialists involved in welding know that electrodes are the main consumables in welding. Most often they are purchased in packs, as the consumption of materials is high. That is why many people have a question about the shelf life of the electrodes, how to store them or extend the service life

Sodium hypochlorite grade A: characteristics, application

Sodium hypochlorite grade A: characteristics, application

Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical material used in various fields as a disinfectant. This compound can be used to disinfect all kinds of surfaces, materials, liquids, etc. There are several varieties of such a substance. Very often, for example, grade A sodium hypochlorite is used as a disinfectant

Maintenance of transformer substations: frequency and requirements

Maintenance of transformer substations: frequency and requirements

Transformer substations, together with distribution devices, form the necessary voltage regulation nodes in electricity delivery networks. These are multicomponent systems, on which the stability of the supply of industrial, public and private buildings, communications and equipment for various purposes directly depends. Timely maintenance of the transformer substation and related working components allows maintaining the proper functioning of the network

Polyethylene wax: properties and features

Polyethylene wax: properties and features

Few people know that in many industries such a compound as polyethylene wax is used. Perhaps even its name surprises some. However, the substance exists and is synthetic, and the method of obtaining it is the Fischer-Tropsch method with the participation of gas synthesis

Novosibirsk Aviation Plant im. V.P. Chkalova - overview, features and history

Novosibirsk Aviation Plant im. V.P. Chkalova - overview, features and history

V.P. Chkalova is the pride of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation. The planes of the plant showed the whole world that Russia is a country that successfully develops the most complex production of aviation equipment

Alloy AD31T: characteristics, composition, application

Alloy AD31T: characteristics, composition, application

Currently, people use many different alloys from a wide variety of materials. All of them have their own parameters and are used in different industries. It is worth considering the characteristics of AD31T1, since this material has become quite popular in certain areas

Dmitrovsky glass factory. Enterprise activity

Dmitrovsky glass factory. Enterprise activity

One of the most demanded enterprises engaged in the production of glass containers is the Dmitrovsky plant. Customers speak positively about the quality of the finished product. You will learn about the activities of the plant from the article

Kirishsky oil refinery KINEF

Kirishsky oil refinery KINEF

All the time technology is being improved and new oil refineries are being built. This article will discuss one of them, namely, an oil refinery in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region

Repair of the engine block: step-by-step instructions with a description, device, principle of operation, tips from the masters

Repair of the engine block: step-by-step instructions with a description, device, principle of operation, tips from the masters

The block is the main part of almost any internal combustion engine. It is to the cylinder block (hereinafter referred to as the BC) that all other parts are attached, starting from the crankshaft and ending with the head. BCs are now made mainly of aluminum, and earlier, in older car models, they were cast iron. Cylinder block failures are by no means uncommon. Therefore, it will be interesting for novice car owners to learn how to repair this unit

Doors "Architect": reviews, review of models and photos

Doors "Architect": reviews, review of models and photos

For those who make repairs in the house, the issue of choosing interior or entrance door structures is especially relevant. When choosing a manufacturer, the consumer carefully studies the reviews devoted to it. Doors "Architect", for example, have long established themselves in the Russian market. Decent quality of products of the Volga company is undeniable. In the article, we will consider the most popular models of interior doors among buyers, we will note the main advantages and disadvantages of the designs of the Zodchiy company

Sodium-cationite filter: purpose and principle of operation

Sodium-cationite filter: purpose and principle of operation

The sodium cation filter is a device that has become a savior from hard water in many ways. Previously, there was such a problem as too hard water, due to which appliances often broke down, and strong scale remained inside them. The first solution to this problem was a cationic cartridge

What is a technical and technological map?

What is a technical and technological map?

This article explains what a technical and technological map is and where it is used

Syngas is the fuel of the future

Syngas is the fuel of the future

Great experience in the production of ersatz acquired in the first half of the twentieth century, Germany. Coal proved to be a suitable feedstock for the production of synthetic hydrocarbons, the main of which was synthesis gas

What are surfactants and how do they affect the environment?

What are surfactants and how do they affect the environment?

What is a surfactant? These are chemical compounds that increase the fluidity of water and improve its ability to wet various physical bodies

Aerated concrete blocks: disadvantages and advantages

Aerated concrete blocks: disadvantages and advantages

In the modern world, construction is developing at a rapid pace, thereby increasing the demand for materials. Cellular concrete has become in demand in the domestic market. At one time, the products were widely advertised, and the demand for them is now high

The newest tanks of Russia - a revolution in the construction of armored vehicles

The newest tanks of Russia - a revolution in the construction of armored vehicles

The latest Russian tanks will be equipped with a unique external orientation system, which will increase visibility, the lack of which so suffered from all previously produced combat vehicles in the world

What does the use of superphosphate give and what is this fertilizer

What does the use of superphosphate give and what is this fertilizer

Once, in 1669, a certain alchemist H. Brandt made the following experiment: he evaporated urine to dryness, mixed the resulting sediment with sand and coal, and then heated this mixture in a closed retort. As a result, he received a substance that had the magical property of glowing in the dark. This is how phosphorus was first obtained

How to get a job as an electric subway train driver

How to get a job as an electric subway train driver

The subway electric train driver is the working elite of the enterprise. A speci alty can be acquired by a man who has reached the age of 18 and is fit for he alth reasons

Electric threading die: features, specifications

Electric threading die: features, specifications

To carve, craftsmen use different tools, the choice of which depends on the requirements of a particular task. It can be both hand tools and equipment for machine tools. A separate group of such tools is represented by die cutters for threading pipes, which differ in structural and ergonomic data

The fastest tank BT-7 was not created for defense

The fastest tank BT-7 was not created for defense

Across Soviet territory, which has always been characterized by difficult road terrain, the fastest tank had to move on tracks, and when crossing the border, it only had to drop them and rush further along highways and autobahns

What will be the next largest passenger aircraft in the world?

What will be the next largest passenger aircraft in the world?

For all its merits, "Ruslan" has one feature - it is completely unsuitable for transporting people. Commensurate with its size, the largest passenger airliner Airbus A380 was created just for this purpose

Asynchronous single-phase motor, its device and connection

Asynchronous single-phase motor, its device and connection

Connecting a single-phase asynchronous motor has its own characteristics, due to the specifics of the design. The fact is that the starting winding is not designed for long-term operation. The machine is started in short-term mode

Yak-130 aircraft: specifications, description, diagram and review

Yak-130 aircraft: specifications, description, diagram and review

It used to be that the future pilot should master the control skills first on something simple. This tradition was violated by the designers of the Design Bureau. A. S. Yakovleva, who created the Yak-130 aircraft, the technical characteristics of which are very close to the parameters of interceptors of the fourth, and in some ways even fifth generations

"Mace" (rocket): characteristics. Intercontinental ballistic missile "Bulava"

"Mace" (rocket): characteristics. Intercontinental ballistic missile "Bulava"

"Mace" is one of the latest developments in domestic rocket science. Until now, tests are being carried out on this object. Some of them were unsuccessful, which caused a lot of criticism from experts. It is safe to say that the Bulava is a rocket whose characteristics are truly unique, and you will learn what exactly in this article

Durite sleeve: description, characteristics, types, diameter and dimensions

Durite sleeve: description, characteristics, types, diameter and dimensions

With the development of various industries, there was a need for a large amount of fuel, as well as its supply. To ensure the transportation of harmful substances, several methods were invented, one of which was the delivery of raw materials through a durite sleeve

Turning tool for metal: components, classification and purpose

Turning tool for metal: components, classification and purpose

One of the most popular tools in metal machining is a cutter. It allows you to perform many technological operations. In this article, we will consider a turning tool for metal, its constituent elements, classification and purpose

Cutting machine for wood. Woodworking equipment

Cutting machine for wood. Woodworking equipment

Cutting machines for wood processing differ not only in characteristics, but also in design. To choose high-quality equipment on the market, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of modifications

What is soap made of? Soap production

What is soap made of? Soap production

For most of us, the need for hygiene is beyond doubt. Washing hands after a walk, before eating, after going to the toilet are the same mandatory rituals as, for example, saying hello to friends. But not everyone thinks about what the soap we use is made of

Characteristics of steel 65x13: properties, hardness. Reviews about knives made of steel 65x13

Characteristics of steel 65x13: properties, hardness. Reviews about knives made of steel 65x13

In modern metallurgy, a huge number of steels are used. Their characteristics, as well as the variety of nomenclature, are truly immense

Vacuum metallization - technology description, device and reviews

Vacuum metallization - technology description, device and reviews

The article is devoted to vacuum metallization. The features of the technology, the device of the equipment used, reviews, etc. are considered

JSC "Torzhok Carriage Works": history, description, products

JSC "Torzhok Carriage Works": history, description, products

JSC "Torzhok Carriage Works" is an enterprise of the machine-building sector, specializing in the production of railway rolling stock. The main products are electric and combined trains, as well as special-purpose cars. In 2016, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated against the company

"Albatross" (L-39) - a dream plane

"Albatross" (L-39) - a dream plane

"Aero L-39" is a Czech-made aircraft designed for pilot training. It can also be used as a maneuverable short-range fighter. There are civilian versions of the aircraft, loved by pilots for their convenience, ease of control, speed, maneuverability and reliability

Oil transfer pump: overview, specifications, types and owner reviews

Oil transfer pump: overview, specifications, types and owner reviews

The article is about oil transfer pumps. The types, main characteristics and reviews of this type of equipment are considered

Moscow Engineering Enterprise (MMP) im. Chernysheva

Moscow Engineering Enterprise (MMP) im. Chernysheva

Moscow Engineering Enterprise (MMP) im. Chernyshev is rightfully one of the world leaders in aviation engine building. The plant produces power units of the RD, TV7 and VK series for aircraft and helicopters in Russia and a number of foreign partners. An important direction is the repair and maintenance of previously produced RD-33 engines and their modifications

Golovnaya Zaramagskaya HPP: height above sea level, photo, location, connection diagram

Golovnaya Zaramagskaya HPP: height above sea level, photo, location, connection diagram

North Ossetia is rich in wild mountain rivers. These rivers have enormous potential in hydropower. In 2009, the head Zaramagskaya HPP was launched. The river on which the hydroelectric power station is located is called Ardon

440 steel - stainless steel. Steel 440: characteristics

440 steel - stainless steel. Steel 440: characteristics

Many people know 440 steel. It has established itself as a reliable, anti-corrosion, time-tested hard material, which is most often used for the manufacture of knives for various purposes. What is the secret of this alloy? What are its chemical, physical characteristics and applications?

US destroyer Donald Cook (photo)

US destroyer Donald Cook (photo)

The American destroyer "Donald Cook", by design, is a mobile element of the global missile defense system, conducting reconnaissance and automatically, like a robot, developing decisions of a strategic level

SU-34 aircraft: characteristics, photos, combat use

SU-34 aircraft: characteristics, photos, combat use

The SU-34 aircraft, the characteristics of which will be given in the article, is one of the main combat vehicles of the Russian Air Force. Let's talk about it in more detail

Knife sterilizer: features, principle of operation, characteristics

Knife sterilizer: features, principle of operation, characteristics

Knife sterilizer is the type of equipment currently most widely used in the food industry. Recently, he has increasingly become a guest in a private house, in the kitchen. Naturally, the main purpose of this device is the disinfection of hand tools used for cutting products

Welding wires in a junction box: step by step instructions, rules, tips and tricks

Welding wires in a junction box: step by step instructions, rules, tips and tricks

Features of welding wires in a junction box with your own hands. The main advantages of the welding connection of wires and the technology of the welding process. Electrodes that are used in the welding of copper conductors. Apparatus for welding. DIY step-by-step instructions for making a welding machine

Energy supply - what is it?

Energy supply - what is it?

Modern civilization is hard to imagine without already familiar benefits. It is worth removing them, how the world will change. Or maybe even the entire civilization that has already become familiar will collapse. One such cornerstone is energy supply. This is something without which the effective production of products by enterprises, communication with people in different parts of the world and much more is impossible

Chemical nickel plating - features, technology and recommendations

Chemical nickel plating - features, technology and recommendations

Technologies for metallization of parts and structures are widespread in various areas of industry and construction. An additional coating protects the surface from external damage and factors that contribute to the complete destruction of the material. One of such treatment methods is chemical nickel plating, the strong film of which is distinguished by mechanical and corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand temperatures of the order of 400°C

Concrete mix: properties, composition, types, grades of concrete, characteristics, compliance with GOST standards and application

Concrete mix: properties, composition, types, grades of concrete, characteristics, compliance with GOST standards and application

Among the main properties of the concrete mixture, which is also called hydrotechnical concrete, it is necessary to highlight the increased water resistance. Buildings are being built from this material to be used in swampy areas or in regions that are prone to flooding

Doors "Condor": reviews, review of models, photos

Doors "Condor": reviews, review of models, photos

The times of jousting tournaments and the construction of fortress walls are long gone, but the desire of people to feel at home or at work under reliable protection remains. Today you can order durable and beautiful metal doors "Condor", in the reviews, buyers note that these designs will help turn your home or office into a "fortress", while decorating and ennobling the entrance

Doors "Lex": reviews, review of models, photos

Doors "Lex": reviews, review of models, photos

The metal front door is placed with the expectation that it will be used for decades, and therefore must be of high quality. Many consumers install Lex entrance doors in their apartments. In the reviews, they note that these structures meet all modern requirements for protection and fire safety and are distinguished by good indicators of heat and sound insulation

Glass matting paste: an overview of the best manufacturers and application features

Glass matting paste: an overview of the best manufacturers and application features

Mattifying glass pastes are produced today by many companies. Most of the products of this type supplied to the market are of good quality. But the most popular brands of pastes in Russia are still Aqua-Color, Sammaker, Velvet Class

Borehole water filter - overview, features, types and reviews

Borehole water filter - overview, features, types and reviews

Production of water directly from a well is the optimal solution to the problem of water supply in a private household. But if you plan to use the pumped liquid for drinking, then you cannot do without special cleaning. For this, downhole filters are used in different designs. The choice will depend both on the characteristics of the water source itself and on the requirements for the composition of the liquid

Doors "Geon": reviews, models, descriptions, photos in the interior

Doors "Geon": reviews, models, descriptions, photos in the interior

As the front door is the hallmark of every house, interior doors play a very important role in the interior of the apartment. Currently, a wide range of doors is offered, made in different styles and from different materials. The doors of "Geon" are in great demand among all segments of the population today. In the reviews, buyers note a wide range of models and high quality of purchased products

Structural fiberglass: features, varieties and applications

Structural fiberglass: features, varieties and applications

Fiberglass is a well-known material that is used in many areas of industry, shipbuilding and automotive. Its most famous and popular type is structural fiberglass. Especially often it is used for gluing

Vitamin plant in Ufa: history and date of establishment, management, addresses, technical focus, stages of development, introduction of modern technologies and product quality

Vitamin plant in Ufa: history and date of establishment, management, addresses, technical focus, stages of development, introduction of modern technologies and product quality

The life of a modern person takes place in a rather unfavorable ecological environment, accompanied by intellectual and emotional overload. You can't do without taking vitamins and minerals even in the summer. This material will focus on one of the oldest enterprises in Ufa, which is engaged in the production of useful products

Constantly updating the aircraft fleet, Aeroflot remembers its 90-year history

Constantly updating the aircraft fleet, Aeroflot remembers its 90-year history

The Soviet air fleet was the largest air carrier in the world. No wonder, under socialism, the monopoly in the field of air transportation was the state, which owned the aircraft fleet. Aeroflot was distinguished by its diversity, which no other airline could afford

Irkutsk heavy engineering plant: history and date of establishment, address, management, technical focus, stages of development, introduction of modern technologies and quality

Irkutsk heavy engineering plant: history and date of establishment, address, management, technical focus, stages of development, introduction of modern technologies and quality

Irkutsk heavy engineering plant is a city-forming enterprise producing equipment for leading industries in Russia. The company's products are supplied to the domestic market, finds recognition and demand abroad

American tractors "John Deere" work in the fields around the world

American tractors "John Deere" work in the fields around the world

Two-cylinder "John Deere" tractors became a bestseller not only because of their high performance, but also because the conditions of sale did not scare farmers away even in conditions of low sales of agricultural products

Doors "Armada": customer reviews, types, materials and colors, installation tips

Doors "Armada": customer reviews, types, materials and colors, installation tips

Repair in an apartment or work space, moving to a new place - all this becomes an occasion to order and install new door structures of varying degrees of reliability. Now the installation of metal doors is a common phenomenon in Russia, indicating the prudence and solidity of the owner, his concern for his own home. Numerous reviews about the doors "Armada" say that they are durable, resistant to burglary and meet the highest requirements

Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant - description, features and reviews

Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant - description, features and reviews

Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant is one of the oldest specialized enterprises in the city. The company employs qualified specialists, the work experience of many is more than 20 years. The main specialization of the plant is the repair and modernization of rolling stock

Universal ste alth ship - corvette "Guarding"

Universal ste alth ship - corvette "Guarding"

The new corvette "Guarding" has unusual contours. Its silhouette, outlined with bold slanted lines and planes, is not only beautiful, it is rationally arranged in order to give the ship minimal visibility on radar screens

"Oplot" - a tank for export

"Oplot" - a tank for export

The Ukrainian car is good and surpasses the Russian T-90 in some respects. However, a comparison with a model of equipment of the outgoing generation in itself indicates that the Oplot is a tank that is outdated at the level of the concept

Choosing the cable cross-section by current is a simple task, but a responsible one

Choosing the cable cross-section by current is a simple task, but a responsible one

Choosing the current cable section is a responsible matter. Having done it wrong, at best, you may be faced with the need to violate the integrity of the plaster and change the burnt wire. I don’t even want to mention the worst options like a fire

The Yakhont missile is an asymmetric response to a threat from the sea

The Yakhont missile is an asymmetric response to a threat from the sea

One Yakhont missile can sink a medium-sized ship (frigate or corvette) to the bottom and seriously damage a large ship, and it will do it if necessary with a 100% guarantee

Basic classification of concrete

Basic classification of concrete

Classification of concrete is carried out according to three main features: by purpose, by average density, and also by the type of binder in the mixture. According to its purpose, this material is actually divided into many subclasses

The guidance system of the Granit missile has not become outdated in three decades

The guidance system of the Granit missile has not become outdated in three decades

Granit missiles can operate autonomously, be guided by satellites of a space constellation, or carry out a massive attack. In the latter case, several control systems work together, using radio channels as an interface

Was Pope going after the Flurry torpedo blueprints?

Was Pope going after the Flurry torpedo blueprints?

To carry out a combat launch of the Shkval torpedo, its carrier must quietly get close to its victim at a distance of a hundred cables, which is quite problematic at the current level of anti-submarine defense

"Gazprom - dreams come true!" But people doubt it

"Gazprom - dreams come true!" But people doubt it

Almost everyone has heard this advertising slogan. A lot of criticism from mere mortals was caused by this phrase: "Gazprom - dreams come true!"

Christie's pendant, or candle pendant: description, application, features

Christie's pendant, or candle pendant: description, application, features

Christie's pendant: description, features, principle of operation, photo. Candle pendant (Christie): characteristics, application

Coke is a strategically important product

Coke is a strategically important product

Coke is a solid fuel of artificial origin, which is used mainly in blast furnaces for iron smelting. It is also used in the chemical, foundry and non-ferrous metallurgy industries

Why Russia needs hypersonic missiles

Why Russia needs hypersonic missiles

The first tests of a hypersonic missile in Russia showed that it can reach speeds three times faster than the American Tomahawk at altitudes ranging from 10 meters to 14 kilometers

S altpeter - what is it?

S altpeter - what is it?

Although this word itself is familiar to everyone, the question of what s altpeter is is asked by many. This is actually an old name for common nitrates, which are commonly used as fertilizers. In addition, s altpeter is also used to make explosives

Do Russia need Volsk cement plants?

Do Russia need Volsk cement plants?

Cement plants in Russia were mostly founded in the early years of the twentieth century. They were built quickly and were equipped with advanced equipment for their time

How do-it-yourself welding of polypropylene pipes is carried out

How do-it-yourself welding of polypropylene pipes is carried out

Do-it-yourself welding of polypropylene pipes is done quickly enough, even if you have no experience in such work. However, certain features of this process should be known

Sleeve for semi-automatic welding: device

Sleeve for semi-automatic welding: device

The entry into the market of compact devices for semi-automatic welding and their high popularity contributed to the expansion of the use of welding in almost all areas of human life. So, with the help of semi-automatic, various car body repairs are carried out. Welding is also used in industrial or private construction. With their use, various metal structures are produced

Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov: history, production, products

Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov: history, production, products

Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov is called a diamond in the structure of the Russian military-industrial complex. The enterprise is a recognized leader among manufacturers of cannon, anti-aircraft and missile weapons for all types of troops. The glorious history of Tula gunsmiths is embodied in products that have no equal in the world

Russian hypersonic weapons

Russian hypersonic weapons

The article is devoted to Russian hypersonic weapons. The features of this type of weapon, existing developments in this area and foreign analogues are considered

CJSC "Mytishchi Instrument-Making Plant": history, production, products

CJSC "Mytishchi Instrument-Making Plant": history, production, products

Closed Joint Stock Company "Mytishchi Instrument-Making Plant" is one of the largest domestic enterprises that produces special vehicles. The customers of the products are the Ministry of Emergency Situations, housing and communal services, geological exploration services, special enterprises, organizations operating in remote regions, in the conditions of the Far North

Wood wool: production, properties and applications

Wood wool: production, properties and applications

What is wood wool? A little product history. What is the main use of wood wool? Let's also talk about additional uses. Characteristics and main properties. Average cost of wood wool

Brand "Coca-Cola": history of creation, products, photos. Brands owned by Coca-Cola

Brand "Coca-Cola": history of creation, products, photos. Brands owned by Coca-Cola

There are brands that have been winning people's attention for decades. Their popularity is invariably passed on from generation to generation to people of different social status. This is how parents and children, billionaires and the poor, government officials and office managers know the world's most popular Coca-Cola brand

Where are emeralds mined and how does it happen?

Where are emeralds mined and how does it happen?

Most fans of mineral stones are wondering where emeralds are mined. Such a procedure was carried out in the desert of Arabia back in the period of Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Persians and Indians greatly honored this mineral

Wallpaper manufacturers in Russia: a review of the best companies and factories

Wallpaper manufacturers in Russia: a review of the best companies and factories

Walls occupy a significant area of the room. A person pays attention to the atmosphere around, the gaze glides over the wall covering, and therefore it is important to correctly buy wallpapers that create consonance and comfort in the room. Most people wonder how to choose wallpaper and whether there are wallpaper manufacturers in Russia that you can trust. Look for the answer in this article

What is slate made of and is it harmful?

What is slate made of and is it harmful?

In the process of using slate, one way or another, one has to get involved in a dispute regarding what slate is made of and whether it is harmful to he alth. Accordingly, you will have to figure out how to eliminate or partially reduce the risk of harm. The harm of this roofing material is a well-known topic of discussion on construction forums on the Internet. In this regard, it will be useful to dot the i and understand whether slate is really harmful, or is it just another myth

Insulation manufacturers: an overview of leading companies, manufactured products, quality, reviews

Insulation manufacturers: an overview of leading companies, manufactured products, quality, reviews

Mineral wool is used to insulate the gaps in the bulkheads of plasterboard walls, as well as in the ceiling structures. It does not ignite, which guarantees additional protection against a possible fire: when the fire gets close to the cotton wool, it goes out. In this insulation, the diameter of the fibers, environmental safety, as well as connecting elements are especially valuable. This article discusses the best insulation manufacturers that meet the above criteria

Paint manufacturers in Russia: overview, types and reviews

Paint manufacturers in Russia: overview, types and reviews

During the repair process, most people find it difficult to choose which paint to choose, because it is light and comfortable to use, makes it possible to remove defects on the walls, and also gives the coating a bright shade. This article will review the best paint manufacturers in Russia

Pavlovsky bus plant: history and modernity

Pavlovsky bus plant: history and modernity

In the days of the USSR, "grooves" were a familiar attribute of the urban landscape. Barrel-shaped buses carried passengers around the cities and villages of a huge country

A burner is Description, device, principle of operation, classification, photos and reviews

A burner is Description, device, principle of operation, classification, photos and reviews

By burning the resulting mixture, a variety of tasks are solved - from the release of thermal energy to thermal cutting action. The simplest tool for carrying out such operations is a burner - this is a small-sized apparatus in which a torch flame is formed from burning fuel

SSPI in Essentuki is an excellent choice for an applicant

SSPI in Essentuki is an excellent choice for an applicant

The branch of the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (SSPI) in Essentuki offers higher or secondary specialized education in popular speci alties in several areas. About 1100 students study here annually

Malfunctions and repair of hydraulic carts: features, device and recommendations

Malfunctions and repair of hydraulic carts: features, device and recommendations

Of course, the operation of any device leads to the fact that it gradually fails. Some parts break, grease dries out, etc. All this also applies to hydraulic carts, the repair of which is quite simple, but you need to know how and when to carry it out

Rails R 65: purpose, description, dimensions

Rails R 65: purpose, description, dimensions

The basis of the Russian railway network is R65 rails - linear structures of an I-beam cross-section, which serve to absorb loads from rolling stock, their elastic "processing" and subsequent transfer to a support - sleepers. The characteristics of these "steel beams" are regulated by GOST R 8161-75. It establishes the design and dimensions of hardened and non-hardened rails and rail strips of the P65 type

Relay designation: principle of operation, types and manufacturers

Relay designation: principle of operation, types and manufacturers

Today, people use a huge variety of devices that operate in different modes. Since when creating projects, you must first draw up a plan or project, there was a need for some designation of these devices. For example, the designation of the relay in general form on the diagrams is the letter K

Thermal conductivity of mineral wool: properties and features

Thermal conductivity of mineral wool: properties and features

If you are looking for protection from the winter cold and summer heat, you can use mineral wool insulation. This material is presented for sale in several varieties, each of which has its pros and cons, so you need to study them before making a purchase

Aircraft attack aircraft SU-25: specifications, dimensions, description. History of creation

Aircraft attack aircraft SU-25: specifications, dimensions, description. History of creation

In Soviet and Russian aviation there are many legendary aircraft, the names of which are known to every person who is more or less interested in military equipment. These include the Grach, the SU-25 attack aircraft. The technical characteristics of this machine are so good that it is not only actively used in armed conflicts around the world to this day, but is also constantly being upgraded

Forging and pressing production: development in Russia, features, equipment

Forging and pressing production: development in Russia, features, equipment

The emergence and development of forging and pressing production in Russia, as in other countries at different times, has always been associated with growing economic needs. The development of technology, as well as the changing needs of mankind, led to the fact that there were several powerful pushes that ensured the development of the industry

Bratsk aluminum smelter: history, modernization, management system

Bratsk aluminum smelter: history, modernization, management system

The Bratsk aluminum smelter is the largest aluminum plant in the world. The company has developed and implemented a unique management system, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by production and economic indicators

Titanium bars: GOST, characteristics, application

Titanium bars: GOST, characteristics, application

Titanium bar is a solid type profile with a round shape. It is made not only from titanium, but also from alloys of this substance. It should be noted that this type of product is one of the most popular among titanium products

Large enterprises of Ufa: a brief overview

Large enterprises of Ufa: a brief overview

Ufa is a large developing city, which is the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It can be ranked among the cities occupying one of the most extensive territories. The population is more than 1 million people. Work of various kinds, including highly paid, they are offered by industrial enterprises of Ufa

Engine on alcohol: description, device, principle of operation, pros and cons, photo

Engine on alcohol: description, device, principle of operation, pros and cons, photo

Many people should be reproached with the inertia of the mind, which prevents them from seeing new possibilities and the application of ordinary things. For example, the engine on alcohol. Let not the best solution among all possible, but quite working. Moreover, there are a large number of embodiments. There is spirit gasoline. But not only him. Let's talk about everything in order

Doors "Verda": customer reviews, model line, product quality and manufacturer

Doors "Verda": customer reviews, model line, product quality and manufacturer

Doors are an essential element of any room. They are used both to protect against moisture and outdoor temperatures, and to delimit the interior space. Among domestic products, Verda doors are especially distinguished. According to reviews, the quality of products of this company never disappoints consumers

Alternative energy in Russia: concept, classification and types, stages of development, necessary equipment and application

Alternative energy in Russia: concept, classification and types, stages of development, necessary equipment and application

Alternative energy in Russia is currently quite poorly developed. This is supported by the fact that less than 1% of all energy produced comes from such sources. On a national scale, this is extremely small