Industry 2024, October

Oxygen-free copper: features, benefits, applications

Oxygen-free copper: features, benefits, applications

Copper is a mineral that lives in human life for many millennia. In ancient times, it was used mainly to obtain bronze, in an alloy with tin. In Latin, its name is Cuprum. It was given to him by the ancient island of Cyprus, which was one of the first places where copper was mined and smelted from mines

Crane KS-4361A: overview, device, specifications and instruction manual

Crane KS-4361A: overview, device, specifications and instruction manual

Crane KS-4361A is a hoisting machine distinguished by durability, reliability and high performance. The crane confirmed its positive qualities by many years of operation in various climatic conditions and at various construction sites

Where is jade mined in Russia: the largest deposits, mining methods and applications

Where is jade mined in Russia: the largest deposits, mining methods and applications

Where jade is mined in Russia: geological formations, to which the finds of the mineral are confined, its industrial types. The largest deposits in Russia - their location and a brief description. History of development. Technological methods of extraction of jade

Excavator EO-3322: specifications, features and reviews

Excavator EO-3322: specifications, features and reviews

Excavator EO-3322 is a unique machine that has been doing its job perfectly for over 40 years. Its reliability and performance was appreciated by many users, and therefore it is not surprising that this unit is in demand in the domestic market today

District station. Separate point designed to handle transit freight and passenger trains

District station. Separate point designed to handle transit freight and passenger trains

Despite technological progress, the railway has been the most popular passenger and freight transport in Russia for many years. It's not only about the convenience of delivering people and transporting goods, but also about the special romance of railways: beautiful landscapes outside the window, the rhythmic clatter of wheels, villages and cities floating away into the distance, as well as numerous stations. Whether it is passenger, technical district stations or any other - each of them is full of life in its own way

Dmitrovsky dairy plant: history, description, products, reviews of employees and customers

Dmitrovsky dairy plant: history, description, products, reviews of employees and customers

Parents from childhood teach us to dairy products. Over time, we can no longer imagine life without delicious glazed curds, fruit yoghurts or cottage cheese. But you need to be careful when choosing products, as manufacturers may be different

OJSC Pokrovsky Mine (Tygda, Magdagachinsky District, Amur Region) – open pit gold deposit

OJSC Pokrovsky Mine (Tygda, Magdagachinsky District, Amur Region) – open pit gold deposit

JSC Pokrovsky Rudnik is a large gold mining enterprise in the Far East. The first gold was produced by the mine in 1999. The ore processing plant was built in 2001. The mine is located in the Magdagachinsky district of the Amur region, near the village of Tygda. From the regional center, the city of Blagoveshchensk, at a distance of about 600 kilometers

What are the doors - types, design features and photos

What are the doors - types, design features and photos

If you evaluate the range of doors, it can be noted that there are two main types - interior and entrance. They differ from each other. In addition, there are subspecies that make it easier to make a choice. We will tell you in detail about all types of doors in our article

Metallurgical plant "Petrostal", St. Petersburg

Metallurgical plant "Petrostal", St. Petersburg

CJSC Metallurgical Plant Petrostal is a structure of the legendary machine-building enterprise of Russia Kirovsky Zavod. The company is proud of its glorious history and rich labor traditions. Its origin is associated with Nikolai Ivanovich Putilov, a talented engineer and entrepreneur

Relief stamping - description and characteristics

Relief stamping - description and characteristics

Relief embossing - pressing material between a special cliché, matrix and male, to give the image a convexity, can be blind or foil

Production of sliding gates and their installation

Production of sliding gates and their installation

Sliding gates have a console system. In this design, movement is carried out along two roller bearings, which are installed on one side of the passage

Flux for welding: purpose, types of welding, flux composition, rules of use, GOST requirements, pros and cons of application

Flux for welding: purpose, types of welding, flux composition, rules of use, GOST requirements, pros and cons of application

The quality of the weld is determined not only by the ability of the master to organize the arc correctly, but also by the special protection of the working area from external influences. The main enemy on the way to creating a strong and durable metal connection is the natural air environment. The weld is isolated from oxygen by a flux for welding, but this is not only its task

Il-96 aircraft

Il-96 aircraft

The IL-96 aircraft is designed to carry passengers, cargo, luggage, mail on main air lines up to 11,000 km long. This aircraft is a high-speed wide-body aircraft designed for medium to long haul air travel

IL-114 - the eternal wanderer of air routes

IL-114 - the eternal wanderer of air routes

In the early 1980s, there was an urgent need for larger aircraft. This was due to the increased volume of air traffic. It was then that design work began on the creation of the Il-114

Types of industrial premises heating

Types of industrial premises heating

Heating of industrial premises occupies a significant share in the cost estimate and the cost of industrial products. This is especially true for Russia with its very severe and cold winters. Unscrupulous breeders strive in every possible way to save on this cost item and force people to work in the cold. This is the road to nowhere. Such an enterprise is doomed to ruin: if the production personnel do not scatter, then they will have to pay large sums to pay off sick leave

Boeing 777-300 - roomy aircraft for long-haul flights

Boeing 777-300 - roomy aircraft for long-haul flights

Boeing is constantly trying to please the entire global aviation community with its new developments, turning into reality all the new ideas of its designers. Boeing 777-300 aircraft have become another successful project of this company

Hydraulic calculation of heat networks: concept, definition, calculation method with examples, tasks and design

Hydraulic calculation of heat networks: concept, definition, calculation method with examples, tasks and design

It can be said that the purpose of the hydraulic calculation of the heat network at the end point is the fair distribution of heat loads between the subscribers of thermal systems. A simple principle applies here: each radiator, if necessary, that is, a larger radiator, which is designed to provide a larger volume of space heating, should receive a larger flow of coolant. This principle can be ensured by the correct calculation

German "Leopard": tank, popular in many countries of the world

German "Leopard": tank, popular in many countries of the world

The main German combat vehicle is the Leopard-2. The tank was created in 1979, and by this time it already has several modifications. The German tank "Leopard" is in service in different countries of the world. "Leopard" - a tank with high performance

Types and colors of metal tiles

Types and colors of metal tiles

Among the huge number of roofing materials, metal tiles are in the lead. The material is distinguished by an acceptable price, attractive appearance, high technical characteristics and simple installation. The metal tile is a galvanized steel sheet. It differs in profile shape and surface texture. The color of the metal tile can also be different

Smoke exhaust fans: types, principles of operation and application

Smoke exhaust fans: types, principles of operation and application

In the development of fire protection systems for buildings and structures, special attention is paid to the means of protection against fire. The combination of sprinkler and deluge installations provides a reliable barrier in front of the flame, minimizing property damage

TU-144 - attack rider of supersonic aviation

TU-144 - attack rider of supersonic aviation

Tu-144 is not just the "first sign" of supersonic passenger aviation. This is one of the symbols of the Land of Soviets of the Cold War era and its technical superiority over the Western world. Tu-144, almost twice the speed of sound and several decades ahead of its time, marked the beginning of a new era of passenger aviation, which, however, has not yet come. His only competitor in this field - the Anglo-French "Concorde" - suffered an even more deafening f

Gating systems: types, device. Casting mold

Gating systems: types, device. Casting mold

Gating systems: principle of operation, description, features, device, operation. Mold for casting: purpose, characteristics, photo

Boeing 747 400 - double-deck transcontinental airliner

Boeing 747 400 - double-deck transcontinental airliner

In the autumn of 1984, the development of the 747-300 modification began, and in the spring of 1985 it was put into series under the name "Boeing 747 400". In fact, it was already a new aircraft, although it had a lot in common with the prototype, in particular, the appearance

Nail making machine - characteristics and general description

Nail making machine - characteristics and general description

One of the good business ideas today is the production of nails. To do this, you will need to purchase a machine for the production of nails and do a few more things. You can learn more about this by reading the article

Khmelnitsky NPP: characteristics, history

Khmelnitsky NPP: characteristics, history

In the era of the Soviet Union, it was difficult to surprise any of the citizens with large-scale construction projects. Throughout the vast now non-existent country, construction of industrial facilities, colossal in size and material investments, took place, among which the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant occupies a special place. We will talk about this station that generates electricity from nuclear energy in the article

Sky Atlant Mi-26

Sky Atlant Mi-26

At the international aerospace show in Le Bourget in 1981, the goal of the Mi-26 made a splash. It became the largest helicopter in the world, and its design was so ahead of its time that it remains so to this day

Calibrated wheel: characteristics and scope

Calibrated wheel: characteristics and scope

Calibrated circle is one of the types of rolled steel. For its manufacture, only the highest quality carbon steel is used, which is smelted in a special way. For additional processing, cold drawing is used. As a result of this approach, the physical, plastic, and mechanical properties of steel are increased. In addition, the surface properties are improved

Medium Haul Airbus 319

Medium Haul Airbus 319

It happens that the original design is improved, and the result is an economical and easy-to-use aircraft. It was in this way that the Airbus A 319 was created, which today operates on a variety of routes

MiG-23 aircraft: specifications, photos

MiG-23 aircraft: specifications, photos

MiG-23 aircraft: description, purpose, features, photos, interesting facts. MiG-23: specifications, armament, application, classification

Solid fuel heating boilers: overview, features

Solid fuel heating boilers: overview, features

Solid fuel heating boilers are an excellent solution for a country house in an area where there is no gasification. Universal, economical and fireproof heating systems built on the basis of a solid fuel boiler will provide heat, hot water and create comfort in the house. And all this at a reasonable price

Large anti-submarine ship "Kerch": description, history and interesting facts

Large anti-submarine ship "Kerch": description, history and interesting facts

Large anti-submarine ship "Kerch": review, characteristics, interesting facts, history of creation and operation. BOD "Kerch": postscript, description, photo

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant "Baikal": products

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant "Baikal": products

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Baikal is the leading enterprise in the Russian Federation for the production of small arms and traumatic weapons. According to statistics, its share in the domestic market for a number of positions exceeds 80%. However, IMZ is engaged not only in the design and assembly of small arms

Single drum: types and applications

Single drum: types and applications

Soil roller belongs to the class of special equipment for repair, construction and road works. First of all, such a machine is intended for stabilization and compaction of soil masses: bases made of sand, gravel, clay, stone or rock chips

Construction, repair and modernization of elevators in Russia

Construction, repair and modernization of elevators in Russia

Modernization of elevators in Russia is necessary first of all, because in most cases they were built in the 50-70s of the last century. Due to the use of obsolete equipment at such facilities, grain storage losses can reach 20%

The biggest submarines. Submarine dimensions

The biggest submarines. Submarine dimensions

Submarine sizes vary depending on their purpose. Some are designed for a crew of only two people, others are capable of carrying dozens of intercontinental missiles on board. This article will tell you about what tasks the largest submarines in the world perform

Yak-36 aircraft: specifications and photos

Yak-36 aircraft: specifications and photos

The Yak-36 aircraft is a unique aircraft, which we will consider in detail in this article and study all its features

"Alder" - missile system: characteristics, tests. Ukrainian 300-millimeter corrected combat missile "Alder"

"Alder" - missile system: characteristics, tests. Ukrainian 300-millimeter corrected combat missile "Alder"

It's no secret that active hostilities are taking place on the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps that is why the government decided to create a new weapon. Alder is a missile system, the development of which was started this year. The government of Ukraine assures that the rocket has a unique technology. You can find more detailed information about the testing of the complex and its characteristics in our article

Welding arc is Description and characteristics

Welding arc is Description and characteristics

Today, welding is a process that is used very widely. With it, you can connect fairly large parts to each other. The connection itself also has good characteristics. The welding arc is the basis of the entire operation of this machine

Kh12F1 steel: characteristics and application

Kh12F1 steel: characteristics and application

This article is just an excuse to highlight for readers a relatively small part of the information on the characteristics of a very common alloy of the X12F1 brand, its application features, composition, analogues and several other aspects, which are discussed below

Industrial reverse osmosis plant: rules, installation instructions, filters and principle of operation

Industrial reverse osmosis plant: rules, installation instructions, filters and principle of operation

Industrial reverse osmosis plants: purpose, features of purification technology. Basic equipment and additional options. The main characteristics of the installations. Membrane types. Operating principle. Installation and commissioning

What are prefabricated industrial buildings

What are prefabricated industrial buildings

It is human nature to improve one's life, approaches to accomplishing tasks, well-being. Let's take the construction industry. It would seem that here you can capitally improve? And the opportunities do exist, nonetheless. For example, prefabricated industrial buildings

Aleksinsky experimental mechanical plant: history of creation, address, management and products

Aleksinsky experimental mechanical plant: history of creation, address, management and products

In the north-west of the city of Tula, at a distance of 60 kilometers, stands the ancient city of Aleksin. It is located on the opposite banks of the Oka at the confluence of the river Mordovka. It is a large industrial city of the Tula region, which experienced its second birth during the first five-year plans of the USSR. Aleksinsky Experimental Mechanical Plant (AOMZ) is located in this city, which has a rich history

Perovskikh estate winery: address, reviews, photos, how to get there

Perovskikh estate winery: address, reviews, photos, how to get there

The winery in the Perovsky estate is a historical place. Wines are produced here, tours and tastings are held. The estate is located in a picturesque area, thanks to which it has become a popular place for visitors from all over the world

Atomic ship it? Varieties and purpose

Atomic ship it? Varieties and purpose

Many of us have heard the definition of "nuclear ship". However, not everyone knows what exactly it is. This essay will consider what it is, what varieties of it exist, in what areas it is used, as well as interesting facts about it

Fundamentals of pharmaceutical technology: concept, features, goals and objectives

Fundamentals of pharmaceutical technology: concept, features, goals and objectives

Pharmaceutical technology is a branch of science that develops methods for obtaining medical and veterinary drugs. Its main tasks are to improve old methods of manufacturing medicines and create new ones

"First furniture factory": customer reviews, assortment overview, materials used, photos

"First furniture factory": customer reviews, assortment overview, materials used, photos

In the framework of this article, we will consider the general characteristics of the company "First Furniture Factory", which occupies one of the leading positions in the domestic market. Consider the main assortment positions of the company, the nature of feedback from both customers and employees

Trade and production holding "Rusclimat": reviews. Manufacturer and distributor of climatic equipment TPH "Rusklimat"

Trade and production holding "Rusclimat": reviews. Manufacturer and distributor of climatic equipment TPH "Rusklimat"

Holding "Rusclimat" for more than 20 years offers customers a variety of climate solutions for home, manufacturing plant or office space. The organization has thousands of completed projects for individuals and legal entities

Legendary knife of the NKVD - "finca"

Legendary knife of the NKVD - "finca"

The legendary knife of the NKVD - "Finnish" - was issued to each employee of the Soviet special services. There have always been many legends around him. And now it has become a wonderful souvenir. The article will tell about its history, the reasons for its popularity

The best confectionery factories in St. Petersburg: rating, reviews

The best confectionery factories in St. Petersburg: rating, reviews

Most of the confectionery factories in St. Petersburg, both small and large or medium-sized, supply pretty high-quality products to the market. But the products of some of these manufacturers have earned the best reviews from consumers

Mi-10 helicopter: description with photo, history of creation, specifications and application

Mi-10 helicopter: description with photo, history of creation, specifications and application

The Mi-10 helicopter is a unique flying machine, originally designed for military needs, but over time, it has proved to be excellent in the national economy. We will talk about this real achievement of the Soviet helicopter industry in as much detail as possible in the article

Marking of fluorescent lamps: designation, classification and interpretation

Marking of fluorescent lamps: designation, classification and interpretation

The labeling of fluorescent lamps may contain designations, for example, their power, spectrum, color temperature, etc. Encodings are usually applied to the flask of such equipment. Marked for fluorescent lamps and socles, as well as starters

Udokan field: description

Udokan field: description

The area where the Udokan deposit is located is considered seismically dangerous with a permafrost zone. The average annual temperature is -4 degrees, and in winter it drops to -50. Permafrost penetrates to a depth of up to 800 m

Reducer BKO-50-4: specifications, reviews, photos

Reducer BKO-50-4: specifications, reviews, photos

Reducer BKO-50-4: specifications, features, modifications, pros and cons, maintenance, installation. Oxygen reducer BKO-50-4: description, photo, operation, purpose, connection. What is a BKO reducer?

Pulp and paper mills in Russia: list, features of the production process, product overview

Pulp and paper mills in Russia: list, features of the production process, product overview

The pulp and paper industry of the Russian Federation is considered a complex industry. It is associated with the mechanical processing of wood and its subsequent chemical processing. The result of this work is the production of paper, cardboard, pulp, as well as other products from them

Enamel EP-773: specifications, colors and reviews

Enamel EP-773: specifications, colors and reviews

For the successful and long-term operation of metal products, protection of these elements from external influences is required. Enamel EP-773 is the best coating option that will protect against moisture, corrosion and scratches. In order to understand how to properly apply the coating in question and the features of its operation, it is necessary to study in more detail the composition and rules for handling this product

Pros and cons of polyester: material description, application benefits, reviews

Pros and cons of polyester: material description, application benefits, reviews

Polyester can be found in the composition of almost any item that is present in the wardrobe of every person. Not only clothes are made from it, but also shoes, blankets, thermal underwear, carpets. What are the features of each type of polyester product. The pros and cons of these products are discussed in our article

Drilling machine "Caliber SS-16/550": description, specifications, manufacturer, reviews

Drilling machine "Caliber SS-16/550": description, specifications, manufacturer, reviews

Drilling machine "Caliber SS-16/550": specifications, device, principle of operation, maintenance, photo. Drilling machine "Caliber SS-16/550": description, manufacturer, design features, operation, reviews

Examination of metals and alloys: features, description and requirements

Examination of metals and alloys: features, description and requirements

Examination of metals: general description, stages of its implementation. Typical tasks that a forensic examination solves. Methods for the study of metals and alloys. Rules for drawing up conclusions and their examples. Requirements for expert laboratories

Krasnoyarsk synthetic rubber plant: production facilities, product overview

Krasnoyarsk synthetic rubber plant: production facilities, product overview

Krasnoyarsk Synthetic Rubber Plant has been producing products since 1947, deliveries are made to 35 countries of the world. The production is more than 42 thousand tons per year, the range includes 85 brands of rubber. The company is one of the ten world leaders in the industry

Food packaging film: manufacturers, characteristics, purpose of the film and application

Food packaging film: manufacturers, characteristics, purpose of the film and application

Using food storage film packaging can be very convenient. Such material weighs little, is durable and elastic. In addition, the food film is transparent, which allows the buyer to evaluate the product, including visually

Modern cake packaging – pros and cons

Modern cake packaging – pros and cons

Plastic cake packaging is strong enough, weighs less than cardboard packaging, has better impermeability and hygiene, which allows you to store the confectionery much longer

Where Lexus is assembled: country of origin, brand history and photos

Where Lexus is assembled: country of origin, brand history and photos

Toyota Motor Company under the Lexus brand produces luxury cars. Initially, they were intended for sale in the United States. However, it is currently shipped to many countries around the world. The headquarters is located in Japan, in the city of Nagoya

Where the Boeing 767 300 flies

Where the Boeing 767 300 flies

Boeing 767 300 became the first airliner in which passenger seats were placed in a row according to the formula 2 + 3 + 2

System "Grad" - the fury of heaven

System "Grad" - the fury of heaven

From the very first Katyusha volley, from which the very earth reared up, and the fascist hordes went into a state of panic, and to this day, domestic rocket launchers are the best in the world. The Grad system, which entered service in the now distant 1963, replaced the Katyusha and became the basic type of missile weapons of the Soviet Army. For many years, this jet system did not know equal among similar types of foreign jet systems

Boiler house dispatching: organization, control system and purpose

Boiler house dispatching: organization, control system and purpose

Spatching of the boiler room: the main objectives of its implementation. Completeness of a typical automation and dispatching system. Controlled parameters and management. Description of the operation of this system and its advantages. Conducting dispatching by contractors

Boeing 737 500 - heavenly long-liver

Boeing 737 500 - heavenly long-liver

To some extent, almost all modern civil aircraft are similar to the Boeing 737 500. The cabin layout has also become a role model for decades, at least when creating the interiors of medium-haul airliners

EFKO, Voronezh: feedback from employees and customers, address, management and product quality

EFKO, Voronezh: feedback from employees and customers, address, management and product quality

EFKO in Voronezh is a division of Russia's largest food industry enterprise. The main branch of the holding is the sale of its own oil and fat products manufactured using leading technologies

Boeing 777-200 is the most "long-range" airliner in the world

Boeing 777-200 is the most "long-range" airliner in the world

The time that a Boeing 777-200 can continuously spend in the air reaches eighteen hours, so not only guests of the aircraft, but also its permanent residents - pilots and stewards need to rest

What is pu leather?

What is pu leather?

Modern technologies for the production of artificial leather allow you to create various materials of the highest quality, no different from natural counterparts. Pu leather not only does not differ, but also surpasses natural leather in many qualities

Pulp and paper industry as a sector of the national economy

Pulp and paper industry as a sector of the national economy

One of the oldest and most developed sectors of the national economy of any country, Russia in particular, is the pulp and paper industry. On the territory of the state, the opening of the first plant of this type dates back to the era of the reign of Peter I. This enterprise was called "Krasnoselskaya Paper Manufactory"

NPP of Ukraine is a worthy support of the country's economy

NPP of Ukraine is a worthy support of the country's economy

The nuclear power plant is the pinnacle of the technical power of the state, the triumph of scientific research and many years of painstaking research. Of course, Ukraine is included in the list of countries in which nuclear energy works for the benefit of the inhabitants

Vertical milling machine, its device and purpose

Vertical milling machine, its device and purpose

To date, it is quite typical to use parts of complex configuration in various branches of mechanical engineering - shaping surfaces of stamps, molds, gears, copiers and many others. The main methods for manufacturing such complex-shaped products are the following: casting, stamping and cutting

IL-86 aircraft: photo, specifications

IL-86 aircraft: photo, specifications

IL-86 aircraft: description, characteristics, interesting facts, application, features. IL-86: review, photo, dimensions, parameters, modifications, manufacturer

Nuclear engines for spacecraft

Nuclear engines for spacecraft

Russia has been and still remains a leader in the field of nuclear space energy. Organizations such as RSC Energia and Roskosmos have experience in designing, building, launching and operating spacecraft equipped with a nuclear power source

Anti-tank rifle PTRS (Simonov): characteristics, caliber

Anti-tank rifle PTRS (Simonov): characteristics, caliber

The anti-tank rifle PTRS (Simonov) played a crucial role on the battlefield of World War II. Today we will look at its characteristics and history of creation

Ytterbium fiber laser: device, principle of operation, power, production, application

Ytterbium fiber laser: device, principle of operation, power, production, application

Fiber lasers are compact and rugged, point precisely and dissipate thermal energy easily. They come in many forms and, having much in common with other types of optical quantum generators, have their own unique advantages

Mi-2 (helicopter): specifications and photos

Mi-2 (helicopter): specifications and photos

The design of the Mi-2 helicopter is a turbine development of the Mi-1, in which, by installing two small gas turbine engines above the fuselage, the entire cabin area was freed up for payload

What is a shipyard? Meaning of the word

What is a shipyard? Meaning of the word

The meaning of most words of Old Russian origin can be understood based on word formation. And what, then, to do with words of foreign origin? This is especially true for less common languages. For example, what is a shipyard? This word has Dutch roots and it is difficult to guess its meaning by sound. In this article we will talk about what a shipyard is and give examples of the use of this word

Dobrush Porcelain Factory: description, company history, customer reviews

Dobrush Porcelain Factory: description, company history, customer reviews

Dobrush Porcelain Factory is the only porcelain manufacturer in Belarus today. What year was the company founded? What products does it produce? What is remarkable and what is valuable about his products? Our article will tell about all this

What is a workshop? Detailed analysis

What is a workshop? Detailed analysis

The article tells about what a workshop is, when they first appeared and what were the reasons for their appearance in the Middle Ages

Niobium strip: production, properties, application

Niobium strip: production, properties, application

Niobium is a chemical element with 41 serial numbers. It was first discovered at the beginning of the 19th century, but its recognition was delayed by 150 years. Only in 1950, by the decision of the International Union of Applied and Theoretical Chemistry, the atom was allocated its own cell in the periodic system of Mendeleev

All About Steel 235

All About Steel 235

In this article, we will make life a little easier for those who are looking for steel products for their projects. We will talk about steel 235, very common and revered in the field of metal structures. We will try to describe as informatively as possible all the most important aspects related to this steel grade

Brick heating shield - features, device and design diagram

Brick heating shield - features, device and design diagram

The heating shield will become an indispensable assistant if such devices as a potbelly stove are used indoors. Although it is worth noting that they have a couple of rather serious disadvantages that can alienate potential users

Butt welding: equipment, methods and process technology

Butt welding: equipment, methods and process technology

Features of flash butt welding. Types of butt welding joints, as well as equipment, methods and technology for carrying out the butt welding process. Welding seam defects arising from flash butt welding, as well as the reasons for their formation

Tall oil: composition, production, application

Tall oil: composition, production, application

Tall oil: physical and chemical properties of the substance, description of the technology of its production. The composition of the compound and the main factors that affect it. Fractionation methods. The use of crude oil and its derivatives

Ripstop fabric: what is it, composition, characteristics, purpose and application

Ripstop fabric: what is it, composition, characteristics, purpose and application

When asked if it is a ripstop fabric, the answer is usually about a durable material. However, the name unites a whole category of very durable materials that are produced using a special technology. It comes from the English phrase (rip - tear, stop - cessation)

Neutron logging. Well logging methods

Neutron logging. Well logging methods

Neutron logging and its varieties belong to the radiation methods of geophysical research. Depending on the type of detected radiation (neutrons or gamma photons), there are several modifications of this technology. Downhole equipment has a similar layout. Neutron logging makes it possible to determine one of the most important indicators of an oil and gas bearing formation - the porosity coefficient, as well as to divide reservoirs by the type of fluids contained in them

Acid treatment of wells: technologies and equipment

Acid treatment of wells: technologies and equipment

Acid treatment of wells: the principle of the technology, the reagents and technological additives used. The main parameters of this process. Brief description of methods of acid treatment of wells and equipment. Safety during work

Flame systems: device, description, functions, photos

Flame systems: device, description, functions, photos

Oil and gas refineries are required to be provided with means to prevent technological leaks into the open air. For this, special devices are used that are connected to safety valves and production plants. To burn excess gases and vapors, flare systems are used, which are connected to technological waste disposal channels at energy enterprises

"Iceberry": employee reviews, management, addresses and working conditions in the company

"Iceberry": employee reviews, management, addresses and working conditions in the company

Employee reviews of Iceberry should help potential job seekers understand what they should expect from their employer. In this article, we will talk in detail about what this company is, what those who have already managed to work here for at least some time think about it

Friction joints on high-strength bolts

Friction joints on high-strength bolts

Friction joints on high-strength bolts: design features, manufacturing and assembly requirements. Methods for obtaining the necessary roughness of mating surfaces. Calculation of the main parameters of the connection. Quality control

Elevator buckets: description and application

Elevator buckets: description and application

Elevator buckets are widely used in agriculture, food and mining industries for transportation of powdered, bulk and lumpy materials. Structurally, they differ in material, shape and geometry, as well as in manufacturing technology

Xiaomi company: country of origin of the brand, features and interesting facts

Xiaomi company: country of origin of the brand, features and interesting facts

Xiaomi (manufacturing country - China) was founded not so long ago, in 2010. And only in the current, 2018, it became public. Today, its products enjoy impressive popularity, especially phones. And now I would like to tell in detail about the history of this company, as well as how it has achieved such success

How to make gasoline from garbage?

How to make gasoline from garbage?

There are many interesting things in this world that we pass by without even noticing. Familiar objects can sparkle with other colors if you look at them from a different angle. Take, for example, gasoline. According to most, it can only be made from oil. Knowledgeable people can add coal, synthesis gas to this, and it is even possible to get gasoline from garbage. Each of these options is attractive in its own way and deserves consideration

Fretting corrosion: causes and prevention

Fretting corrosion: causes and prevention

What is fretting corrosion. General description of the process and its features in comparison with other types of wear. Causes of metal destruction. Structural nodes in which this phenomenon is observed. Fretting Corrosion Control Methods

Push-button control posts. Push-button PKU control post

Push-button control posts. Push-button PKU control post

Push-button control posts: description, types, purpose, features. Push-button PKU control post: characteristics, maintenance, photos

Polypropylene pipe 32 mm: description, application, installation features, reviews

Polypropylene pipe 32 mm: description, application, installation features, reviews

In the modern construction market, 32 mm polypropylene pipes are confidently occupying high positions. Such building and repair material has long been very popular among many domestic construction companies and private builders, because it is easy to install and quite convenient to operate

PVAM wire: description and characteristics

PVAM wire: description and characteristics

For the transmission of electricity, wires are mainly used from copper conductors, since copper has a lower value of resistance to electric current. One of the common types is the PVAM wire. This type of wire is used to power automotive equipment

Aircraft "SAAB": characteristics, reviews and photos

Aircraft "SAAB": characteristics, reviews and photos

The Kingdom of Sweden is one of the countries in the world that are capable of producing high-class aircraft themselves. Military aviation and civilian liners of this country are a special event in the aircraft industry. Machines can not be confused with any other. They are distinguished by a special sophistication of forms and elegance of design solutions

JSC "Shipyard "Avangard", Petrozavodsk: history, description, address, photo. Vacancies, job reviews

JSC "Shipyard "Avangard", Petrozavodsk: history, description, address, photo. Vacancies, job reviews

Shipyard "Avangard" is a large industrial enterprise in Karelia, which fulfills large-scale orders for civil and military shipbuilding, is also engaged in the generation of thermal energy, ship repair, modernization and repair of railway equipment and wagons. The plant is located on the shores of Lake Onega, having the ability to receive ships to its own mooring wall