
Grape variety Carmenere: variety description, photos, reviews

Grape variety Carmenere: variety description, photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Carmenere is a grape variety very widespread in Chile. From the bunches of this variety, expensive quality wine is made here. If desired, Carmenere can be grown in Russia, but only in the southern regions

Hive Dadan: size, drawings and device

Hive Dadan: size, drawings and device

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, Dadan's hive is one of the most common, especially among beginner beekeepers or amateurs. However, not all beginners are aware of them, their design, size and benefits. This shortcoming should be eliminated

Large rabbit cage: description, size, features of keeping and caring for rabbits

Large rabbit cage: description, size, features of keeping and caring for rabbits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rabbits are quite popular pets. Their content must be approached responsibly. First of all, you need to purchase or make a high-quality spacious cage with your own hands, in which your pet will be comfortable

Eimeriosis of rabbits: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Eimeriosis of rabbits: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Eimeriosis, or coccidiosis, is the most common invasive disease of young rabbits that damages the digestive organs. Mortality among young animals reaches almost one hundred percent. Most often, rabbits are exposed to the disease from one to five months. Due to eimeriosis, many farms are closed and the number of animals is significantly reduced

Treatment of pododermatitis in rabbits: disinfection of wounds, wound healing ointments, list of drugs

Treatment of pododermatitis in rabbits: disinfection of wounds, wound healing ointments, list of drugs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Pododermatitis (colloquially corns) is often found in adults of various species. Wound formation is influenced by various factors. Pododermatitis in rabbits is severe, and its treatment is difficult. Those who wish to breed this fur-bearing animal need to know how to avoid infection of pets and properly provide them with medical care

CJSC "State Farm named after Lenin": reviews, guide, how to get there

CJSC "State Farm named after Lenin": reviews, guide, how to get there

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

How does life work and what happens at the Lenin State Farm? The opinions of the residents of the settlement tell about everyday life, the social sphere, opportunities, as well as about the director of the enterprise. Also, reviews and recommendations were left by seasonal workers who worked on harvesting strawberries

Is it possible to give bread to rabbits: features of maintenance and care, diet, tips

Is it possible to give bread to rabbits: features of maintenance and care, diet, tips

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rabbits (like any other animals) need good nutrition. The gastrointestinal tract in these animals, unfortunately, is quite weak. And many farmers, as well as pet lovers, are thinking about what foods should be included in the diet of these cute animals. For example, is it okay to give rabbits bread? The reader will find the answer to this and other questions in this article

Rhinitis in rabbits: treatment, causes, veterinarian advice

Rhinitis in rabbits: treatment, causes, veterinarian advice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If the treatment of rhinitis in rabbits is not started in time, the condition of the animal will gradually worsen, and after a month and a half it will die. In addition, the disease can become chronic, as a result of which it will worsen during the change of seasons, especially in spring and autumn. Also, a runny nose can give complications in the form of pneumonia and a complete failure of their functioning, as a result of which the meat of the animal will be unfit for consumption

Bald rabbit: causes of baldness, hair loss, necessary treatment, veterinarian advice and care rules

Bald rabbit: causes of baldness, hair loss, necessary treatment, veterinarian advice and care rules

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

For what reason can hairless rabbits appear in the livestock? In young individuals, bald spots occur due to beriberi. Hair loss can start due to poor nutrition and lack of grooming. Usually beriberi manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as rickets, conjunctivitis, decreased activity, hair loss

Why is it important to know how many teats a domestic goat has?

Why is it important to know how many teats a domestic goat has?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

It is very important to have a pet in the household that provides tasty and he althy milk for the whole family. Often the choice leans towards goats, which bring less product than, for example, a cow. But at the same time, its content is due to some advantages

Rabbits of the Strokach breed: description of the species, features of care, reproduction, characteristic features of the breed and rules of keeping

Rabbits of the Strokach breed: description of the species, features of care, reproduction, characteristic features of the breed and rules of keeping

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If someone has a goal to breed rabbits of the Strokach breed, then it is necessary to remember that it is best to have only the strongest and best individuals of the German breed. When grown at home, many farmers do not always succeed in breeding a pure breed, as some individuals are variegated or get sick

French sheep rabbits: reviews, breeding, care, breed features, feeding rules and description with photo

French sheep rabbits: reviews, breeding, care, breed features, feeding rules and description with photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rabbits French rams reviews from farmers deserve very good. These animals, according to the owners of farmsteads, are highly productive and, moreover, quite unpretentious. For good weight gain rates, these rabbits, of course, must first of all be properly fed and maintained

Methods for treating stomatitis in rabbits: description, causes and symptoms

Methods for treating stomatitis in rabbits: description, causes and symptoms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rabbits are pets that, even with proper care, suffer from various pathologies. One of the common ailments is a wet muzzle, or stomatitis. This ailment is often referred to as biting midge. Pathology is difficult. If stomatitis in rabbits is not treated, then the entire livestock of animals can become infected, as a result, almost all rabbits die. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of the disease, and if a wet muzzle is found, immediately begin therapy

Why would a bull have a nose ring. Bull Taming

Why would a bull have a nose ring. Bull Taming

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Why does a bull have a nose ring? Farmers do "piercing" to such animals in order to facilitate the task of caring for them. The nasal septum in bulls is a very sensitive place. By pressing on the ring, the farmer makes the animal obey

Goat milk separator: overview, features and reviews

Goat milk separator: overview, features and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Separators for goat's milk and cow's milk today are produced by many companies, including domestic ones. When choosing such a device, the owner of the farmstead or the farmer first of all needs to pay attention to such characteristics as performance, receiver volume and engine speed

What should be the seeding rate of wheat per 1 ha?

What should be the seeding rate of wheat per 1 ha?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In order for wheat to grow well and to have a bountiful harvest, you need the right area, a large amount of vitamins important for nutrition in the endosperm. With the required area, plants can take all the necessary nutrients and moisture from the soil, thereby creating the necessary vegetative mass and forming grains. If the sowing is thickened or sparse, then the amount of the crop obtained is significantly reduced

How to build a farm: farm animals, fundamental differences in construction and planning

How to build a farm: farm animals, fundamental differences in construction and planning

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Housekeeping has great prospects. However, to achieve any success, it will take a lot of effort and time. Since in our country farms have good support from the state, if you do business correctly, you can get a good income. In addition, agricultural products have always been and will be in great demand both in domestic and foreign markets

The saddle pad is Description, purpose, types, photos

The saddle pad is Description, purpose, types, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The saddle pad is part of the horse's equipment. It is a fabric cover that is placed under the saddle. The first primitive models - saddlecloths - appeared in Russia back in pre-Petrine times. Today, saddle pads are actively used in the sports industry, and not only. There are many companies that make saddle pads from different materials and different sizes. In the article we will find out what kind of saddle pads are, where you can buy them and how to put them on correctly

What does a cow drink? Features of keeping an animal

What does a cow drink? Features of keeping an animal

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

When caring for artiodactyl pets, the question of what a cow drinks is important. Burenka is not suitable for any liquid. It happens that the animal refuses water at all. This can affect the well-being of the cow in the most unfavorable way. In addition, the process of milk formation requires the obligatory presence of fluid in the cow's body

Rooster spurs: what are they and why are they needed?

Rooster spurs: what are they and why are they needed?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Spurs grow on the legs of a rooster, which are horny growths. These formations help birds during fights, protecting them from enemy attacks. What are spurs in a rooster, do they need to be removed and how to do it - a question to be considered in more detail

Trailer for walk-behind tractor: dimensions, description, principle of operation

Trailer for walk-behind tractor: dimensions, description, principle of operation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Motoblock owners today are many farmers and owners of suburban areas. With the help of such a mini-tractor, you can not only plow the land, spud potatoes or mow. On farms, motoblocks are often used to transport various kinds of goods. In this case, small trolleys of a special design are used as attachments. The weight, carrying capacity and dimensions of trailers for walk-behind tractors may have different

Tractor "Centaur": description, device, specifications, photos and reviews

Tractor "Centaur": description, device, specifications, photos and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Tractors "Centaur" occupy a niche between low-power motor-blocks up to 12 hp. With. and professional agricultural equipment. They are designed for individual home gardening. They may also be of interest to farmers with a small plot of land or as an auxiliary vehicle. The range includes models with a capacity of 15-24 liters. With

How and where do watermelons grow?

How and where do watermelons grow?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

We all know very well about the invaluable benefits of fruits and berries that ripen in summer and early autumn. They can not only be consumed raw, but also made at home. In today's article, we will tell you where watermelons grow and what these fruits are valued for

Sawdust in the garden: use for various purposes

Sawdust in the garden: use for various purposes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Probably, many summer residents are well aware of the benefits of sawdust in the garden. However, novice gardeners may not know this, so this information may come in handy someday. Why do we need sawdust in the garden?

Fertilizer humus - what is it

Fertilizer humus - what is it

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the literature on horticulture, such a concept as humus is often found. What it is? The question often arises among beginner gardeners. In fact, this is a common humus. It is formed from organic residues of plant origin and is the most effective type of fertilizer for garden and horticultural crops, as well as for ornamental plants

How to feed day old chicks: tips

How to feed day old chicks: tips

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, many summer residents are thinking about breeding various pets. And chickens are no exception. If you are just starting a career as a poultry farmer, you should know that not all chickens survive the first days of life. Moreover, the main causes of their death are not diseases at all, but malnutrition

Heavy horses: description, content, photo

Heavy horses: description, content, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Draft horses have long been used in agriculture for heavy work. Today, this kind of animal, of course, is not as popular as it used to be. However, there are still many breeds of such horses today

Potato variety Rosara: characteristics

Potato variety Rosara: characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, no breakfast, lunch or dinner is complete without a potato dish. And this is understandable, since this vegetable has impeccable taste

What is mulching and what benefits does it bring

What is mulching and what benefits does it bring

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is mulching, what materials can be used as mulch and how this agricultural technique is useful, read on

Why does the onion feather turn yellow and how can I deal with it?

Why does the onion feather turn yellow and how can I deal with it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The question of why an onion feather turns yellow is of interest to many gardeners, especially those who grow a vegetable for sale, since yellowed feathers mean a poor harvest. Properly established reason - the ability to half get rid of adversity

How to feed geese at home?

How to feed geese at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many homeowners are interested in how to feed geese at home. In private farmsteads, such a bird is usually given wet mash, the main ingredients of which are grain and chopped vegetables

Chicken breeds: leggorn and Russian whites

Chicken breeds: leggorn and Russian whites

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Egg-laying chickens are unpretentious and are considered highly profitable birds. They are bred both in private households and on farms. At the moment, breeders have bred a huge number of breeds of this bird. The leghorn is considered the most common in the world. The egg production of these chickens can reach 300 pcs. in year. In our country, on the basis of this breed, a highly productive Russian white chicken has been bred

What is soil mulching and what materials can be used as mulch?

What is soil mulching and what materials can be used as mulch?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What is soil mulching? For what purpose is it used, what materials can be used?

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse to achieve an excellent harvest?

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse to achieve an excellent harvest?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Some tips on how to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse so that the harvest is plentiful, you will find in the article

Phytophthora: methods of control and prevention

Phytophthora: methods of control and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most formidable diseases of nightshade crops at the moment is phytophthora. Methods of dealing with it can be considered very complex and time-consuming. Therefore, the easiest way to prevent the occurrence of the disease is by following some simple recommendations

Bush cucumber: features and varieties

Bush cucumber: features and varieties

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cucumber bush is a compact variety intended for cultivation mainly in small areas. Differs in early ripeness and amicable ripening of fruits. Zelentsy are characterized by excellent taste qualities and can be used both for fresh consumption and for pickling

Chinese silk chicken: description and characteristics of the breed, keeping and breeding

Chinese silk chicken: description and characteristics of the breed, keeping and breeding

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Often, in the farms of amateur poultry farmers, you can meet a completely amazing, even unique bird. It is about this breed of chickens - Chinese silk, that we want to talk about today. What is their uniqueness, how do they differ from other birds? This will be discussed in this article

Breeds of laying hens: photos, names and descriptions

Breeds of laying hens: photos, names and descriptions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Planning to get chickens that will bring fresh eggs every day, but do not know which breed to choose? We have prepared for you a rating of breeds of laying hens, which will allow you to find out which birds are unpretentious in care, lay large eggs

Silo tower: device and purpose

Silo tower: device and purpose

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The article is about silos. The purpose of such structures, technical device and operation features are considered

Automatic incubators. Feedback on automatic egg incubators

Automatic incubators. Feedback on automatic egg incubators

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Automatic incubators are designed to hatch different types of birds, from quails to ostriches. How to choose the right equipment for a novice farmer? Description of popular models, reviews about them are given in the article. The main pros and cons of automatic devices are also described

Harrow is the most important agricultural tool

Harrow is the most important agricultural tool

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Harrow is an agricultural device known to mankind since ancient times. At the moment, there are several types of this weapon, divided according to general and special purposes

Horse mowers: device, reviews. How to make a horse mower with your own hands?

Horse mowers: device, reviews. How to make a horse mower with your own hands?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Horse mowers. Owner reviews revealing the advantages and disadvantages of these devices. Safety precautions and principle of operation

Cochin-hens. What are they?

Cochin-hens. What are they?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many residents of private houses are engaged in breeding poultry at home. This is quite logical and understandable - there are both birds and domestic eggs. But most often, simple laying hens do not differ in particular fleshiness. And agricultural entrepreneurs keep two types of chickens - laying hens and broilers. The first "go" for eggs, the second - for meat. Luckily, Vietnamese cochin chickens are gaining popularity right now

Sweet varieties of tomatoes: reviews. Sweet varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Sweet varieties of tomatoes: reviews. Sweet varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Gardeners plant various vegetables. Sweet varieties of tomato are considered one of the most sought-after varieties, as they are ideal for different occasions. More about them will be discussed in the article

Why piglets grind their teeth: causes and treatment

Why piglets grind their teeth: causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Why do piglets grind their teeth? What exactly could cause such behavior and what to do about it? In fact, if young animals show obvious signs of illness, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. If the pigs are not lethargic, not painful and eat well, but periodically grind their teeth, then you need to watch them for a while

Fodder sulfur is the basis of the diet of farm animals

Fodder sulfur is the basis of the diet of farm animals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Global urbanization has paid off: most city dwellers have a vague idea of how to feed animals. But in recent years, more and more people have moved to live in the countryside

The biggest cows in the world: breeds, description, photo

The biggest cows in the world: breeds, description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Currently, there are several unique animals - giant bulls and cows, as well as very tiny cows, which cause genuine admiration among people. Today we have prepared material for you from which you will learn about the largest and smallest cows in the world. By the way, some of them are listed in the Guinness Book of Records, despite the fact that they do not show high productivity

Tomato Chukhloma: variety description, characteristics, yield

Tomato Chukhloma: variety description, characteristics, yield

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Perhaps the most popular and favorite vegetable is the tomato. It is grown in almost every household plot. A huge number of different varieties of this crop have been bred. There are those intended for growing under film shelters, in open ground and on balconies. Today we want to introduce you to Chukhloma tomato - a description of the variety, its pros and cons, planting rules can be found further in the article

Scabies in pigs: causes, symptoms, treatments, prevention

Scabies in pigs: causes, symptoms, treatments, prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

One of the most serious diseases of piglets on farms is sarcoptic mange. Scabies develops in pigs, mainly in early spring or late autumn. In most cases, the cause of infection is various violations of the technology of keeping animals

Valiant grapes: variety description, planting and care features, reviews

Valiant grapes: variety description, planting and care features, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Valiant grapes are a variety of early ripening (late August - early September). The variety was bred by the American breeder R. M. Peterson. The plant is frost-resistant - it can withstand up to -45 degrees. In general, grapes are considered a heat-loving crop that can grow only in the southern regions, but recently many varieties have appeared that can withstand fairly large frosts. Among these species is the Valiant grape, which has excellent winter hardiness

Domestic geese - Gorky goose

Domestic geese - Gorky goose

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the 50s, the restoration of the national economy after the war began. Specialists from the Gorky region, now Nizhny Novgorod region, made a significant contribution to the poultry industry. By crossing Chinese with local breeds, a good result was obtained. Subsequently, Solnechnogorsk were added, which made it possible to obtain stable offspring of geese. Gorky geese were certified as a new breed of meat

Methods of beekeeping in Siberia

Methods of beekeeping in Siberia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Beekeeping in Siberia is currently developing at an accelerated pace. The beekeepers of this region use a variety of insect keeping technologies, including innovative ones, which make it possible to obtain a lot of honey while reducing labor and financial costs

How to milk a first heifer? Preparing a cow for milking

How to milk a first heifer? Preparing a cow for milking

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Doctors recommend drinking milk daily for both children and adults. In the village, the problem with a useful product is traditionally solved - they give birth to a cow. People prefer to buy young dairy cows, but if there is no good option, then you have to buy heifers

Intensive garden: definition, bookmarking technology, tips and tricks

Intensive garden: definition, bookmarking technology, tips and tricks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

By setting up an intensive garden on the site, you can get very large yields of apples, pears, cherries, etc. This technology allows you to use the area of the allotment as efficiently as possible. When growing fruit crops using this method, it is important to correctly form their crown, as well as provide their roots with all the necessary nutrients

Do-it-yourself smoker for bees features types

Do-it-yourself smoker for bees features types

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The history of the smoker for bees, its purpose, features and characteristics. Types of smokers for work in the apiary. Structural arrangement of hand tools. Independent production and ignition of a smoker for bees. Some advice from experienced beekeepers

What will happen if the cow is not milked. Why does the cow not give milk

What will happen if the cow is not milked. Why does the cow not give milk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Today, many people are returning to subsistence farming and have cattle to have the freshest and most natural food on their table. But not all of them know how to properly care for animals. What happens if the cow is not milked? How many times does it need to be milked? And why does the horned nurse lose her milk?

Prospects for the development of poultry farms in the Samara region

Prospects for the development of poultry farms in the Samara region

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In 2013, the poultry farms of the Samara region produced only 30% of the required volume of meat, the rest was imported from other regions. By 2015, the share of local production increased to 53% and continued to grow at a rate exceeding the national figures. In 2016, the poultry farms of the Samara region supplied 296 thousand tons to the market in the first half of the year alone

Bashkir bee: features and description

Bashkir bee: features and description

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What makes the Bashkir bee stand out so much? Features of this species are that insects prefer to collect pollen from medicinal plants. The result is honey of the highest quality. In addition, this species has its own anatomical features. Insects of this variety belong to Central Russian bees

Rabbit barn: rules for keeping rabbits, building instructions, photo

Rabbit barn: rules for keeping rabbits, building instructions, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Before you start building a rabbit shed, you should learn more about the main features of these animals. The worst thing for them is temperature fluctuations. It is best to design the barn in such a way that there are no gaps in the walls. So you can eliminate the possibility of drafts

What are downy breeds of goats? Description, names and reviews

What are downy breeds of goats? Description, names and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Downy breeds of goats in our country are relatively few. But in some regions, such cattle are still bred. They will keep goats of this variety to obtain high-quality elastic and durable down, which is also suitable for knitting scarves and cobwebs

Colored broilers: description, photo

Colored broilers: description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Poultry breeding in home gardens and summer cottages has long been not only a hobby, but also an excellent source of replenishing the diet of citizens. The owners of the bird stock strive to breed not only a highly productive bird, but also a beautiful one. Colored broilers are great for satisfying the aesthetic requirements of hobby poultry farmers

Goat pregnancy: definition, course, time period, care features and assistance with lambing

Goat pregnancy: definition, course, time period, care features and assistance with lambing

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Goats come hunting seasonally - in spring and autumn. If a goat is nearby, then the hunt ends in pregnancy. Determining the gestational age in goats is not easy, especially for beginners who are just starting to keep these animals. Even experienced goat breeders cannot always tell for sure whether a goat is pregnant or not. Although when, the ancestors managed to determine the result of mating

Geese and ducks: breeds, features, description, cultivation and care

Geese and ducks: breeds, features, description, cultivation and care

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

There are many breeds of ducks and geese. Growing such a bird in the courtyard is usually not too difficult. All existing varieties of ducks and geese are unpretentious and at the same time quite high productivity

How to feed a sheep at home? Features, requirements and recommendations

How to feed a sheep at home? Features, requirements and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

About what to feed sheep and how to properly develop a diet for these animals, of course, every novice farmer should know. In summer, the main food of sheep is green grass. In winter, it is replaced with hay

We understand how much a chicken incubates eggs and what conditions it needs to create for this

We understand how much a chicken incubates eggs and what conditions it needs to create for this

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

An interesting question is how long does a chicken incubate eggs and how quickly can you get chicken offspring

How to feed a sheep: tips from breeders

How to feed a sheep: tips from breeders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In the modern world, a lot of owners of their own plots are thinking about housekeeping. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in this. But in fact, this is a very serious and responsible task

Why do flowers fall off tomatoes? Main reasons

Why do flowers fall off tomatoes? Main reasons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What could be easier than growing tomatoes in your backyard. So think many who are only superficially familiar with all the nuances of this case. It would seem that he planted seedlings, took root, went into growth, the first ovary appeared. But then, for no good reason, this ovary began to fall off. What happened and why do tomatoes fall off flowers? Let's try to figure it out

Why does the bow go to arrows? Main reasons

Why does the bow go to arrows? Main reasons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The question of why the bow goes to arrows is often asked not only by beginners, but also by experienced gardeners. There may be several reasons

Keeping and caring for laying hens in the country

Keeping and caring for laying hens in the country

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Keeping laying hens in the country has many benefits. After all, a home-made egg in terms of its nutritional properties is incomparable with a store-bought one. There are various breeds of this poultry

Answering the question of why chickens don't lay

Answering the question of why chickens don't lay

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Maintaining a household is not easy at all. In order to have a result, animals need to be properly looked after, fed, and created the conditions necessary for their life. But it is worth remembering that, just like people, they have not very favorable periods

Leaf chlorosis: description, photo, methods of struggle

Leaf chlorosis: description, photo, methods of struggle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Leaf chlorosis can be infectious (infection of other plants is possible) and non-infectious (occurring in violation of agricultural practices). Let's consider in more detail

Indo-ducks: breeding, maintenance and care features

Indo-ducks: breeding, maintenance and care features

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Indo-ducks are common birds, especially in European countries. This is due to the fact that their meat is lean, with excellent taste. In the wild, these fairly large birds are found in a number of countries in South America, including Mexico. They are picky about care and food, have a unique ability to survive. Thanks to these qualities, breeding indouts is not difficult, they are ideal for home cultivation

Nitrophoska fertilizer: composition and application

Nitrophoska fertilizer: composition and application

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Without the use of various kinds of fertilizers, it is almost impossible to get a good harvest of vegetables and fruits. At the moment, the industry produces a variety of their types. Nitrophoska fertilizer, the composition of which is universal, is complex and can be used to improve the fertile qualities of the soil both on the entire site as a whole and for each specific crop separately

Okuchnik for walk-behind tractor: application and types

Okuchnik for walk-behind tractor: application and types

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The hiller for a walk-behind tractor can become an indispensable tool in a summer cottage. With it, the process of processing a potato field will become much simpler and faster. At the moment, there are several types of such nozzles for a walk-behind tractor

Why doesn't the chicken lay? Conditions of keeping, feed and methods for increasing the egg production of chickens

Why doesn't the chicken lay? Conditions of keeping, feed and methods for increasing the egg production of chickens

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Raising egg-laying chickens is a very profitable business that can not only provide food, but also bring a steady income. It often happens that a bird shows high productivity

Mulch - what is it? Protection and nutrition for soil microflora and fauna

Mulch - what is it? Protection and nutrition for soil microflora and fauna

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Now more and more often they talk about loosening the soil with flat cutters, followed by mulching the surface of the earth. Why carry out this agricultural technique, what materials are mulch made of, what will it give the farmer in the end, which is called the harvest?

Does anyone know how to plant grapes in the suburbs?

Does anyone know how to plant grapes in the suburbs?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

What do experienced professionals advise and recommend for novice winegrowers on grape farming? How to plant grapes in the suburbs?

And when is black radish sown?

And when is black radish sown?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Many gardeners who want to grow black radish in their garden ask the question: "When do they sow black radish?" As a rule, summer radish is sown in spring, and winter radish in July. It is the winter black radish that is endowed with healing properties. Because of this, it is incredibly popular among gardeners

What to do if the cucumber ovaries turn yellow

What to do if the cucumber ovaries turn yellow

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cucumber ovaries turn yellow for many reasons. This may be a lack of moisture, nutrients in the soil, any diseases, etc. Let's talk about how to avoid such a nuisance

Caring for pepper in the greenhouse. Planting, shaping, pollination

Caring for pepper in the greenhouse. Planting, shaping, pollination

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Caring for pepper in a greenhouse provides for the mandatory formation of a bush. Depending on the duration of the ripening period and the planting pattern, the plants are formed into several stems. The bush should not be too thick

Do you know how horses sleep?

Do you know how horses sleep?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

To understand a horse, you need to study its physiology, its inner world. This knowledge will explain the behavior of the horse. One of the most revealing aspects of equine physiology is vision and its influence on how the animal reacts to certain situations. The second, no less interesting, aspect is sleep

Bird breeding. Guinea fowl hatching eggs

Bird breeding. Guinea fowl hatching eggs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Guinea fowl eggs have a fairly strong shell. They are easy to transport, and within six months they do not lose their nutritional value. According to the content of solids, vitamin A and carotene, they are superior to chicken. Also an important advantage is the fact that they are not affected by salmonellosis

When tomatoes are spudded, what is it for?

When tomatoes are spudded, what is it for?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Before answering the question of whether it is necessary to hill tomatoes, let's deal with the very definition of this word. Hilling is the loosening and rolling of the earth, preferably wet, to the lower parts of the plant

"Fitosporin" for tomatoes. Fighting Phytophthora

"Fitosporin" for tomatoes. Fighting Phytophthora

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Not every gardener manages to grow a good crop of tomatoes. There are many reasons for this state of affairs, and one of them is phytophthora. This attack hits tomatoes regularly. Gardeners have, of course, the means to deal with it. And one of them is the drug "Fitosporin" for tomatoes

Motoblock "Mole": photo, specifications, instructions, reviews

Motoblock "Mole": photo, specifications, instructions, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

In order to facilitate their work in the suburban area, many summer residents buy walk-behind tractors. With the help of this technique, you can quickly plow the ground, plant and dig up potatoes, and clear the yard of snow in winter. There are many brands of such equipment, both domestic and foreign. For example, you can purchase a Mole walk-behind tractor for your suburban area

Homestead farming: what do broiler chickens eat

Homestead farming: what do broiler chickens eat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Broilers grow fast but are prone to various diseases. The success of their cultivation depends primarily on the quality of their diet. Therefore, many owners of personal farms have a question about how to feed them

If day old chicks appeared on the farm, how to feed the chicks?

If day old chicks appeared on the farm, how to feed the chicks?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

If day-old chicks appeared on the farm, how to feed the young in such a situation, so as not only not to harm, but also help the chicks with development? And also how to provide them with proper living conditions? The answers to these questions can be found in the article

How to make a drinker for rabbits with your own hands: photos, ideas

How to make a drinker for rabbits with your own hands: photos, ideas

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Do-it-yourself drinkers for rabbits can have a different design. But the most popular among farmers are such containers for vacuum, cup, float and nipple. It is not difficult to make such structures on your own

Tetra chickens: description of the breed, characteristics and reviews

Tetra chickens: description of the breed, characteristics and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Hungarian company BabolnaTetra has been breeding birds for almost half a century. Among their achievements are tetra chickens. Representatives of the breed gain weight well, grow quickly, start laying eggs early

The breed of the most egg-laying chicken: what is the name?

The breed of the most egg-laying chicken: what is the name?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Cultivation of chickens is carried out for various purposes: to obtain dietary meat or eggs. For the daily production of eggs in large quantities, the breed of the egg-laying hen itself is important. What it is called and looks like, read in the article

Wintering bees in the wild: under the snow, without insulation

Wintering bees in the wild: under the snow, without insulation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Wintering bees in the wild is not only economical, but also practical and useful directly for the insects themselves. In addition to the fact that beekeepers do not spend a huge amount of effort and money on arranging omshaniki, they also harden their "pets" in the fresh air

Ducks of meat breeds: description, cultivation features. What to feed ducks

Ducks of meat breeds: description, cultivation features. What to feed ducks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Meat ducks are very popular among our compatriots. They quickly gain weight and do not require special care. Therefore, they are often bred by novice farmers. In today's article you will find a brief description of the most common breeds

Fusarial wilt of plants: signs of the onset of the disease

Fusarial wilt of plants: signs of the onset of the disease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Pathogens most often penetrate the plant through the root system and subsequently cause its death

Industrial beekeeping - what is needed? Goods for beekeeping. beekeeping courses

Industrial beekeeping - what is needed? Goods for beekeeping. beekeeping courses

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

The creation of a frame hive in 1814 by the Russian beekeeper P.I. Prokopovich made it possible to apply rational methods of keeping bees in practice. The inventions of artificial foundation (I. Mehring, Germany) and honey extractor (F. Hrushka, Czech Republic) that followed in the first half of the 19th century paved the way for industrial beekeeping

Rapeseed: cultivation technology, meaning, features and origin

Rapeseed: cultivation technology, meaning, features and origin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Canola cultivation technology includes procedures such as soil and seed preparation, planting and weed control. This crop can be grown for oilseeds or as green manure

How horses breed: features of the process, terms of rut and pregnancy

How horses breed: features of the process, terms of rut and pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Horses are beautiful and proud animals. In order to get the perfect individual, you need to approach breeding correctly. Experienced breeders easily create pairs and prepare horses for mating. It will be difficult for a beginner without knowledge to get a foal that meets all his needs. How do horses reproduce? There are several ways of mating animals

Sychevskaya breed of cows: description, characteristics, photos, reviews

Sychevskaya breed of cows: description, characteristics, photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

All over the world, thanks to the work of breeders, there are more than 1000 breeds of cattle. All of them have different characteristics, productivity and directions. Breeds of cattle can be divided into three groups: meat, dairy, universal (meat and dairy). When choosing an animal for your farm, pay attention to what kind of livestock is common in your area. Today we will consider the most popular breed of cows in our country - Sychevskaya

Why do rabbits sneeze: causes, possible diseases, treatment, prevention, advice from veterinarians and rabbit breeders

Why do rabbits sneeze: causes, possible diseases, treatment, prevention, advice from veterinarians and rabbit breeders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Rabbit breeders often face animal diseases. This is due to the fact that rabbits are weak species and are often subjected to various pathologies. One of the pathologies is a runny nose. As soon as it begins to appear, new breeders ask different questions: why do rabbits sneeze, how dangerous is it, how to treat it?

How long do sheep live: species, class, habitat, nutrition and lifespan

How long do sheep live: species, class, habitat, nutrition and lifespan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Sheep breeding is a separate agricultural industry that has been practiced in Russia for a long time. It is especially developed in regions with rich, green pastures. Raising animals as a business is a profitable activity. However, its payback is possible only if there are good systems for processing products and a permanent market

How bread is grown: planting and caring for crops

How bread is grown: planting and caring for crops

Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01

Bread is invaluable in the life of every person. Thanks to this product, people survived by waging endless wars, the main goal of which was the conquest of fertile lands. Songs, sayings, proverbs are composed about bread. No wonder folk wisdom says: "Bread is the head of everything", emphasizing its paramount importance. How is bread grown? How to plant and care for crops, read the article