Anodized aluminium. Special coating for material
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Aluminum itself is a very light material that can be machined well. However, when interacting with oxygen, this substance oxidizes rather quickly, which is why it is impossible to use it for dishes, for example. However, anodized aluminum solved almost all problems
How were matches made before and how are they made today? Swedish matches
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to the history of the creation of matches - from their very first prototypes to modern ones. It also tells about the famous Swedish matches, the evolution of the chemical components of the match head and stickers for the box
Tsimlyanskaya HPP is an energy giant on the Don
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Tsimlyanskaya HPP is the largest energy facility in southern Russia. Its economic significance and impact on the environment can hardly be overestimated - the station not only generates energy, but also provides the possibility of large-tonnage navigation in the lower reaches of the Don and irrigation of arid lands. The construction of the Tsimlyanskaya hydroelectric power station went down in the history of the USSR as a national labor feat
Helicopter engines: overview, specifications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Today, people have invented many different types of equipment that can not only move along the roads, but also fly. Planes, helicopters and other aircraft made it possible to explore the airspace. Helicopter engines, which were required for the normal operation of the respective machines, are characterized by high power
ZRK "Vityaz": characteristics of the anti-aircraft missile system
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
SAM "Vityaz": description, features, photo, purpose. Anti-aircraft missile system "Vityaz": characteristics, modifications, operation
Airliner Boeing 757-300
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article provides an overview of the characteristics of the Boeing 757-300 in comparison with other models of this manufacturer
Duralumin is a high-strength aluminum-based alloy with additions of copper, magnesium and manganese: properties, production and application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
What is duralumin? What are the features of duralumin alloy? Technical and quality indicators of the alloy. A variety of products from this metal and their scope
Viscose is a multifunctional and popular fabric. History of appearance, properties, application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Viscose is one of the most popular materials. It is used for tailoring, bed linen and curtains. What are the properties of this wonderful fabric? This article will tell about it
Automation is the science of control without human intervention
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The device without which automation is impossible is the regulator. It can be extremely simple (two-position), as in an iron, for example, or complex, representing an electronic unit that provides a special algorithm
Weapon "Chrysanthemum". Anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthemum"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
According to the technical parameters of the anti-tank complex, it is possible not only to knock out tanks, armored personnel carriers and enemy shelters, but also ships, planes, helicopters. The designers claim that this is the most powerful weapon in the world. "Chrysanthemum" proves it every time in the exercises
Howitzer "Tulip". "Tulip" - 240 mm self-propelled mortar
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In their memoirs, the military often regrets that they had little artillery, because there is never a lot of it. The heavy hooting of cannons instills confidence in their own and presses the enemy into the ground, literally and figuratively. Howitzer "Tulip" is still in service. None of the countries has a mortar of this caliber. In European countries and in the USA, the caliber does not exceed 120 mm
"Object 279". "Object 279" - Soviet experimental supertank: description
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In 1956, the USSR Ministry of Defense presented performance characteristics for a new tank. There were three projects, of which "Object 279" is the most ambitious. It was a completely new tank, created for combat in conditions after a nuclear strike
Industrial refrigerators: overview, description, types, specifications and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Most people deal with equipment like refrigerators every day. But this technique is designed for the home. What devices are in production? After all, products are sold in large volumes. Industrial refrigerators are entire structures that are a refrigerating chamber for cooling or freezing food
Production tables. Key manufacturers of neutral equipment
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
No industrial kitchen is complete without neutral food grade stainless steel equipment. It is thanks to all kinds of tables - professional and cutting - that workers are provided with comfortable workplaces, have the opportunity to place their kitchen utensils and medium-sized equipment so that they do not interfere with the process
Polypropylene thread: types, characteristics and applications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
With the growth of the consumer market, the demand for packaging products has increased. It turned out to be unprofitable to make them from natural materials. Manufacturers have begun to use synthetics, which are more convenient to use and simplify the production process, making costs minimal. Polypropylene thread has become one of the types of such products. It can be used in almost all packaging materials
Lianozovsky Dairy Plant: location, products, reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Lianozovsky Dairy Plant is located in Moscow and is the largest enterprise in Russia for the production of dairy products. It produces more than 300 items of a range of commodity items and occupies a leading position in Europe in the production of baby food
Wagon economy: structure and functions
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The railway network is formed by an extensive complex of technical means and structures that ensure the stable functioning of the transport system. To rationalize the technological processes of maintenance, some components of the common infrastructure are allocated to independent objects with autonomous control
Why is the Bukhtarma HPP recognized as the best in the world?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
How did it happen that the most reliable hydroelectric power station operates in the Republic of Kazakhstan? You will find the answer in the proposed article
HPP Ust-Ilimskaya: photo, address. Construction of the Ust-Ilimskaya HPP
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In the Irkutsk region, on the Angara River, there is one of the few hydroelectric power plants in the country that has paid for itself even before construction was completed. This is the Ust-Ilimskaya HPP, the third stage in the cascade of stations on the Angara
Graphite: density, properties, application features and types
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Mankind uses graphite for various purposes. This substance has a unique set of properties. Graphite, whose density, types and applications are varied, deserves detailed consideration
Gas block boiler room: description, characteristics, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Gas block boiler house is a transportable installation of factory readiness. It can work on the basis of gas boilers, the power range of which varies from 200 to 10,000 kW
Industrial boilers: description, types, functions. Industrial expertise of boilers
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to industrial boilers. The varieties of such units, functions and nuances of the examination for the safety of equipment are considered
Used oil recycling: equipment and methods of disposal
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Full cycle production process with waste recycling minimizes the amount of environmental pollution. Against the background of the popularization of this approach in the industry, technologies for the specialized utilization of products of industrial activity are also emerging in order to form new raw materials. These processes include the processing of used oil, which results in fuel
Catalytic reforming is a progressive technology with a century of history
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
One of the main methods of oil refining is catalytic reforming, which made it possible to obtain fuel with a high octane number. This method of oil refining was invented back in 1911, and since 1939, the technology has been used on an industrial scale. Since then, the method of distillation of natural fuels has been constantly improved
Electrodes for stainless steel welding. Characteristics, marking, GOST, price
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
It should be said right away that the technology of welding with a metal such as stainless steel is a laborious process that requires certain knowledge. Depending on the chosen technology, various electrodes will be used for welding stainless steel
Steel normalization principle
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
There are several types of heat treatment of metals. All of them are aimed at restoring the structure of the crystallization lattice and reducing the strength of individual sections of products after rolling or casting
Cotton oil: useful properties of the product
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Cotton oil is produced from the cotton plant by seed pressing or extraction. The fat content in the seeds is small, it rarely exceeds 25%. With the help of pressing, only 16-18% of the product can be squeezed out. Such a low yield is compensated by the fact that cotton seeds are a waste of cotton production, they are very cheap
Radio-absorbing material: description, characteristics, application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The current level of development of radio engineering devices and their widespread use puts the issues of electromagnetic protection and safety on the agenda. Until recently, this layer of problems remained in the shadows, since the technological level did not allow them to be considered in detail. But today there is a whole direction for the development of radar absorbing materials (RPM), which have a variety of purposes
What is dress fabric? Description, composition, sewing features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
What is dress fabric? The main types of dress fabric. Description and advantages of the main types of dress fabric
MIG welding on modern equipment
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Now it is impossible to imagine a production that could do without the help of welding. This process, as a way to connect completely different parts from a durable material, has found the widest application. After all, in most cases, welding is the only effective way to connect metals and structures
Bor glasses. Bor glass factory
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Bor Glass Factory was founded in 1930. Today it is the undisputed leader in the domestic auto glass market. The company's products comply with international standards. The main shareholder is AGC Group. Production is actively developing, the construction of triplex production buildings in 2006 raised the characteristics of products to a new level
GF-021 (primer): GOST, characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
GF-021 primer has been known for over 30 years. During this period, the so-called painting primer has undergone a number of changes, but has not lost its relevance. The composition is a composition created on the basis of alkyd varnish, which is called glyptal. This type of primer is used as a preparation for painting work, where metal bases are involved
JSC "Guryev Metallurgical Plant" - overview, products and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Open Joint Stock Company "Guryev Metallurgical Plant" is the oldest enterprise in Kuzbass. The GMZ has become a locomotive for the development of industry in the Kemerovo region and southern Siberia as a whole. Today the enterprise produces rolled products, channels, angles, profiles, balls for various purposes
Izhevsk Engineering Plant: products, history
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant (Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic) - since 2013, the head enterprise of the Kalashnikov concern. Founded at the beginning of the 19th century, it is the largest manufacturer of military, sports, civilian firearms and pneumatic weapons in the Russian Federation. Over the years, motorcycles, cars, machine tools, tools, artillery weapons were produced here. Today the range is supplemented by boats, UAVs, combat robots, guided missiles
Piece Izhevsk guns. Izhevsk smoothbore guns
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Izhevsk guns are weapons created by professionals in their field. From a wide range of models, each customer will be able to choose a solution for hunting or sports shooting
Floating NPP, Academician Lomonosov. Floating nuclear power plant in the Crimea. Floating NPPs in Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Floating nuclear power plants in Russia - a project of domestic designers to create low-power mobile units. The state corporation "Rosatom", the enterprises "B altic Plant", "Small Energy" and a number of other organizations are involved in the development
Cargo helicopter. The largest helicopters in the world
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The largest cargo helicopter designed and constructed in the USSR. A more detailed description will be presented at the end of the review. The aircraft can vertically take off, land, hover in the air and move with a large load for decent distances. Below you can read about several machines ranked among the largest helicopters in the world
Kharkov Bicycle Plant - history, products and interesting facts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Kharkov bicycle factory was opened in Riga. During the First World War, he was relocated to Ukraine, where he continues to work to this day. The company produced high-quality bikes, some models anticipated their time. KhVZ bicycles today can be found throughout the post-Soviet space, not only as a rarity, but rather as a trouble-free two-wheeled vehicle
Industry of Ukraine. General characteristics of Ukrainian industry
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
To ensure a decent standard of living for citizens, the country's development requires a strong economic potential. The quantity of goods and services that a certain state produces, as well as the ability to sell them, are among the most important indicators of well-being and stability. The industry of Ukraine began to emerge at the end of the 18th century, and today it is represented by many industries
FSUE GKNPTs im. Khrunichev. Roscosmos. Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
To the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNTsP them. Khrunichev, created in 1993 by the merger of the country's two main enterprises in the rocket and space industry - the Salyut Design Bureau and the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant, had to not only preserve and strengthen the scientific and technical potential in completely different conditions of the country's economy, but also to increase the efficiency of work so that it would allow entering the global space market
Anti-aircraft missile system. Anti-aircraft missile system "Igla". Anti-aircraft missile system "Osa"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The need to create specialized anti-aircraft missile systems was ripe during the Second World War, but scientists and gunsmiths from different countries began to approach the issue in detail only in the 50s. The fact is that until then there simply were no means of controlling interceptor missiles
Laying communications: types, classification, methods and methods of laying, purpose of communications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Laying communications is one of the most important stages in the construction, for example, of a new residential building. To date, there are a large number of the most diverse ways of installing communications. Their features, as well as advantages and disadvantages, have led to the fact that an individual method is selected for each case
CNC machines for metalworking: overview, specifications, types and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
CNC machines for metalworking are used in almost every machine-building, pipe, repair plant. Modern cutting methods are intensive. The control systems are based on one service center, which is able to monitor the status of the working axes and the surrounding automation in real time. LCD screens provide information in a convenient 3D graphical format
Polypropylene - melting point, properties and characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Polypropylene, whose melting point should be known to you if you plan to use the material for personal purposes, is a thermoplastic synthetic non-polar polymer that belongs to the class of polyolefins
Plasma processing of materials
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The introduction of plasma processing into the industry marked a technological breakthrough and a transition to a qualitatively new level of production. The scope of useful properties of plasma is very extensive
Industry of Kazakhstan: fuel, chemical, coal, oil
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Kazakhstan is among the EAEU states with the most dynamically growing economies. Significant potential for further growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan - in the field of industry. How can Kazakhstan implement it?
Colloidal sulfur: description, application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Colloidal sulfur (another common name is fungicide) is used worldwide to protect all horticultural and horticultural crops from most pests and diseases, including powdery mildew, ascochitosis, quila, plant mites, oidium, anthracnose, scab
Fokker-100 - one of the most popular aircraft in Europe
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The Fokker-100 airliner is a medium-haul passenger aircraft, which was developed by the company of the same name from the Netherlands. In Europe, this model is considered one of the most common. It is designed for short and medium distance flights
AC machines: device, principle of operation, application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Electric machines perform the critical function of energy conversion in working mechanisms and generating stations. Such devices find their place in different areas, supplying the executive bodies with sufficient power potential. One of the most demanded systems of this type are AC machines (MCT), which have several varieties and differences within their class
Large plants in Perm
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Perm is the largest and one of the oldest industrial centers of the Cis-Urals. Due to the mineral we alth of the Ural Mountains, the region has well-developed mining, processing and construction industries. Enterprises and factories of Perm occupy an important place in the structure of the Russian economy
Multi saw machines for wood: types, characteristics, purpose
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Lumber production requires the right equipment. Gang saws have a number of advantages and characteristics that make them optimal for large-scale production. The article describes what machines are, how they differ and how to choose gang saws according to the required needs
Reinforced concrete is Concept, definition, production, composition and application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
One of the most popular building materials is reinforced concrete. These are durable slabs that are used during the construction of high-rise buildings. The material is able to withstand significant loads. It is not subject to the destructive influence of external adverse factors. Features of reinforced concrete, its production technology and application will be discussed in detail in the article
Titanium processing: initial properties of the material, difficulties and types of processing, principle of operation, techniques and recommendations of specialists
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Today, people are processing a wide variety of materials. Titanium processing stands out among the most problematic types of work. The metal has excellent qualities, but because of them, most of the problems arise
Cutting mode for milling. Types of cutters, calculation of cutting speed
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
One of the ways to finish materials is milling. It is used for processing metal and non-metal workpieces. The workflow is controlled by cutting data
Gas piston power plant: the principle of operation. Operation and maintenance of gas piston power plants
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Gas piston power plant is used as a main or backup source of energy. The device requires access to any type of combustible gas to operate. Many GPES models can additionally generate heat for heating and cold for ventilation systems, warehouses, industrial facilities
Oceanographic research vessel "Yantar": description, history and interesting facts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
There is no other ship like the oceanographic ship "Yantar" on the planet. And the point is not only in the uniqueness of the research complex installed on board and capable of recording numerous parameters of the ocean environment. First of all, the crew itself, consisting of scientists, is unique, but in uniform
Deck helicopter "Minoga": description and interesting facts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
According to the assurances of the developers, the first prototype of the carrier-based helicopter under the code "Lamprey" will take to the skies in 2020, and the start of mass production is expected no earlier than in ten years. But now, for the alleged performance characteristics, experts dubbed the car "sea devil"
Manholes: characteristics and design
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The sewer system, like any other, is composed of different elements that are designed to ensure efficient operation. These include manholes, which are necessary for maintenance and monitoring of the state of the system
Rotary drilling: technology, principle of operation and features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The most widely used method of drilling production and exploration wells for water is rotary drilling. The method differs in that it has no axial force generated by the drive. Let's consider this method in more detail
Viewing well: description, device, types and features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
There are many elements in the sewerage system that are designed to ensure the smooth operation of the network. The inspection well acts as one of the main structures, with the help of which specialists check the performance and clean the sewer
Device and purpose of the current transformer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to current transformers. The device, purpose, principle of operation and varieties of this equipment are considered
ABS plastic: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Such a material as abs-plastic is quite popular and in demand in the production of many electronic devices and equipment. At the same time, unlike plastic, this material has higher performance indicators, which is explained by its increased resistance to mechanical damage and protection from environmental factors. Why is ABS plastic so relevant, and what are its advantages?
Electroslag welding: varieties and essence
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to electroslag welding. The essence of the technology, the nuances of its implementation, equipment, etc. are considered
Large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns - specifications and photos
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Anti-aircraft machine guns are large-caliber weapons that can complement different types of troops for effective destruction of ground and air targets
Illiquid assets are Illiquid assets of factories, enterprises
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Illiquid products are products that are formed in the company's warehouses as a result of a sharp decrease in demand, strategic shortcomings or personnel errors
How to choose a wood sawing machine?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
On the modern market there are many devices that are necessary for the construction and repair of various buildings and structures. The sawmill for wood is no exception
Cumulative jet: description, characteristics, features, interesting facts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Currently, the military, among other things, use anti-tank shells of a special design. In the configuration of this type of ammunition, among other things, there is a funnel. When the detonator fires, it collapses, as a result of which the formation of a cumulative jet begins
Glass blasting. Manufacturing Methods and Applications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Modern designers' quest for perfection has enabled manufacturers and processors to introduce methods such as sandblasting glass and mirrors. This method is not too complicated and does not require highly skilled workers
Nizhny Novgorod NPP: description, construction time, interesting facts and reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The Nizhny Novgorod nuclear power plant, an important facility for the economy of the region and the country as a whole, is expected to be built near the village of Monakovo, Navashinsky District, in 2030. Its first reactors are likely to be operational by 2022
Industrial production of ethylene glycol
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Ethylene glycol is a slightly oily, odorless, viscous liquid. It is highly soluble in alcohols, water, acetone and turpentine. This substance is the basis for automotive and household antifreeze, as it lowers the freezing threshold of water and aqueous solutions. Industrial production of ethylene glycol has been established at many chemical enterprises
What is the fastest helicopter? helicopter speed
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Helicopters are of great importance in today's world. And not only in the military sphere, but also in the national economy. Transportation of goods, transportation of people to distant objects where conventional vehicles cannot reach. Helicopters are also used in the construction and installation of large facilities. And at the same time, the question is interesting, but at what speed does a helicopter fly? And which helicopters are the fastest?
Killing two birds with one stone: plastic bottle recycling
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Recycling of plastic bottles today is perhaps one of the most important problems. If this is not done, in a few years we will be swallowed up by mountains of garbage. And you can build a great business on it
Metal plasma cutting
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The article is devoted to plasma cutting of metal. Features of technology, tools, scopes and advantages are considered
Industry of Mexico: description, industries, features and interesting facts
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Industry of Mexico - the main topic of the article, which allows you to understand the features and main industries of this country
How synthetic isoprene rubber is made
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Natural rubber has many analogues, and isoprene rubber is considered one of the most large-tonnage. The industry produces a wide variety of types of these products, differing both in properties and in the type of catalysts that were used - lithium, complex, and the like
RDS-37 hydrogen bomb: characteristics, history
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The first decade after the Great Patriotic War (WWII) laid a heavy burden on the shoulders of the Soviet people. The engineering geniuses of both countries every year developed and embodied in metal more and more terrible weapons of mass destruction of people. In this chilling race, the Soviet Union took the lead. It was our country that first showed the world a two-stage thermonuclear hydrogen bomb with a capacity of more than 1 Mt, namely RDS-37
Wave power plant: working principle
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The search for new energy sources has been a pressing problem for more than half a century. Now technology has stepped far forward, the first commercial wave power plant was created by the joint efforts of scientists, which began to operate in 2008
Forge shop: description, equipment. cold forging
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
When the word "forge shop" is mentioned, many people think of bellows, an oven, an anvil and a lot of hard physical work by hand. However, this time has passed quite a long time ago, and now in blacksmithing, as in other industries, special equipment is used that facilitates and improves human work
Forge welding: description, work technology and necessary tools
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Forge welding is perhaps the oldest method of metal bonding. Blacksmithing was the only method of processing steel for several millennia, until in the 19th century specialists mastered the foundry industry. And in the 20th century, technological progress developed, as a result of which other progressive ways of connecting metals became available to mankind. Because of this, forging has lost its relevance
Shaft grinding: technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Today, shaft grinding is quite widely used in such an industry as mechanical engineering. This operation allows the preparation of parts that will have a small roughness, a slight deviation from the shape, etc
Horacio Pagani, founder of the Italian company Pagani Automobili S.p.A.: biography, study, career
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Horatio Raul Pagani - Founder of Pagani Automobili S.p.A. and creator of sports cars such as the Zonda and Huayra. Starting designing cars in Argentina, he worked with Renault and then moved to Italy to work for Lamborghini before starting his own supercar company
Inguri River: HPP. Inguri hydroelectric power station. Place of friendship between Georgia and Abkhazia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The reader is probably aware of the sad events of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. And today relations between these countries remain tense. However, there is a place of friendship between Georgia and the Republic of Abkhazia, but forced friendship. This is the hydroelectric power station on the Enguri, one of the most striking and beautiful in the world
JSC "Bogoslovsky Aluminum Plant"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
JSC "Bogoslovsky Aluminum Plant" is one of the leading enterprises of the non-ferrous industry of the Russian Federation. Founded in 1940, it was one of the main aluminum producers in the country. Today BAZ specializes in the production of alumina and components for powder metallurgy
Meat massager - classification
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Special equipment is used for meat processing. There are several types of meat processing units. This classification depends entirely on the purpose of a particular device
Biological Waste Recycling Highlights
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
To reduce the level of environmental pollution, special furnaces are used to dispose of biological waste. This process is carried out on the basis of the existing waste classification
An-22 Antey transport aircraft: specifications, fuel supply, design
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Transport aircraft An-22 "Antey": history of creation, interesting facts, photos, features. An-22 transport aircraft: overview, characteristics, engines, competitors, analogues, operation
Production of nitric acid in industry: technology, stages, features
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Nitric acid is one of the most demanded substances in various fields of production. How is it commercially produced?
Pulse welding: advantages and possibilities
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Semi-automatic welding in protective gas environments is by far the most advanced technological approach to the implementation of metal joints. But even this group of welding methods is not free from shortcomings, which manifest themselves both in the splashing of the melt and in the difficulties of maintaining the standard parameters of the arc. Pulse welding, which requires the use of special equipment and compliance with special organizational rules, helped to solve these problems in many ways
Argon welding: equipment and work technology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Argon welding method (TIG system) is mainly used to work with thin-walled workpieces with a thickness of no more than 6 mm. According to the execution configuration and types of metal available for maintenance, this technology can be called universal. The limitations of the scope of argon welding are determined only by its low efficiency in working with large volumes. The technique focuses on high accuracy of the operation, but with large resources
Low-current system: design, layout and maintenance
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Wiring systems that provide us with a comfortable and convenient life have their own installation and design rules. A low-voltage system must comply with regulations, then the information coming to you will be uninterrupted, reliable and securely connected. How to do it? Read
Defects of rails and their classification. Rail defect designation structure
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Currently, people are actively using the railway. Delivery of various types of cargo by this route is the main type of transportation. However, due to the large weight of the trains themselves, as well as the cargo they carry, there is a strong pressure on the rails. Defects in these objects are a fairly common occurrence, which must be eliminated immediately
"Moskva", missile cruiser. Guards missile cruiser "Moskva" - the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
When was Moskva commissioned? The missile cruiser was launched already in 1982, but its official use begins only in 1983
Vityaz air defense system - planned replacement of S-300P
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The Vityaz medium-range air defense system is designed to replace the S-300P systems currently on combat duty. This does not mean that the latter are outdated, just for obvious reasons, one should not wait for such a situation
PK Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant LLC: employee reviews, TIN
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (NEVZ) is one of the leading manufacturers of mainline and industrial electric locomotives in the world. According to statistics, about 80% of all passenger and freight traffic in the Russian Federation and in the post-Soviet space is carried out by locomotives produced in Novocherkassk, Rostov Region. The company is part of Transmashholding Group of Companies
JSC "Demikhovskiy Machine Building Plant"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Demikhovskiy Machine-Building Plant has been producing multiple-unit rolling stock for more than 20 years. During this time, the company has developed more than two dozen different types of electronic trains. And the production has more than 8,000 wagons
A400 class fittings: characteristics, application
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
A wide selection of various kinds of metal products allows not only to strengthen structures to the required level, thereby creating reliable buildings, but also greatly affects the process of erecting any objects, speeding it up several times
Mastic "Hyperdesmo". Waterproofing "Hyperdesmo": instructions for use
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
"Hyperdesmo" - waterproofing, which has outstanding technical characteristics and is easy to use. The scope of this material is quite wide
Leopard tanks claim world leadership
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In 1956, the Leopard tanks opened a new page in the history of the German military industry. The first prototype was assembled in Germany in 1965. Having successfully passed field tests, Leopard-1 becomes the main battle tank. Serial production starts
Floating nuclear power plant "Akademik Lomonosov". Floating nuclear power plant "Northern Lights"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
A new word in the use of peaceful atom - a floating nuclear power plant - innovations of Russian designers. In the world today, such projects are the most promising for providing electricity to settlements for which local resources are not enough. And these are offshore developments in the Arctic, and the Far East, and Crimea. The floating nuclear power plant, which is being built at the B altic Shipyard, is already attracting great interest from domestic and foreign investors
RPK-16 machine gun: specifications. Kalashnikov light machine gun
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
At the international presentation of weapons "Army-2016", held in September 2016, the RPK-16 machine gun, the brainchild of domestic gunsmiths, was demonstrated. It will be discussed in this article